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Control of Bacterial Virulence through the Peptide Signature of the Habitat
Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry. Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR).
Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry. Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR).ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7301-8445
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2019 (English)In: Cell Reports, E-ISSN 2211-1247, Vol. 26, no 7, p. 1815-1827Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

To optimize fitness, pathogens selectively activate their virulence program upon host entry. Here, we report that the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes exploits exogenous oligopeptides, a ubiquitous organic N source, to sense the environment and control the activity of its virulence transcriptional activator, PrfA. Using a genetic screen in adsorbent- treated ( PrfA-inducing) medium, we found that PrfA is functionally regulated by the balance between activating and inhibitory nutritional peptides scavenged via the Opp transport system. Activating peptides provide essential cysteine precursor for the PrfA-inducing cofactor glutathione ( GSH). Non-cysteine-containing peptides cause promiscuous PrfA inhibition. Biophysical and co-crystallization studies reveal that peptides inhibit PrfA through steric blockade of the GSH binding site, a regulation mechanism directly linking bacterial virulence and metabolism. L. monocytogenes mutant analysis in macrophages and our functional data support a model in which changes in the balance of antagonistic Oppimported oligopeptides promote PrfA induction intra-cellularly and PrfA repression outside the host.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2019. Vol. 26, no 7, p. 1815-1827
National Category
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-156873DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.073ISI: 000458403600013PubMedID: 30759392Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85060870276OAI:, id: diva2:1295481
Available from: 2019-03-11 Created: 2019-03-11 Last updated: 2024-01-17Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Disarming bacteria: a structure-based approach to design an anti-virulence drug against Listeria monocytogenes
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Disarming bacteria: a structure-based approach to design an anti-virulence drug against Listeria monocytogenes
2021 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Avväpning av bakterier : ett strukturellt tillvägagångssätt för utvecklingen av ett anti-virulent läkemedel mot Listeria monocytogenes
Abstract [en]

Antibiotic resistances are one of the biggest threats to global health and if we don’t change our behavior and way of using antibiotics we will end up in a ‘post-antibiotic era’, in which common infections and minor injuries can once kill again and up to 10 million deaths per year may occur by 2050. Therefore, there is a high need for new anti-bacterial drugs, especially of alternatives to existing antibiotics with already described resistances. Classical antibiotics target the essential processes of survival and growth in bacteria and therefore put a high selective pressure on them to develop resistances. In contrast, the ability to infect or damage a host, the virulence, is less essential for bacteria. Thus, targeting the virulence is supposed to cause a lower selective pressure and this alternative mode-of-action could help to decelerate the development of antibiotic resistances.

The aims in this work were to proceed with the structure-based design of an anti-virulence drug against the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, but also to deepen our understanding of the complex regulation system for the virulence of this bacterium. PrfA, the master regulator of virulence in Listeria monocytogenes, is a member of a large family of bacterial transcription factors, which are regulated by a conformational change and allosteric modulation by different regulator molecules. Furthermore, its critical role in virulence regulations makes is a suitable target for an anti-virulence drug. In this work new lead compounds based on the previously identified ring-fused 2-pyridone scaffold were designed, synthesized and analyzed by different biological, biophysical, computational and structural biology methods. Three new binding sites and binding modes of these compounds in PrfA were evaluated for their potential use in future designs and a compound with improved activity was identified. In a second study another structurally different lead compound was discovered to inhibit PrfA. Furthermore, the studies on proposed natural regulators of PrfA uncovered the underlying mechanism for the virulence regulation by the peptide signature of the environment and in a follow-up study the structural basis of the binding of inhibitory peptides to PrfA was further investigated. Finally, a structural review on all available structure of PrfA provided more insights into the allosteric regulation mechanism of PrfA activity.

This work will hopefully support in the successful development of an anti-virulence drug against Listeria monocytogenes and thus contribute to the reduction of the problem of antibiotic resistances.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Umeå: Umeå University, 2021. p. 91
antibiotic resistances, anti-virulence drug, Listeria monocytogenes, virulence regulation, PrfA, structure-based drug design, ring-fused 2-pyridones, allosteric regulation
National Category
Structural Biology Medicinal Chemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Research subject
Biochemistry; medicinal chemistry; molecular cell biology; Medical Biochemistry; Molecular Biology
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-188507 (URN)978-91-7855-677-9 (ISBN)978-91-7855-676-2 (ISBN)
Public defence
2021-11-04, Glasburen, KBC + Zoom, Linnaeus väg 6, Umeå, 10:00 (English)
Available from: 2021-10-14 Created: 2021-10-11 Last updated: 2022-01-28Bibliographically approved

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Grundström, ChristinOelker, MelanieSauer-Eriksson, A. Elisabeth

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Grundström, ChristinOelker, MelanieSauer-Eriksson, A. Elisabeth
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