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Skolämnet Hem- och konsumentkunskap på 2000-talet: förutsättningar för elevers möjlighet till måluppfyllelse
Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Food and Nutrition.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6603-2521
2016 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)Alternative title
The school subject Home and Consumer Studies in the 2000s : conditions for pupils' opportunity to reach the goals in the subject (English)
Abstract [en]

Background People are faced with a variety of consumer choices every day. If they do not have adequate and appropriate knowledge their choices create a greater risk of negative effects for the environment and the economy, and also for the individual's personal health and economic circumstances. Home and Consumer Studies (HC-studies) provides school pupils with educational opportunities on which to base their choice decisions.

Aim The overall aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the impact of frame factors such as, for example, teachers’ qualifications, classrooms, lesson time, interdisciplinary work and group work on the educational experience, focusing on pupils' opportunities for goal achievement in an HC-studies context.

Methods Two different methods were used to obtain data, 1) surveys and 2) classroom observations. One nationwide survey were sent out in 2010 to people working with HC-studies (N=385) and two surveys were sent out in 2014, one to people working with the five subjects HC-studies, Physical Education and Health, Chemistry, Physics and Biology (n=388), and one to head teachers (N=216). All three surveys involved municipal and independent schools. The observations were carried out in four different schools in grades 5, 8 and 9, when pupils worked in the kitchen units and were made using video and audio recording. In total, 44 pupils participated.

Results The surveys showed that the HC-studies teacher qualifications were higher in municipality schools compared to independent schools (86% vs 39%). Classrooms with 4 – 10 kitchen units were more common in the municipality schools than independent schools (94% vs 71%). Among teachers in the five subjects HC-studies, Physical Education and Health, Chemistry, Physics and Biology, as well as Head teachers, about half stated that the school they worked in, or had the responsibility for, used interdisciplinary teaching in the area of nutrition and health. Regarding barriers to interdisciplinary teaching, teachers and head teachers both considered a lack of planning time and scheduling to be the biggest problems.

Video and audio recordings showed that lesson time, in combination with the amount of content to be delivered during the lesson, led to stressed and insecure pupils, and both teachers and pupils seemed to have a strong focus on the end result; the meal. Some pupils used a variety of strategies to change the cooking in order to have more chance of completing the process on time. Four different ways in which pupils worked together in the kitchen units emerged: 1) integrated, 2) expert, 3) divided, and 4) parallel group work. Integrated group work seemed to provide opportunities for learning because pupils communicated with each other, discussed how they would divide the cooking within the group, who should do what and how they would work so that everyone could take part in the cooking. The other three types of groups did not seem conductive to learning. Many pupils in these groups did not communicate and were not able to show their skills and creativity. It also emerged that, if they got the chance, pupils chose tasks about which they already had some knowledge.

Conclusions This thesis highlights various conditions shaping pupil opportunity to reach goals in the subject. The study raises many questions about the extent to which pupils around the country have the same opportunity to reach goals in the HC-studies syllabus.

Abstract [sv]

Bakgrund Idag ställs vi som samhällsmedborgare inför en mängd olika val varje dag, val som påverkar både hälsa, ekonomi och miljö. Om vi inte har kunskap om vilka val vi kan göra, riskerar det att få negativa effekter både på miljö och samhällsekonomi men även för individens personliga hälsa och ekonomi. Hem- och konsumentkunskap (HK) skulle med rätt förutsättningar kunna vara en värdefull arena för människors möjlighet att ta del av en hälsofrämjande undervisning, vilket behövs allt mer i vårt samhälle. Sedan 1962, när grundskolan infördes i Sverige, har ämnet varit obligatoriskt både för pojkar och flickor. Ämnet är idag det minsta sett till antalet timmar, med totalt 118 timmar under grundskolans nio år. Detta gör att ämnets begränsade tid behöver tas tillvara och lärare behöver ges förutsättningar för att kunna bidra till att eleverna når kursplanens uppställda mål.

Mot bakgrund av detta var syftet i denna avhandling att beskriva och analysera ramfaktorers inverkan på undervisningen, med fokus på elevers möjlighet till måluppfyllelse i en HK-kontext.

Metoder Två olika metoder användes för att inhämta material; 1) enkäter och 2) klassrumsobservationer. Tre rikstäckande enkäter skickades ut 2010 och 2014 till kommunala och fristående skolor. Länk till enkät 1 skickades via e-post till HK-lärare, enkät 2 till lärare i fem skolämnen; HK, kemi, fysik, biologi samt idrott och hälsa och länk till enkät 3 skickades till skolledare. Observationerna genomfördes i fyra olika skolor i årskurs 5, 8 och 9 när eleverna arbetade praktiskt i köksenheterna. Observationerna gjordes med hjälp av video- och ljudinspelning och totalt deltog 44 elever.

Resultat och slutsatser Avhandlingen undersöker ett antal ramfaktorers inverkan på elever och lärare i HK. Med hjälp av enkät 1 gjordes en kartläggning av praktiska förutsättningar för HK runt om i Sverige, bland annat lärares utbildning, klassrummets utformning samt lektionslängd i årskurs 8 och 9. När det gällde behörigheten hade de kommunala skolorna 86% behöriga lärare medan endast 39% var behöriga i de fristående skolorna. När det gällde klassrum hade 88% av skolorna ett fullt utrustat klassrum (fyra till tio köksenheter). Det kommunala skolorna hade i högre utsträckning fullt utrustat klassrum jämfört med fristående skolorna (94% respektive 71%, vilket visade på en signifikant skillnad). Lektionslängden varierade för årskurs 8 och 9. I årskurs 8 hade 44% 120 min eller längre lektioner. I årskurs 9 var motsvarande siffra 32%.

Med hjälp av enkät 2 och 3 kartlades förekomsten av ämnesövergripande arbete inom området kost och hälsa samt eventuella hinder för ett sådant arbetssätt i den svenska grundskolan. Ungefär hälften av både lärare och skolledare angav att den skola de arbetade på eller hade ansvar över arbetade ämnesövergripande kring området kost och hälsa. När det gällde eventuella hinder för ämnesövergripande arbete ansåg både lärare och skolledare att brist på planeringstid och problem med schemaläggning var de största hindren, men lärare såg båda dessa som betydligt större hinder än vad skolledare gjorde.

Med hjälp av observationerna undersöktes om och i så fall på vilket sätt elever och lärare påverkades av lektionstiden samt vilka olika typer av grupparbeten som förekom när eleverna arbetade tillsammans i köksenheterna. Lektionstiden i relation till mängden uppgifter medförde stressade och osäkra elever. Både lärare och elever verkade ha stort fokus på slutresultatet. Elever uttryckte även en rädsla för att inte få ett godkänt betyg om de inte blev klara med matlagningen i tid. En del elever använde olika strategier för att förändra matlagningen för att ha större chans att hinna klart i tid. De kunde till exempel anpassa receptet, utesluta en jäsning vid bakning med jäst och/eller modifiera matlagningen genom att göra mindre bitar för snabbare tillagning.

När det gällde samarbete utkristalliserades fyra olika sätt på vilket eleverna arbetade tillsammans i köksenheterna: 1) integrerat grupparbete, 2) expertgrupparbete, 3) delat grupparbete och 4) parallellt grupparbete. Integrerat grupparbete såg ut att ge förutsättningar för lärande eftersom eleverna kommunicerade med varandra, diskuterade hur de skulle lägga upp matlagningen, vem som skulle göra vad och hur de skulle arbeta så att alla fick ta del av undervisningen. De andra tre typerna av grupper såg inte ut att främja lärande. Många elever i dessa grupper kommunicerade inte tydligt med varandra och hade inte heller möjlighet att visa sin skicklighet och kreativitet vilket finns skrivet i både Kursplan 2000 och Lgr 11 som något som eleverna ska utveckla och visa i undervisningen. Om dessa grupper dessutom är bestående under flera veckor blir en trolig konsekvens att vissa elever har försämrade förutsättningar till måluppfyllelse. Det som också framkom vid analysen av observationerna var att eleverna i det praktiska arbetet valde att göra det de redan hade kunskaper om, om de fick chansen att välja själva.

Avhandlingen har belyst olika förutsättningar för elevers möjlighet till måluppfyllelse i HK. Studien väcker många frågor om huruvida elever runt om i landet ges likvärdiga förutsättningar att nå målen i kursplanen.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Umeå: Umeå universitet , 2016. , p. 84
Keywords [sv]
Lärande, ramfaktorer, grundskola, hem- och konsumentkunskap
National Category
Research subject
Food and Nutrition
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-120481ISBN: 978-91-7601-498-1 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:928928
Public defence
2016-06-10, Hörsal C, samhällsvetarhuset, Umeå, 13:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2016-05-20 Created: 2016-05-17 Last updated: 2024-07-02Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Practical conditions for home and consumer studies in Swedish compulsory education: a survey study
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Practical conditions for home and consumer studies in Swedish compulsory education: a survey study
2013 (English)In: International Journal of Consumer Studies, ISSN 1470-6423, E-ISSN 1470-6431, Vol. 37, no 5, p. 556-563Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of the study was to map the field of internal and external conditions that Swedish Home and Consumer Studies teachers and pupils have contend with. A questionnaire was constructed and delivered online in November 2010. It contained 27 question covering teacher qualification, quality of premises and equipment, lesson time and collaboration, and the use of national syllabi. A total of 385 persons across the country answered the questionnaire; about 21% of those teaching Home and Consumer Studies in Swedish compulsory school during the school year 2009–2010. These respondents taught in a total of 392 compulsory schools, which equalled about 22% of the schools teaching grades 7–9 in Sweden. Almost a quarter (23%) of the teachers lacked formal training for Home and Consumer Studies. Respondents without an appropriate degree qualification included those trained as nursery school teachers, dietitians and civil engineers. As regards classrooms, while 88% of respondents reported access to fully equipped kitchens with stoves, sinks and work surfaces, 5% used regular classrooms and the remainder were obliged to come up with alternative solutions, such as using portable kitchens in regular classrooms or conducting their lessons in the school restaurant. This study raises many questions about the quality of Home and Consumer Studies provision in a number of schools. The local deficiencies in the nationally decided frame factors for Home and Consumer Studies found by the present study gives us reason to doubt that all pupils achieve the overall learning goals of ‘knowing in practice’ and making informed choices utilizing environmental, economic and health perspectives. This might affect the health and economy of the individuals in the long run, with implications for the national economy and public health. On the basis of these findings, we therefore recommend that current conditions for Home and Consumer Studies and how the subject should operate in schools become a focus for national debate.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
Home Economics, Education, Frame factors, Teacher education, Learning, Hem- och konsumentkunskap, grundskola, ramfaktorer, lärande
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Food and Nutrition
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-79168 (URN)10.1111/ijcs.12027 (DOI)000322709000011 ()2-s2.0-84881377518 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2013-08-12 Created: 2013-08-12 Last updated: 2023-03-24Bibliographically approved
2. Interdisciplinary work regarding nutrition and health in Swedish compulsory school: a survey study
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Interdisciplinary work regarding nutrition and health in Swedish compulsory school: a survey study
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(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The Swedish National Agency for Education state that implementation of education should involve possibilities for pupils to work interdisciplinary and experience knowledge in different ways. The aim of the study was to explore the presence of interdisciplinary work related to the content of nutrition and health in Swedish compulsory school, and factors influencing interdisciplinary work. To investigate this, two web-based nationwide questionnaires were sent out in 2014 to compulsory schools in Sweden. One questionnaire was aimed at teachers in five subjects: Home and Consumer Studies, Physical Education and Health, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The second questionnaire was aimed at head teachers. A total of 388 teachers and 216 head teachers answered the respective questionnaires. The study showed that 40% of the teachers and 59% of the head teachers reported that their school worked interdisciplinary regarding nutrition and health. Lack of time for planning and scheduling problems were seen as the main barriers by both teachers and head teachers. A pre-requisite for interdisciplinary work to be successful is that teachers have a chance to meet and plan, and the study indicate that frame factors have a critical impact on what is possible to perform regarding interdisciplinary work in Swedish schools. Improving the interdisciplinary work regarding nutrition and health might increase the potential for schools to achieve the overall goal of pupils gaining knowledge and understanding of the importance of their lifestyle for health, the environment and society.

Interdisciplinary work, nutrition and health, compulsory school, frame factors
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Food and Nutrition
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-120495 (URN)
Available from: 2016-05-17 Created: 2016-05-17 Last updated: 2024-03-22
3. The importance of time frames in Swedish Home and Consumer Studies
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The importance of time frames in Swedish Home and Consumer Studies
2016 (English)In: International Journal of Consumer Studies, ISSN 1470-6423, E-ISSN 1470-6431, Vol. 40, no 3, p. 299-308Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this study was to explore how time frames affect pupils and teachers in cooking activities during lessons of different durations for Home and Consumer Studies, with a specific focus on the pupils’ experiences. To investigate this, classroom observations were carried out in 2011 and 2012, with the help of audio and video recordings in three different schools in Sweden and included altogether 22 pupils (18 girls, 4 boys) in grade 9 (15–16 years). Each class was observed during two separate lessons, lasting between 1 h 50 minutes (110 minutes) and 2 h 20 minutes (140 minutes). The six lessons resulted in 12 hours of video recorded time and 80 hours of sound recordings.

The study showed that the importance of finishing on time seemed to be ingrained in most pupils in all classes and the end result was perceived as more important than the process of cooking. The study also showed that knowledge of cooking skills and time management seemed important for success in grade-related tasks. Pupils demonstrated different ways of handling the time frames, e.g. using various methods to speed up the cooking process. This study raises important questions about the relationship between national and local time frames and the curriculum aims in Home and Consumer Studies. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Home and Consumer Studies, Frame factors, Compulsory education, Time frames, Time management, Cooking, Stress, Audio and video observations
National Category
Other Social Sciences Educational Sciences
Research subject
Food and Nutrition
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-112155 (URN)10.1111/ijcs.12256 (DOI)000373907600006 ()2-s2.0-84962176142 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2015-12-03 Created: 2015-12-03 Last updated: 2024-07-02Bibliographically approved
4. Group work interaction among pupils In Home and Consumer Studies in Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Group work interaction among pupils In Home and Consumer Studies in Sweden
2016 (English)In: International Journal of Home Economics, E-ISSN 1999-561X, Vol. 9, no 1, p. 35-53Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of the study was to describe and analyze different types of group work during Home and Consumer Studies lessons in four Swedish schools, located in two different municipalities. Observations of pupils' practical tasks were carried out in six classrooms, and video/sound recorded. Study participants totaled 44 pupils (11 – 16 years old). Qualitative content analysis of the observations showed four different types of group work; 1) integrated, 2) expert (appointed by the kitchen partner/s and self-appointed), 3) divided, and 4) parallel. The most important finding was that pupils belonging to a self-appointed expert group, a divided group or a parallel group did not have the best conditions for learning. The integrated type appeared more conducive to individual learning than the other three. As a result, teachers have to be aware that non-functioning group work can negatively impact pupils' possibility of achieving the grade-related tasks for the subject. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
International Federation for Home Economics, 2016
collaboration, Home Economics, compulsory school, learning, frame factors
National Category
Research subject
Food and Nutrition
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-120496 (URN)

Originally included in thesis in manuscript form.

Available from: 2016-05-17 Created: 2016-05-17 Last updated: 2024-07-02Bibliographically approved

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