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Maxantalet träffar du kan exportera från sökgränssnittet är 250. Vid större uttag använd dig av utsökningar.
  • 1.
    Andersson, Elias
    et al.
    Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden.
    Johansson, Maria
    Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
    Lidestav, Gun
    Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden.
    Lindberg, Malin
    Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
    Constituting gender and gender equality through policy: the political of gender mainstreaming in the Swedish forest industry2018Inngår i: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, ISSN 2040-7149, E-ISSN 2040-7157, Vol. 37, nr 8, s. 763-779Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose: In Sweden, gender mainstreaming policies have a long political history. As part of the national gender equality strategy of the Swedish forest industry, the ten largest forestry companies committed themselves to gender mainstream their policies. Limiting the impact of policies and the agency of change, the purpose of this paper is to focus on the varied and conflicting meanings and constitution of the concepts, the problem and, in extent, the organisational realities of gender mainstreaming.

    Design/methodology/approach: In both, implementation and practice, gender mainstreaming posse challenges on various levels and by analysing these documents as practical texts from the WPR-approach. This paper explores constructions of gender and gender equality and their implications on the practice and the political of gender mainstreaming in a male-dominated primary industry.

    Findings: The results show that the organisations themselves were not constituted as the subject of the policy but instead some of the individuals (women). The subject position of women represented in company policy was one of lacking skills and competences and in the need of help. Not only men and the masculine norms but organisational processes and structures were also generally invisible in the material. Power and conflict were mainly absent from the understanding of gender equality. Instead, consenting ideas of gender equality were the focus. Such conceptualisations of gender equality are beneficial for all risk concealing power structures and thereby limit the political space for change.

    Originality/value: By highlighting the scale of policy and the significance of organisational contexts, the results indicate how gender and gender equality are constitutive through the governing technologies of neoliberal and market-oriented ideologies in policy – emphasising the further limiting of space for structural change and politicalization within the male-dominated organisations of Swedish forest industry.

  • 2.
    Andersson, Glenn
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Kommunikation mellan under- och byggentreprenör2015Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 180 hpOppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien är utförd som en fallstudie på ett om- och tillbyggnadsprojekt av Östervångskolan, Lund. Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse hur kommunikationen fungerar mellan under- och byggentreprenörer, ta reda på vilka störningar och missförstånd som kunde påverka kommunikationen och vilka kommunikationsvägar som tillämpas på arbetsplatsen. Forskaren iakttar och studerar hur byggstyrningsmöten fungerar på arbetsplatsen.

    För att undersöka hur dem som idag arbetar som under- och byggentreprenör på Östervångskolan ansåg om kommunikationen och byggstyrningsmötena har metoden kvalitativa intervjuer utförts. Dessa gav ett resultat som sedan tolkats och analyserats.

    Slutsatsen av studien är att kommunikationen fungerade bra, dock att det finns brister som kan åtgärdas. En av bristerna som framkom är att mötesprotokollet för detta projekt kan förbättras och förslaget till detta är att införa en whiteboardtavla i byggboden där underentreprenörer sedan kan anteckna frågor och funderingar. Dessa kan sedan behandlas av arbetsledare och tas upp på kommande

    möte för att skapa bättre engagemang hos de deltagande. Fler åtgärder på bristerna i kommunikationen finns att läsa under kategorin: slutsats.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
    Kommunikation mellan under- och byggentreprenör
  • 3.
    Andersson, Sara
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Evaluation of the radiation protection at the new radiotherapy treatment department at the University Hospital of Umeå2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    At the University Hospital of Umeå, NUS, a new radiation treatment department is being built. The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the actual radiation protection outside three out of five treatment rooms in the building, including two Varian and one Siemens accelerator, and to verify that the radiation limits for the staff and the general public, stated by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, are obeyed.

    The evaluation of the radiation protection shielding is made through measurements. The nominal photon beam energies 6 and 15 MV (dose rates up to 500 MU/min) can be used, which means that both photons and neutrons will contribute to the effective dose. For the photon measurements, two different GM counters have been used and for the neutron measurements a Neutron detector with a polyethylene moderator and a 3He recoil proton counter tube was applied. The thesis also includes a literature study of the photon and neutron energy spectra outside the treatment rooms in order to check that the measurement equipments are suitable to use.

    The measured doses of the radiation shielding are below the radiation limits per week and year but the measurements indicate too high values per hour, i.e. momentary dose rate, at the height of isocenter of the primary walls and at the gap under the door for all three accelerators. The rooms with the Varian accelerators also show too high values per hour at the secondary wall where the door is attached. However, the limiting value per hour is only a recommendation and no extra reinforcement in therefore required. Nevertheless, one should avoid placing a workplace, for example a writing desk, close to the secondary and primary walls.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 4.
    Björ, Linn
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Utredning av lämplig laddinfrastruktur för elbilar och laddhybrider i Umeå2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Fulltekst (pdf)
    Utredning av lämplig laddinfrastruktur för elbilar och laddhybrider i Umeå
  • 5.
    Bränberg, Agneta
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Holmgren, Ulf
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Forskningsanknytning av grundutbildning: en praktisk analysmetod2015Inngår i: 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för ingenjörsutbildningar: Proceedings, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 2015, s. 51-55Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Forskningsanknytning av grundutbildning kan och ska inte enbart vara fokuserad på att våra lärare är forskare. Det är så mycket mer kopplat till den. Som så många gånger när världen ser komplex ut är det lätt att man förenklar den alltför mycket. I denna artikel försöker vi vidga begreppen. Vi presenterar en analysmodell i form av ett fyrfältsdiagram, som kan byggas ut med en progressionsskala. Modellen som presenteras är ett verktyg som kan fungera både för analys av och som utgångspunkt för diskussioner om forskningsanknytning av ingenjörsutbildningar.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 6. Carlsson, Anna
    et al.
    Lundälv, Jörgen
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för kirurgisk och perioperativ vetenskap, Kirurgi.
    Olyckor och skador hos rollatoranvändare i trafikmiljön2020Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrund: Rollatorn uppfanns 1978 i Västerås av Aina Wifalk. Idag är Sverige det rullator-tätaste landet i världen och det förskrivs ca 60 000 rullatorer per år. SCB beräknade 2007 att 240 000 personer använde rollator, bland dem ingick var tredje person över 80 år. 2014 fanns 499 000 personer i åldern 80+ i Sverige, år 2030 beräknas antalet ha ökat till 826 000 och 2060 så många som 1 210 000. Om kvoten rollatoranvändare kvarstår kan vi alltså år 2060 räkna med 720 000 rollatoranvändare, bara i åldersgruppen 80+.

    Användare av rollatorer tillhör gruppen oskyddade trafikanter, men är sällan uppmärk­sammade i trafiksäkerhetskontexten. Syftet med studien är därför att analysera olycks- och skadedata, som inrapporterats till den nationella databasen STRADA, där användare av rollatorer varit involverade. Resultatet av studien ger värdefull kunskap om risker och hinder som användare av rollator utsätts för i olika typer av trafikmiljöer. Syftet är också att studien ska kunna bidra till att förbättra rörligheten för denna grupp på lång sikt.

    Metod: Studien baseras på olycks- och skadedata från totalt 2 020 rapporterade olyckor med rollator. Inledningsvis undersöktes om antalet rollatorolyckor ökar, minskar eller är konstant över tid. Därefter registrerades varje olycka som antingen ”singel” (N=1 668) eller ”kollision” (N=352).

    Resultat och slutsats: Studien visade på en nästan fördubbling av antalet rollatorrelaterade olyckor i Sverige under perioden 2007–2016. Vidare var ca tre gånger fler kvinnor än män involverade i olyckor med rollator. I en majoritet av singelolyckorna slog användaren i marken. Många av singelolyckorna orsakades av nivåskillnader/kanter, ojämnt underlag eller snubbling. Bilar, lastbilar eller bussar var inblandade i 79% av kollisionerna. Dessa inträffade ofta vid parkeringsplatser, korsningar eller vägsträcka; i många av fallen blev rollatoranvändaren påbackad.

  • 7. Chen, Yuqing
    et al.
    Kang, Yuqiong
    Zhao, Yun
    Wang, Li
    Liu, Jilei
    Li, Yanxi
    Liang, Zheng
    He, Xiangming
    Li, Xing
    Tavajohi Hassan Kiadeh, Naser
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Kemiska institutionen.
    Li, Baohua
    A review of lithium-ion battery safety concerns: the issues, strategies, and testing standards2021Inngår i: Journal of Energy Chemistry, ISSN 2095-4956, E-ISSN 2096-885X, Vol. 59, s. 83-99Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Efficient and reliable energy storage systems are crucial for our modern society. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) with excellent performance are widely used in portable electronics and electric vehicles (EVs), but frequent fires and explosions limit their further and more widespread applications. This review summarizes aspects of LIB safety and discusses the related issues, strategies, and testing standards. Specifically, it begins with a brief introduction to LIB working principles and cell structures, and then provides an overview of the notorious thermal runaway, with an emphasis on the effects of mechanical, electrical, and thermal abuse. The following sections examine strategies for improving cell safety, including approaches through cell chemistry, cooling, and balancing, afterwards describing current safety standards and corresponding tests. The review concludes with insights into potential future developments and the prospects for safer LIBs.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 8.
    Dahlberg, Joakim
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Eye Tracking with Eye Glasses2010Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    This study is concerned with the negative effects of wearing corrective lenses while using eye trackers, and the correction of those negative effects. The eye tracker technology studied is the video based real-time Pupil Center and Corneal Reflection method. With a user study, the wearing of eyeglasses is shown to cause 20 % greater errors in the accuracy of an eye tracker than when not wearing glasses. The error is shown to depend on where on the eye tracker viewing area the user is looking.

    A model for ray refraction when wearing glasses was developed. Measurements on distortions on the image of the eye caused by eyeglass lenses were carried out. The distortions were analyzed with eye tracking software to determine their impact on the image-to-world coordinates mapping. A typical dependence of 1 mm relative distance change on cornea to 9 degrees of visual field was found.

    The developed mathematical/physiological model for eyeglasses focuses on artifacts not possible to accommodate for with existing calibration methods, primarily varying combinations of viewing angles and head rotations. The main unknown in the presented model is the effective strength of the glasses. Automatic identification is discussed. The model presented here is general in nature and needs to be developed further in order to be a part of a specific application.


    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 9.
    Dahlberg, Tobias
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Stangner, Tim
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Hanqing, Zhang
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Wiklund, Krister
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Lundberg, Petter
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Edman, Ludvig
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Andersson, Magnus
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    3D printed water-soluble scaffolds for rapid production of PDMS micro-fluidic flow chambers2018Inngår i: Scientific Reports, E-ISSN 2045-2322, Vol. 8, nr 1, artikkel-id 3372Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    We report a novel method for fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) biocompatible micro-fluidic flow chambers in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) by 3D-printing water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) filaments as master scaffolds. The scaffolds are first embedded in the PDMS and later residue-free dissolved in water leaving an inscription of the scaffolds in the hardened PDMS. We demonstrate the strength of our method using a regular, cheap 3D printer, and evaluate the inscription process and the channels micro-fluidic properties using image analysis and digital holographic microscopy. Furthermore, we provide a protocol that allows for direct printing on coverslips and we show that flow chambers with a channel cross section down to 40 x 300 μm can be realized within 60 min. These flow channels are perfectly transparent, biocompatible and can be used for microscopic applications without further treatment. Our proposed protocols facilitate an easy, fast and adaptable production of micro-fluidic channel designs that are cost-effective, do not require specialized training and can be used for a variety of cell and bacterial assays. To help readers reproduce our micro-fluidic devices, we provide: full preparation protocols, 3D-printing CAD files for channel scaffolds and our custom-made molding device, 3D printer build-plate leveling instructions, and G-code.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 10.
    Dzwilewski, Andrzej
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet, Fysik. Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet, Fysik.
    Talyzin, Alexandr
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet, Fysik. Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet, Fysik. Experimental Physics.
    Bromiley, G.
    Dub, S.
    Dubrovinsky, Leonid
    Characterization of phases synthesized close to the boundary of C60 collapse at high temperature high pressure conditions2007Inngår i: Diamond and related materials, ISSN 0925-9635, E-ISSN 1879-0062, Vol. 16, nr 8, s. 1550-1556Artikkel i tidsskrift (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [en]

    Two sets of samples were synthesized at high pressure high temperature conditions in the P-T region where C-60 molecules collapse into a nearly amorphous graphite-like hard carbon phase. For the first set, heating temperature was varied at fixed pressure and preparation time. For the second set, synthesis time was varied at fixed pressure and fixed temperature. Detailed structural characterization of samples was performed using Raman spectroscopy and powder XRD. Mechanical properties of the samples have been studied by nanoindentation method. It has been found that duration of heat treatment under high pressure is an important parameter which influences the temperature of fullerene cage collapse. Both tetragonal and rhombohedral polymeric phases transform into hard carbon phase over a rather narrow temperature interval, but the tetragonal phase shows somewhat increased stability against C-60 collapse. Viscoelastic mechanical behavior during nanoindentation was observed for fullerene polymers but not for graphite-like hard carbon phase. Possible mechanism for nucleation of the hard carbon phase in polymeric C-60 networks is discussed.

  • 11.
    Ekenstedt, Josefin
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Detecting time inefficiencies in service-oriented systems using distributed tracing2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Stragglers, which are tasks that operate significantly slower than other tasks in a system, are a big issue in distributed systems. A system can contain relatively few tasks that qualify as stragglers but that have a great impact on the overall system performance. For example, a study of a large data center showed that as few as 3.48 % of the tasks constituting various jobs were stragglers, and that these had a negative performance impact on almost 50 % of all total jobs. The purpose of this study is to utilize distributed tracing to detect stragglers in a service-oriented, distributed system. Distributed tracing is a tool that tracks requests across system boundaries and offers observability into which services a request has interacted with, and in which order. It also measures the duration of each service interaction which could act as a measurement for defining stragglers. Distributed tracing was utilized in this project to track a request in a case-study system constituting four nodes, to find services with straggling behavior. Specifically developed for this project was a program measuring the usage of CPU, memory, disk bandwidth and network bandwidth by a process. This program was used for services with which a request did interact, as well as for other services co-allocated on the same node. The metrics obtained were used as a basis when evaluating the reason for experienced straggling behavior. It was concluded that consuming certain resources together, for example CPU and memory, entailed straggling behavior. It was also shown that making conscious choices regarding how to co-allocate processes with respect to these results could improve a request round-trip time by up to 60 %. However, although time was insufficient to test this theory, it is believed that these results are highly system and application dependent and that the stragglers experienced in this project might not emerge in other systems. Therefore, it is believed that these experiments must be performed on each system of interest to get accurate results for that particular system. Nevertheless, these results demonstrate how severe the performance impact could possibly be due to stragglers caused by resource contention.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 12.
    Elfström, Rickard
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Visualising earth's magnetosphere interacting with the solar wind using numerical methods and semi-transparent surfaces2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Data visualization is a field dedicated to effectively showing large amounts of collected data. A field where data visualization has shown promising results in its ways to effectively answer questions is the fundamental research of the universe. This thesis describes how to visualize the Earth’s magnetosphere as it interacts with the solar wind, using numerical methods, semi-transparent surfaces, and contours in OpenSpace. A magnetosphere module was implemented into OpenSpace, and the OpenSpace GUI was extended to give the user a possibility to interact with the visualization. The implemented algorithm in the magnetosphere module was measured in terms of speed, robustness, and user understanding. The implementation made it possible to visualize a simple model of the Earth’s magnetosphere, both when it interacts and when it does not interact with the solar wind. The measured speed showed a trend of a linear increase when more magnetic field lines were added to the visualization, where the run time was low for all tests. The algorithm was shown to be robust in its creation of the magnetosphere. When asked about what the users thought of the implemented visualization, a majority were positive and thought it to be a good complement to learning about the Earth’s magnetosphere. For a realistic model, there is a possibility that the speed and robustness may get worse, but the results are good for a simple model. To make the visualization itself more informative, more highlights are needed for important parts of the structure, as well as different colors that differ on which surfaces belong to which geographical pole.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
    Bachelor Thesis Computer Science VT22
  • 13.
    Engström, Philip
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Thermal CFD simulations of Scania engine test cell2017Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    In engine development, measurements of thermal and mechanical engine perfor-mance is done in the so called engine test cell. In an ideal case, the engine test cell is designed to provide the same conditions as in a full truck installation. One of the most significant problems today is to understand the ventilation and the air dynamics in the test cell and how it affects the measurements. By the means of thermal CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations we can understand the flow characteristics in a way that is impossible by simple measurements. The aim of this project is thus to understand the air flow dynamics, how heat is distributed in the engine test cell and its influence on the measurements, by the use of CFD. The procedure was to do measurements on the engine and use the results as boundary conditions on the engine as well as for validation of the simulation results. Temper-ature measurements on points of the surface for boundary conditions and points in the air for simulation validation. A transient simulation was then performed for a complex engine model in the CFD software PowerFLOW. The resulting simulation predicted the temperature at air points right after the engine fan within a relative error of 6% and less good at the turbo area, within 68%. This means that our simulation method predicted the temperature and thus the complex mixing of air after the fan well enough, but poorly at the back of the engine. This may be due to problems with the measurements but also radiation effects and gas leakages in the test cell, not considered in the simulation. A shield was put over the engine, to resemble the case when installed in a truck, that showed to increase the heat trans-fer coefficients, h, up to 366%. We conclude that the measurements in the test cell are highly affected by the complexity of the air flow. For future work the internal heat generation can be included in the simulation in order to predict the surface temperatures. It is also of importance to evaluate the effects of radiation and the extent of exhaust gas recirculation in the engine test cell.

  • 14.
    Ericson, Carl
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Kontroll och uppdatering av AB Vimmerbyhus byggsystem2013Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
  • 15.
    Eriksson, Sara
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi (Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet).
    Quality by Design (QbD) in Biochemical Applications: Possibilities and Limitations2013Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
  • 16.
    Fjällström, Ludvig
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik.
    Vermelin, Leonard
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik.
    Kreditvärdighetsjusteringsmodell för ränteswappar2016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Before the global financial crisis around 2008, the priority of the credit margin

    was comparatively low and was not taken into consideration as much as today.

    Many actors believed that credit risk could be neglected at various valuations.

    Due to that a lot of parties went bankrupt because of the low priorities. Today,

    this is a natural component in the financial market due to the capital regulation

    CRR and the Capital requirement directives (CRD IV), which are directly

    related to Basel III. In this thesis the authors have created a Credit valuation

    adjustment model, or a CVA-model, on behalf of the consulting firm AGL who

    want to use it in negotiations of interest rate swap with financial institutions.

    Factors as expected exposure, loss given default and probability of default are

    estimated in order to estimate a fair value for CVA. As a final product, the authors

    have created a model in VBA that can price CVA for individual contracts.

    This model is then evaluated and a sensitivity analysis is performed to see what

    impact credit rating and maturity have on the result.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 17.
    Fries, Niklas
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik.
    Data-driven quality management using explainable machine learning and adaptive control limits2023Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    In industrial applications, the objective of statistical quality management is to achieve quality guarantees through the efficient and effective application of statistical methods. Historically, quality management has been characterized by a systematic monitoring of critical quality characteristics, accompanied by manual and experience-based root cause analysis in case of an observed decline in quality. Machine learning researchers have suggested that recent improvements in digitization, including sensor technology, computational power, and algorithmic developments, should enable more systematic approaches to root cause analysis.

    In this thesis, we explore the potential of data-driven approaches to quality management. This exploration is performed with consideration to an envisioned end product which consists of an automated data collection and curation system, a predictive and explanatory model trained on historical process and quality data, and an automated alarm system that predicts a decline in quality and suggests worthwhile interventions. The research questions investigated in this thesis relate to which statistical methods are relevant for the implementation of the product, how their reliability can be assessed, and whether there are knowledge gaps that prevent this implementation.

    This thesis consists of four papers: In Paper I, we simulated various types of process-like data in order to investigate how several dataset properties affect the choice of methods for quality prediction. These properties include the number of predictors, their distribution and correlation structure, and their relationships with the response. In Paper II, we reused the simulation method from Paper I to simulate multiple types of datasets, and used them to compare local explanation methods by evaluating them against a ground truth.

    In Paper III, we outlined a framework for an automated process adjustment system based on a predictive and explanatory model trained on historical data. Next, given a relative cost between reduced quality and process adjustments, we described a method for searching for a worthwhile adjustment policy. Several simulation experiments were performed to demonstrate how to evaluate such a policy.

    In Paper IV, we described three ways to evaluate local explanation methods on real-world data, where no ground truth is available for comparison. Additionally, we described four methods for decorrelation and dimension reduction, and describe the respective tradeoffs. These methods were evaluated on real-world process and quality data from the paint shop of the Volvo Trucks cab factory in Umeå, Sweden.

    During the work on this thesis, two significant knowledge gaps were identified: The first gap is a lack of best practices for data collection and quality control, preprocessing, and model selection. The other gap is that although there are many promising leads for how to explain the predictions of machine learning models, there is still an absence of generally accepted definitions for what constitutes an explanation, and a lack of methods for evaluating the reliability of such explanations.

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  • 18.
    Granberg, Christoffer
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Clinical evaluation of atlas based segmentation for radiotherapy of prostate tumours2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]




    Semi-automated segmentation using deformable registration of atlases consisting of pre-segmented patient images can facilitate the tedious task of delineating structures and organs in patients subjected to radiotherapy planning. However, a generic atlas based on a single patient may not function well enough due to the anatomical variation between patients. Fusion of segmentation proposals from multiple atlases has the potential to provide a better segmentation due to a more complete representation of the anatomical variation.


    The main goal of the present study was to investigate potential operator timesavings from use of atlas-based segmentation compared to manual segmentation of patients with prostate cancer. It was also anticipated that, and evaluated if, the use of semi-automated segmentation workflows would reduce the operator dependent variations in delineation.

    Materials and Methods

    A commercial atlas-based segmentation software (VelocityAI from Nucletron AB) was used with several atlases of consistently, protocol based, delineated CT images to create multiple-atlas segmentation proposals through deformable registration. The atlas that was considered most representative was selected to construct single generic atlas segmentation proposals. For fusion of the multiple-atlas segmentations an in-house developed algorithm, which includes information of local registration success was used in a MATLAB-environment[1]. The algorithm used weighted distance map calculations where weights represent probabilities of improving the segmentation results. Based on results from Sjöberg and Ahnesjö the probabilities were estimated using the cross correlation image similarity measure evaluated over a region within a certain distance from the segmentation.

    10 patients were included in the study. Each patient was delineated three times, (a) manually by the radiation oncologist, (b) with a generic single-atlas segmentation and (c) with a fusion of multiple-atlas segmentations. For the methods (b) and (c) the radiation oncologist corrected the proposed segmentations blindly without using the result from method (a) as reference. The total number of atlases used for case (c) was 15. The operator time spent by the radiation oncologist was recorded separately for each method. In addition a grading was used to score how helpful the segmentation proposals were for the delineations. The Dice Similarity Coefficient, the Hausdorff distance and the segmented volumes were used to evaluate the similarity between the delineated structures and organs.


    An average time reduction of 26% was found when the radiation oncologist corrected the multiple atlas-based segmentation proposals as compared to manual segmentations. Due to more accurate segmentations and more time saved, segmentation with fused multiple-atlases (c) was superior to the generic single-atlas (b) method, which showed a time reduction of 17%. Hints of an affected intra- and inter-operator variability were seen.


    Atlas-based segmentation saves time for the radiation oncologist but the segmentation proposals always need editing to be approved for dose planning. The atlases, the fusion of these and the software implementation needs to be improved for optimal results and to extend the clinically usefulness.

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  • 19.
    Grummas, Malin
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen Designhögskolan.
    Airborn: child safety in aviation2012Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    The regulations of flying with infants are divided in two distinctly different fields. Either the infant have to ware a loop-belt attached to the parents lap belt. Or it is forbidden to use a lap belt and the infant is in this case unrestrained.

    None of these travelling methods are safe for the infant. The parent also has the option of using their own car seat if it is approved for airlines. This method is seldom used since the parent needs to pay for an extra seat for the infant and the hassle of bringing a seat on board that rearly fit the eairline seat.

    This project proposes a solution that increases the comfort and safety for both parent and child by; placing the infant in a safer position, protect the infant from impact with low-tech aircushions, securing the infants head at impact and during emergency evacuations and by providing a safe and easy to use alternative to the lifejacket.

    The final concept allows for tree different areas of use: 

    -On the bulkhead wall, the seat is lowered in the unlikely event of an emergency to clear the adults crash zone and protect the infant from the adult and flying objects.

    -In the lap of the adult passenger, resting on the armrest (in this case the infant and the seat is attached to the adults belt). The lifejacket is inflated before impact and acts as an impact distributor over the infant’s body. This allows for more seats since the bulkhead seats are very limited. 

    -Placed on its own passenger seat (the parents will have to purchase an extra seat) and be working as the care harness but suitable for infants.

    These tree solutions covers most users different needs and is an improvement of the safety for small children in commercial aircrafts.

  • 20.
    Hellström, Thomas
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    A random walk through the stock market1998Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 21.
    Henje, Catharina
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet.
    Stenberg, Gunilla
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering.
    Lundälv, Jörgen
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för kirurgisk och perioperativ vetenskap, Kirurgi. Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Carlsson, Anna
    Chalmers Industrial Technology (Chalmers Industriteknik), Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Obstacles and risks in the traffic environment for users of powered wheelchairs in Sweden2021Inngår i: Accident Analysis and Prevention, ISSN 0001-4575, E-ISSN 1879-2057, Vol. 159, artikkel-id 106259Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Objective: According to the European Union, fatal road accidents involving Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) are equal in proportion to fatal car road accidents (46%). VRUs include individuals with mobility challenges such as the elderly and Powered Wheelchair (PWC) users. The aim of this interdisciplinary qualitative study was to identify obstacles and risks for PWC users by exploring their behaviour and experiences in traffic environments.

    Methods: Videos and in-depth interviews with 13 PWC users aged 20–66 were analysed for this study. The interviews and videos, which include real-life outdoor observations, originate from a qualitative study exploring experiences of PWC use on a daily basis in Sweden. Underlying causal factors to identified risks and obstacles were identified, based on human, vehicle (PWC) and environmental factors in accordance with the Haddon Matrix.

    Results: The results show significant potential for improvement within all three perspectives of the Haddon Matrix used in the analysis. Participants faced and dealt with various obstacles and risks in order to reach their destination. For example, this includes uneven surfaces, differences in ground levels, steep slopes, as well as interactions with other road users and the influence of weather conditions, resulting in PWC users constantly accommodating and coping with the shortcomings of the vehicle and the environment.

    Conclusions: There are still major challenges with regard to preventing obstacles and risks in the traffic environment for PWC users. To discern PWC users in traffic accident and injury data bases, a start would be to register type of aid used for persons involved in an accident. Furthermore, to emphasise PWC users’ role as VRUs, it may also be advantageous to describe them as drivers rather than users when navigating the traffic environment. Given the limited sample, further research covering more data from a broader perspective would be beneficial. By incorporating emerging knowledge of PWC users’ prerequisites and needs, and including them in research and traffic planning, the society will grow safer and more inclusive, and become better prepared for meeting future demands on accessibility from an aging population.

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  • 22.
    Häggkvist, Alexander
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Flash Pulse Thermography Measurements of Coat Thickness2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    The application of varnish, metal coats, and paint is a common practice for modifying or enhancing material properties. Metal coats are frequently used as protective layers against corrosion, heat, and wear, while also influencing characteristics like conductivity, weight, and production costs. Achieving the optimal thickness of the coating is critical, as a too-thin layer may not offer sufficient protection, while an overly thick layer adds unnecessary weight and increases expenses. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately measure the coating thickness without causing any damage.

    This project focuses on utilising flash pulse thermography, a non-invasive and non-destructive measuring technique, with three algorithms — Dynamical Thermal Tomography, Power Function, and Pulse Phase Thermography — to measure and differentiate between plates with known variations in the number of coating layers. The study also aims to identify the limiting factors associated with the experimental equipment and the characteristics of the thermography algorithms. The thickness calculations were performed both individually for each plate and simultaneously for multiple plates.

    The results demonstrate that Dynamical Thermal Tomography exhibits superior precision and strong linear correlation when measuring individual plates. On the other hand, the Power Function algorithm outperforms in effectively distinguishing between two plates simultaneously, while providing decent precision for individual plates. It is worth noting that the framerate of the camera significantly affects the performance and serves as the primary limiting factor in this specific experimental setup.Further investigations are necessary to obtain more conclusive results and determine the limitations of accuracy when measuring coating thickness.

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  • 23.
    Hållbus, Richard
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Undersökning om värmeförluster från kabninen kan användas som avisningsmetod2016Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
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  • 24.
    Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, Agnieszka
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Studies of carbon nanomaterials based on fullerenes and carbon nanotubes2007Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Materials based on fullerenes and carbon nanotubes are very much different from most “traditional” materials, primarily because they are built from nanosized molecules with highly symmetry-dependent properties. Being the subject of a very active research field over the last twenty years, carbon nanostructures proved to be indeed extraordinary. Their splendid mechanical properties attract a great interest among material scientists. Their wide range of electrical properties, from ballistic conductors to insulators, makes them ideal candidates for future, better electronics. The possibilities seem to be nearly unlimited, with proposed applications ranging from quantum computing to medicine. However, in order to make it all happen one day, we first need to explore and understand the physics and chemistry of carbon nanomaterials. This work focuses on production and characterization of materials and structures in which fullerenes and/or carbon nanotubes are the main ingredients, and which can be produced or modified under high-pressure – high-temperature (hp-hT) conditions. Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning probe microscopy were employed for characterization of the samples. The research presented in this thesis is spread over a rather wide range of carbon nanomaterials. To highlight some of the main results – the first hp-hT polymerization of C60 nanorods and the C60-cubane compound is reported. The polymerization mechanism in the latter case was identified to be radically different from that in pure C60. The pressure-temperature diagram of C60-cubane is presented. A comparative study of C60 and C70 peapods under extreme p-T conditions reveals how the confinement affects the fullerenes’ ability for polymerization. Finally, in situ resistance measurements on Rb4C60 under high pressure show that the semiconducting character of this material persists at least up to 2 GPa, contradicting earlier reports on the existence of an insulator-to-metal transition and providing an insight into conduction mechanisms in this anomalous intercalated compound.

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  • 25.
    Jaasma, Philemonne
    et al.
    Eindhoven University of Technology, LaPlace 32, AP Eindhoven, 5612, Netherlands.
    Wolters, Evert
    Necker van Naem, Netherlands.
    Frens, Joep
    Eindhoven University of Technology, LaPlace 32, AP Eindhoven, 5612, Netherlands.
    Hummels, Caroline
    Eindhoven University of Technology, LaPlace 32, AP Eindhoven, 5612, Netherlands.
    Trotto, Ambra
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Arkitekthögskolan vid Umeå universitet. RISE Interactive.
    [X]Changing Perspectives: An Interactive System for Participatory Sensemaking2017Inngår i: DIS'17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017, s. 259-269Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Public issues are complex: they concern many different stakeholders who have conflicting stakes and are involved from their unique perspective. Working on public issues requires an open process that allows stakeholders to not only contribute to decision-making but also to take up a role in the process. We propose [X]Changing Perspectives, a product service system that stimulates participatory sensemaking: the joint construction of meaning between individuals that could not have been reached on their own. We visually demonstrate the designed materials and service elements and discuss the promise of our approach to [X]CP for complex design challenges in public issues.

  • 26.
    Johansson, Kristina
    et al.
    Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Science, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
    Andersson, Elias
    Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden.
    Johansson, Maria
    Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Science, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
    Lidestav, Gun
    Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden.
    The Discursive Resistance of Men to Gender-equality Interventions: Negotiating "Unjustness" and "Unnecessity" in Swedish Forestry2019Inngår i: Men and Masculinities, ISSN 1097-184X, E-ISSN 1552-6828, Vol. 22, nr 2, s. 177-196Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This article adds to the understanding of men’s discursive resistance in relation to gender-equality interventions at work. Using Swedish men forestry professionals as the empirical base, the result shows how discursive resistance were performative acts, part of the construction of the same gender-equality interventions and organizational contexts that they were perceived to describe. In this case, direct opposition to gender equality provided a limited discursive position and sets of logics available in practice. Instead, the possibilities to renegotiate gender-equality interventions as unjust and unnecessary required, we conclude that the industry’s ambition to hire and promote more women was perceived to have led to the use of affirmative action and the disruption of meritocratic principles and that the problems of gender equality were placed in the traditional forestry and among “prejudiced old men,” as oppose to the more “modern” and “women friendly” forestry of today.

  • 27.
    Johansson, Maria
    Människa och teknik, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, Luleå tekniska universitet, Luleå, Sverige.
    Business as usual?: doing gender equality in Swedish forestry work organisations2020Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The title of this thesis is Business as usual? Doing gender equality in Swedish forestry work organizations and while the latter part, the subtitle, is rather self-explanatory, the former part can be read in different ways. The aim of the thesis is to increase the understanding of the doing of gender equality in the male dominated work organizations of the Swedish forestry sector, and thereby contribute both theoretical and empirical understanding regarding how doing gender equality in the forestry sector relates both to notions of gender and notions of organizations. Forestry has traditionally been characterized by physically demanding, manual harvesting work, with practical and symbolic associations with men and certain forms of masculinity. The forestry sector still remains one of the most gender segregated labour forces in Sweden, all while gender equality has been addressed to some extent during the 2000s. The theoretical frame of reference of the present thesis is rooted in feminist organizational research and the doing gender framework. Based on a perspective of reality as socially constructed and by deploying a feminist participatory action research methodology, my analysis focuses on how complexities of meanings are ascribed to the actions and processes, that are framed as gender equality and I have qualitatively analysed empirical material, such as policy documents, interviews and written testimonies of sexual harassment, that explicate these aspects of doing gender equality in organizations. The thesis is built experiences from two different research- and development projects and consists of 5 articles and a synthetizing chapter.

    The results highlight how doing gender equality relates to notions of gender as well as notions of organization. In both Article I, where policies were studied and in Article II, that builds on interviews, women are in general constructed as the “other”, as people who lack (forestry) skills and competences and who are in need of help or as contributors of social and emotional competence. Men and masculine norms are mainly absent from the doing of gender equality in this material, just as notions of the organization. But, deploying a feminist participatory action research methodology can bring forward other perspectives on gender equality, as shown in Articles IV and V, such as the articulations of men and masculinities. Further, this thesis shows that gender equality is in general understood by the organizations studied as a process that regards gender, predominantly women, rather than the organization. Put differently, gender equality work in the forestry sector does not to any significant extent, affect what is perceived as the core activities in these organizations. However, the overarching depoliticized and degendered business case framing that mainly evades accounting for the role of the organization when doing gender equality, is disrupted by the testimonies of #slutavverkat explored in Article III. Here, the political dimension of gender equality is highlighted by stories of men’s behaviours (reprehended but at the same time sanctioned) in organizations that come at the expense of women’s rights to a workplace free from condescending comments, harassment and sexual violence. While previous research has pointed to the importance of gender awareness, and gender aware leadership, in organizations that wish to succeed with their gender equality work, this thesis suggests that there is also a need for “gendered organization awareness” in order to understand and discuss not only how gender is done in organizations but also how everyday organizational life, such as notions of competence, is done and how that in turn relates to gender and power. This underlines the need for organizations to make room for conflicts and politics and to let the otherwise marginalized voices contribute to more nuanced interpretations of gender equality.

    The title Business as usual? encompasses the starting points for the thesis work as well as the main findings. Read with an emphasis on business, the seemingly all-embracing business case rhetoric’s that encloses the official narratives of gender equality in the forestry sector are visualized, while emphasizing as usual denotes to the sectors resistance to do other than what it usually does. Read as the hole saying, business as usual, that title signals that gender equality work is done in ways that not interfere with forestry core activities, thus making gender equality work in the organizations side streamed or de-coupled. Yet, read with emphasis on the question mark, opens up for the subversive potential that nevertheless exists when more multifaceted ways of making sense of gender equality are articulated and as the findings suggests that there are ways to re-gender and re-politicize organizational gender equality work in the context of forestry work organizations.

  • 28.
    Johansson, Maria
    et al.
    Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
    Johansson, Kristina
    Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
    Andersson, Elias
    Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
    #Metoo in the Swedish forest sector: testimonies from harassed women on sexualised forms of male control2018Inngår i: Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, ISSN 0282-7581, E-ISSN 1651-1891, Vol. 33, nr 5, s. 419-425Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study adds to the literature on the gendered culture of the forest sector by examining testimonies of sexual harassment in relation to the gendering of forestry-related competence and organisations and the consequences that the sexualisation of social relations in organisations has, mainly for women. The empirical base of the study comprised testimonies within the campaign #slutavverkat published on Instagram to highlight experiences of sexual harassment of women in the Swedish forest sector. Qualitative content analysis of the testimonies suggested that the situations described in the testimonies in #slutavverkat comprise controlling actions that diminish women's power in the forest sector. Sexualised forms of male control and harassment thus work to remind women that they are first and foremost a representation of women, rather than of forestry professions and knowledge. In that sense, sexualised forms of male control and harassment are part of, rather than deviating from, the overall gendering of forestry as a men-dominated sphere. The study adds to organisational understandings and policy developments on discrimination and harassment and suggests that researchers and policy-makers interested in reducing inequality in forestry need to pay more attention to issues of harassment and sexualisation of social relations.

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  • 29. Jönsson, Leif
    et al.
    Alriksson, Björn
    Soudham, Venkata Prabhakar
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Kemiska institutionen.
    Methods for improvement of enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellullosic material2013Patent (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [en]

    The present invention relates to a method of enzymatic hydrolysis of a lignocellulosic material, comprising the steps of: a) pretreating the lignocellulosic material to obtain a slurry having a pH of less than 6; b) adding NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and/or CaO to the slurry to increase its pH to at least 8, said addition being carried out at a slurry temperature of at least 60 °C; c) reducing the pH of the slurry to below 7; and optionally cooling the slurry from step b) to a temperature below 60 °C; and d) adding hydrolytic enzymes to the slurry from c) and allowing the slurry to hydrolyze wherein no washing of the slurry is performed prior to step d)

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  • 30.
    LI, Songyu
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    A New Hands-free Face to Face Video Communication Method: Profile based frontal face video reconstruction2018Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis proposes a method to reconstruct a frontal facial video basedon encoding done with the facial profile of another video sequence.The reconstructed facial video will have the similar facial expressionchanges as the changes in the profile video. First, the profiles for boththe reference video and for the test video are captured by edge detection.Then, asymmetrical principal component analysis is used to model thecorrespondence between the profile and the frontal face. This allows en-coding from a profile and decoding of the frontal face of another video.Another solution is to use dynamic time warping to match the profilesand select the best matching corresponding frontal face frame for re-construction. With this method, we can reconstructed the test frontalvideo to make it have the similar changing in facial expressions as thereference video. To improve the quality of the result video, Local Lin-ear Embedding is used to give the result video a smoother transitionbetween frames.

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  • 31.
    Lindberg, Malin
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology.
    Johansson, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology.
    Österlind, Helena
    Klabböle konsult.
    Design teams: A participatory path to socially transformative innovation?2019Inngår i: Forskning og Forandring, E-ISSN 2535-5279, Vol. 2, nr 1, s. 25-38Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates how a design team with researchers and participants from different parts and levels of an organisation may function as a participatory method for socially transformative innovation. The experiences gained by a design team in one of Sweden’s major forestry companies are examined through a participatory, single case study approach, in which researchers and employees jointly developed new insights and ideas. The results reveal that the design team functioned well in terms of channelling the participants’ expertise and experiences into innovative ideas, but less well as regards aligning the latter with the company’s regular management procedures, thus reducing the function of the design team to an abstract symbol of organisational ‘modernity’, rather than an effective instrument for social transformation.

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  • 32.
    Lundmark, Martin
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Clinical evaluation of atlas-based segmentation for radiotherapy of head and neck tumours2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]


    Semi-automated segmentation using deformable registration of atlases consisting of pre-segmented patient images can facilitate the tedious task of delineating structures and organs in patients subjected to radiotherapy planning. However, a generic atlas based on a single patient may not function well enough due to the anatomical variation between patients. Fusion of segmentation proposals from multiple atlases has the potential to provide a better segmentation due to a more complete representation of the anatomical variation.


    The main goal of the study was to investigate potential operator timesaving from editing of atlas-based segmentation compared to manual segmentation for head & neck cancer.

    Materials and Methods

    A commercial atlas-based segmentation software (VelocityAI from Nucletron AB) was used together with several expert generated and protocol-based atlases of delineated CT images to create multiple atlas segmentations through deformable registration. The atlas that was considered most universal was selected to construct single atlas segmentation proposals. For fusion of the multiple atlas segmentations an in-house developed algorithm, including information of local registration success was used in a MATLAB-environment1. The algorithm uses weighted distance map calculations where weights represent probabilities of improving the segmentation results. Based on previous results1 the probabilities were estimated using the cross correlation image similarity measure evaluated over a region within a certain distance from the segmentation. Ten patients were incorporated in the study. Each patient was delineated three times, (a) manually by the radiation oncologist, (b) with a single atlas segmentation and (c) with a fusion of multiple atlas segmentations. For the methods (b) and (c) the radiation oncologist corrected the proposed segmentations blindly without using the result from method (a) as reference. For case (c) a total number of 11 atlas segmentations were used. The time spent for segmenting or editing the segmentation proposals by the radiation oncologist was recorded separately for each method and each individual ROI. In addition a grading was used to score how helpful the candidate segmentation proposals were for the structure delineations. The Dice Similarity Coefficient, the Hausdorff distance and the volume were used to evaluate the similarity between the delineated structures.


    The results show a time reduction in the order of 40% when the radiation oncologist only has to correct the multiple atlas-based segmentation proposal compared to manual segmentation. When using single atlas the corresponding figure is 21%.


    Using atlas-based segmentation can reduce the time needed for delineation in the head and neck area of patients admitted for radiotherapy.

    1C. Sjöberg and A. Ahnesjö, Evaluation of atlas-based segmentation using probabilistic weighted distance maps, Manuscript, Uppsala University, 2011

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    Atlas-based segmentation, M. Lundmark, 2011
  • 33.
    Lycke, Liselott
    et al.
    Högskolan Väst.
    Georgsson, Fredrik
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Schedin, Staffan
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Degerman, Lars
    Uppsala universitet.
    Solin, Kim
    Uppsala universitet.
    Victor, Björn
    Uppsala universitet.
    Extern granskning av utbildningsprogram – erfarenheter från två lärosäten.2019Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [sv]

    Svenska lärosäten har utvecklat egna kvalitetssystem som ska granskas och godkännas av universitetskans-lersämbetet (UKÄ). Typiskt bygger lärosätenas kvalitetssäkrings-system på cykliska mäta-värdera-åtgärda aktiviteter. I flera av dessa system förekommer extern kollegial granskning som en viktig komponent. Syftet med detta arbete är att belysa två olika system för extern kollegial granskning från olika perspektiv. Den externa granskningen av högskoleingenjörsprogrammen i maskinteknik vid Uppsala universitet och Umeå universitet är utgångspunkten och de perspektiv som belyses är de från

    • Programansvariga,

    • Utbildningsledare på fakultetsnivå, samt

    • Extern granskare

    I arbetet teoretiseras inte upplägg och genomförande av kvalitetsarbetet eller den kollegiala granskningen, utan målet är att genom vittnesbörd sprida praktisk kunskap och erfarenheter om två olika system för extern kollegial granskning.

    Initialt beskrivs de två olika systemen, hur olika aktiviteter och processer är tänkt att tillsammans bidra till att säkerställa att utbildningar håller en hög kvalitet. Särskilt fokus läggs på att beskriva upplägget på den externa kollegiala granskningen och hur den information som granskningen ger vid handen återkopplas till program och andra intressenter. Fakultetens utbildningsledare ger sin syn på genomförandet av den kollegiala granskningen ur ett övergripande fakultetsperspektiv samt beskriver de fakultetsövergripande slutsatser som dragits utifrån de externa granskningarna. Programansvariga beskriver verksamhetsnära erfarenheter av de kollegiala granskningarna. Särskilt intressant är beskrivningen av hur utfallet av den kollegiala granskningen bidragit till att definiera utvecklingsprojekt på programnivå. Resultatet kopplas till resursåtgång.

    Det tredje perspektivet är det av den externe granskaren. I fallet med högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i maskinteknik vid Uppsala respektive Umeå universitet var det samma granskare vilket ger en unik möjlighet att få en extern parts synpunkter på underlag i förhållande till efterfrågad granskning.Slutligen sammanfattas styrkor och svagheter i de båda ansatserna till extern kollegial granskning.

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  • 34.
    Maxe, Anneli
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Att genomföra ett projekt2012Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna rapport bygger på examensarbetet för Högskoleexamen i Medieteknik vid Umeå Universitet. Examensarbetet har utförts med Heja! Event- och Sponsringsbyrå på uppdrag av Olofsfors AB.

    Rapporten behandlar hur ett projektarbete genomförs, både teoretiskt så som praktiskt i form av svensk och engelsk litteratur och ett genomfört projekt för Heja!s kund, Olofsfors AB. Syftet med rapporten är att visa på hur ett projekts genomförande skiljer sig från de teorier som finns att hämta gentemot verkligheten.

    Då det inte finns någon möjlighet till fördjupad information om det genomförda projektet utifrån de genomförda delarna har en teoretisk referensram tagits fram. Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar en generell projektmodells upplägg och ett projekts organisationsstruktur. Den generella projektmodellen har beskrivits steg för steg samtidigt som specificering av rollernas ansvar i organisationsstrukturen fastställts.

    Olofsfors AB beskrivs utifrån historia, nutid och framtid. Den genomförande delen beskriver hur projektet har genomförts från början till slut med hjälp av Heja!s projektmodell.

    Med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen, det genomförda projektet och personliga utlåtanden har en slutsats och diskussion tagits fram som besvarar de frågeställningar som står till grund för rapporten. Slutsatsen beskriver vad en projektmodell innebär och ifall Olofsfors AB har lyckats uppnå syftet och målet med projektet. Förslag till fortsatt arbete och diskussion kring personliga aspekter finns beskrivet.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 35.
    Mejtoft, Sara
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Berglund, Stefan
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Project management: an environment for increased personal and interpersonal skills2015Inngår i: Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015, 2015, artikkel-id 44Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This case study illustrates how changes in course structure and study program increase students' personal and interpersonal skills. The didactic methods used are based on CDIO and project management and the purpose of the implemented changes has been to increase the employability of the students, giving them a professional identity and increase their selfconfidence.

    To follow the CDIO approach (CDIO, 2010) by integrating project management as a recurring element throughout the program, give students the opportunity to practice generic skills on several occasions and in different contexts. To provide this, the program was restricted in 2011, one of the changes was to let students take a project management course in the first semester of their education. During this course, the students receive professional knowledge and skills that is meant to be further used in following project-based courses. To ensure progression, two strategic courses: Web and Multimedia Production and News Production for Television were revised in the autumn of 2013.

    The result shows that the well-implemented changes to the program and courses has led to an environment of increased personal and interpersonal skills for the students. Lecturers within the program highlight that students at a higher degree work more independently, execute projects more successfully and deliver better presentations in subsequent project-based subject-related courses. Moreover, it is also shown that the student group has taken more responsibility in projects and for their own role in the learning process. Analyzing the results, it is clear that the students have grown as individuals since they obtained a clearer identity as production manager and feel more confident before the final degree project and future career. 

  • 36.
    Moberg, Adam
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Degraderingsstudie avkisel- och tunnfilmssolceller2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
  • 37.
    Moström, Annika
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Lagarbete och muntlig kommunikation för Högskoleingenjörsutbildning i byggteknik2013Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    På Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i byggteknik vid Umeå universitet har vi infört ett samarbete mellan första och sista årskursen där studenterna får träning i lagarbete och kommunikation. Studenterna på årskurs tre planerar och genomför ett studiebesök på en byggarbetsplats för årskurs ett. I uppgiften ingår även att ansvara för slutredovisning av studiebesöken. Uppgiften avslutas med en skriftlig självvärdering av genomförandet studiebesöken. För nybörjarna är det intressant att lära känna de nästan färdiga ingenjörerna samtidigt som de får en första kontakt med byggbranschen. Den största behållningen för de som går sista året är insikten om hur mycket byggteknik de faktiskt lärt sig de senaste två åren. Samverkan mellan två kurser på utbildningsprogrammet ger möjlighet att praktiskt arbeta med lagarbete och muntlig kommunikation. Båda grupperna tränar språkliga färdigheter i byggteknik utifrån sin nivå.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
    Lagarbete och muntlig kommunikation i byggingenjörsutbildning
  • 38.
    Mårtensson, Oskar
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    LHCb Upstream Tracker box: Thermal studies and conceptual design2016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will have a long shut down in the years of 2019 and 2020, referred to as LS2. During this stop the LHC injector complex will be upgraded to increase the luminosities, which will be the first step of the high luminosity LHC program (which will be realized during LS3 that takes place in 2024-2026). The LHCb experiment, whose main purpose is to study the CP-violation, will during this long stop be upgraded in order to withstand a higher radiation dose, and to be able to read out the detector at a rate of 40MHz,compared to 1MHz at present. This change will improve the trigger efficiency significantly. One of the LHCb sub-detectors the Trigger Tracker (TT), will be replaced by a new sub-detector called UT. This report presents the early stage design (preparation for mock-up building) of the box that will be isolating the new UT detector from the surroundings and to ensure optimal detector operation. Methods to fulfill requirements such as light and gas tightness, Faraday-cage behavior and condensation free temperatures, without breaking the fragile beryllium beam pipe, are established.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 39.
    Nilsson, Oscar
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Recycling a non-contiguous matrix as workspace: Instance of packaging & cutting problem2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    This report explores a common issue in a system involving matrices, namely the mismatch between the allocation and deallocation ratios. This results in more matrices being allocated than deallocated, eventually leading to insufficient memory. The mismatch in the ratio is an implication of how matrices are normally used. A matrix is generally used more than once, requiring them to remain in memory from its initial usage until the final instance. In this thesis, a solution to the problem is presented and then evaluated. The underlying idea behind the solution is to utilize submatrices inside the allocated matrices that we can overwrite, i.e. the information in the submatrix is not needed for further computations. Thus, we can reuse (recycle) the space occupied by the submatrix to store information about other, smaller matrices. This view on the problem creates a strong relation to the class of packaging and cutting problems.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 40.
    Nordlund, Andreas
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Förspända betongelement: Dimensionering enligt Eurokod 22013Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här rapporten redovisar examensarbetet vars huvudsyfte var att förstå teori och beräkningsgången bakom förspända betongelement samt att jämföra den med teorin för slakarmerade betongelement. Arbetet valdes eftersom inga kurser under studietiden har beaktat denna typ av utformning samt eftersom tillämningen av kunskapen inom området är stor ute i arbetslivet. Arbetet slutfördes genom inläsning av litteratur samt handledning.

    Det visade sig efter arbetet var slutfört att några delar av teorin och beräkningsgången bakom förspända betongelement var lik den som används vid slakarmerade betongelement, dock existerade även många skillnader. Likheterna erhålls bland annat vid beräkningarna av moment- och tvärkraftskapaciteterna. Skillnaden är att många extra steg måste utföras vid dimensioneringen, steg som till största del bara av olika kontroller, vilka utfördes bland annat vid dimensioneringen av tillverkningsprocessen och i brottgränstillstånd.

    Slutligen kunde det konstateras att förspända betongelement har många fördelar, vilka bland annat är att större spännvidder, mindre dimensioner på konstruktionerna samt mindre deformationer kan erhållas. Dock så krävs en större mängd beräkningar vid förspända än för slakarmerade betongelement. 

    Fulltekst (pdf)
    Förspända betongelement - Dimensionering enligt Eurokod 2
  • 41.
    Nygren, Björn
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Angle Damping in Bundle Adjustment2019Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Bundle Adjustment is a common fine-tuning step used in photogrammetry. It uses different types of parameters, some of which can be considered to be almost linear while others can be considered to be highly nonlinear, e.g. the rotational parameters. However, in the Bundle Adjustment process all parameters are treated equal. In concert with a poor initial estimate, this might cause Bundle Adjustment to diverge. In this report, two novel methods based on the damped Gauss-Newton with Armijo linesearch, modified by giving rotational parameters a special treatment, are tested. These methods, Clamped Alpha and Linear Exponential Search, are compared to Gauss-Newton with Armijo linesearch, as well as to the undamped Gauss-Newton method, also known as the Gauss-Markov method. Parameter sweeps over different perturbation levels for the angular parameters show that each of the three damped methods outperform the Gauss-Newton method. Notably, the Clamped Alpha method also outperforms the other two damped methods, with as much as 16 times as many convergent cases for a given perturbation level. Meanwhile, the average number of iterations is increased by only 1.8 times that of the Gauss-Newton with Armijo linesearch. The results add to existing research arguing for the use of damped methods in Bundle Adjustment. In particular, the simple and cheap Clamped Alpha method is potentially attractive for problems where the uncertainty of the camera angles is significant. While the Clamped Alpha method show promising results, it should be noted that the experiments in this study are on synthetic data. In order to solidify these results, further investigations into the performance of Clamped Alpha using real-world data should be conducted.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 42.
    Nyström, Robin
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Nordin, EZ
    Blomberg, Anders
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Lungmedicin.
    Sandström, Thomas
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Lungmedicin.
    Boman, Christoffer
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    A novel set-up for source characterization and human exposures of biomass combustion aerosols2013Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 43.
    Nyström, Robin
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Sadiktsis, Ioannis
    ept. of Analytical Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University.
    Trifa, Mohammad Ahmed
    Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University.
    Roger, Westerholm
    ept. of Analytical Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University.
    Koegler, Jan
    Volvo Group Trucks Technology, ATR, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Mudway, Ian S
    4MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health, School of Biomedical Sciences, King’s College London, UK.
    Blomberg, Anders
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Lungmedicin.
    Sandström, Thomas
    Umeå universitet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Lungmedicin.
    Boman, Christoffer
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Properties of biodiesel exhaust particles from two non-road engines2014Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 44.
    Oja, Sofie
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    En studie av möjliga energieffektiviseringar i ett äldre flerbostadshus: Simuleringar genomförda i IDA ICE 4.6.22016Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Energy efficiency could be described as ”using less energy to provide the same service”.  There are many motivations to improve energy efficiency in buildings, for example financial cost savings to consumers and at the same time a reduction of the environmental and climate impact.

    In my thesis, I have on behalf of the real estate ”Skelleftebostäder” investigated one of their multi-residential properties to study possible energy efficiency improvements, such as replacement of the ventilation system, new windows and insulation of the attic floor. Life cycle cost analyzes have also been calculated to analyze how much each action will cost based on its lifetime, compared to if no action would be done.

    The work has mainly been conducted through literature studies with the use of the simulation program IDA ICE, where a model of the property has been constructed according to current conditions and energy needs. Subsequently, the simulations carried out for each energy efficiency act have then been compared with a reference house.

    The results showed that all the investigated energy efficiency acts would reduce the property´s energy use mainly by changing the ventilation system (which would reduce the property's energy performance by up to 35 %). Minimum savings of energy would additional insulation of the attic floor give; It would only reduce the energy performance by 4%. Of all the investigated energy efficiency acts and with regard to their life-length, it is however only new windows which turned out to be economical profitable for this building.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
    En studie av möjliga energieffektiviseringar i ett äldre flerbostadshus
  • 45.
    Olofsson, Erik
    et al.
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Jakobsson, Jonny
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för fysik.
    Control System for Electromagnetic Environmental Testing of Electronics with Reverberation Chamber2009Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 30 poäng / 45 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    A reverberation chamber is a highly conductive cavity in which it is possible to generatehigh electromagnetic elds that can be considered statistically homogeneous. Reverberationchambers have existed as a resource for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing formore than 30 years. Working to promote international co-operation on standardization, severalorganizations have published various EMC standards. At Combitech AB in Linkopinghave a chamber that is commercially used for dierent types of measurements. To makethe chamber more attractive and versatile it is within their interest to get a system whichis compatible with the latest standards. The project aimed to develop a control system forthe reverberation chamber at Combitech and to equip it with functionality enabling it tomake measurements according to current EMC standards. Using the programming softwareAgilent VEE a program was developed to communicate with the supporting equipment andmanage test routines. Within the program software lies functionality directly associate withmode stirring and mode tuning procedures for standards DO-160F and MIL-STD. Duringmeasurements the program has abilities for skipping frequencies, pause/continue the currentsweep, executing preset events and adding commented markers to the plot window. Someother usable functionality implemented is project save/load, help section, directory selectionand data export abilities. The system holds functionality enabling measurements accordingto the standards in question, though future work will be needed to be able to carry througha proper and correct measurement routine.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 46.
    Rawcliffe, Denise
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi (Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet).
    Muscle Specific Aberrant Splicing of Mutated ISCU in Hereditary Myopathy with Lactic Acidosis2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 poäng / 30 hpOppgave
  • 47.
    Ringblom, Lisa
    et al.
    Luleå tekniska universitet, Människa och teknik.
    Johansson, Maria
    Luleå tekniska universitet, Människa och teknik.
    Who needs to be “more equal” and why?: Doing gender equality in male-dominated industries2020Inngår i: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, ISSN 2040-7149, E-ISSN 2040-7157, Vol. 39, nr 4, s. 337-353Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]


    This study aims to deepen the understanding of inequality regimes in male-dominated industries, specifically in Swedish forestry and mining, by exploring how conceptions of gender, class and place are articulated and intertwined when doing gender equality in these organizations.


    The article draws on empirical material from four research and development projects inspired by a feminist action research methodology.


    This paper shows how gender equality works in these male-dominated organizations simultaneously constructing gender, class and place. When men are at the focal point of gender equality, our empirical findings suggest that blue-collar workers in rural areas are described as “being the problem” for gender inequality in these organizations. Addressing specific groups such as women or blue-collar workers in rural areas is not enough to challenge the inequality regimes that exist in these organizations, since a unilateral focus on certain groups leads to skewed problem formulations.


    Research on gender equality work and its relation to intersectionality in male-dominated industries is limited, and by focusing on men and masculinities, this paper contributes to knowledge concerning gender equality in male-dominated industrial organizations.

  • 48.
    Sandström, Anders
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet.
    IMPROVING SELF-RESCUE EQUIPMENT: Can a self-contained self-rescue unit be more comfortable to wear over long periods of time, not damage other equipment and be donned easily?2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [en]

    A self-contained self-rescue unit is a device that is used in the mining industry in case of fires or release of toxic gases that depletes or contaminates breathable oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere. These units are the first line of defense by providing oxygen in a closed breathing cycle, allowing personnel to get themselves to safety.

    The goal of this project was to design a unit that is more comfortable to carry during the daily operations in and outside the mines. A unit that is easier to done and less likely to damage the users and/or surrounding mining equipment. It is developed in close collaboration with Atlas Copco, as the main sponsor, as well as Dräger and personnel working at Zink Gruvan Mining. 

    The result is a unit with an operational time of twenty minutes and a reduced size and weight. It’s position can be adjusted to be worn around the waist or the chest, depending on the tasks the user performs, as well as simplifying the donning procedure.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 49.
    Sjöström, Cecilia
    Umeå universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik.
    Manual till introduktionsfilm2012Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna rapport handlar om hur utbildningsfilmer skapas. Syftet med rapporten är att förklara hur arbetet gjorts med att skapa utbildningsfilmer. Hur det går till, steg för steg, när en utbildningsfilm skapas och vad som är viktigt att tänka på när man till exempel filmar eller redigerar. Det kommer att finnas bilder med förklarade text så att det ska vara lätt att förstå samt få en inblick om hur det kan se ut. En utbildningsfilm kan exempelvis följa en föreläsning eller beskriva en operation och den används till att utbilda studenter. Den blir ett utbildningsmaterial som kan användas via en klassmiljö men även för distansstuderande.  Det färdiga resultatet läggs sedan upp på en hemsida där elever kan gå in och titta på det.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 50. Song, Xiao
    et al.
    Perez-Cueto, Federico J. A.
    Umeå universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för kost- och måltidsvetenskap. FOOD Design and Consumer Behaviour, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
    Bredie, Wender L. P.
    Food desires and hedonic discrimination in virtual reality varying in product–context appropriateness among older consumers2022Inngår i: Foods, E-ISSN 2304-8158, Vol. 11, nr 20, artikkel-id 3228Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Immersive virtual reality (VR) videos can replicate complex real-life situations in a systematic, repeatable and versatile manner. New product development trajectories should consider the complexities of daily life eating situations. The creation of immersive contexts of a product with varying levels of appropriateness could be a useful tool for product developers in evaluating the extent to which context may influence food acceptance and eating behavior. This study explored virtual reality (VR) as an efficient context-enhancing technology through evaluations of protein-enriched rye breads and compared the effects of a VR-simulated congruent (VR restaurant) and incongruent (VR cinema) contexts on the acceptance in older consumers. A total of 70 participants were immersed in the two VR contexts and a neutral control context in a randomized order. The responses indicating the desire and liking for rye breads were measured, and the extent of immersion during context exposure was assessed by levels of the sense of presence and engagement. Immersive VR induced positive sensations of presence and a heightened level of engagement. The VR restaurant and neutral contexts were perceived as more appropriate for consuming rye breads and induced higher desire and liking for rye breads, which supported the notion of the alignment of congruent contexts with food desire and liking. The study provides new perspectives, practical methodologies, and discoveries in regard to the creation and application of VR-immersed contexts in food product evaluation. Moreover, it focused on a consumer segment (older consumers) that has seldom been investigated in previous relevant studies. The findings suggest that immersive VR technology, as a tool for evaluating contextual factors, is important for new product development. The good user experience among older consumers further indicated the potential value of VR as a context-enhancing tool for product development.

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