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  • 1.
    Aamir, Suhaib
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Farooq, Umar
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Assessing the Preparedness of Small and Medium-sized Entities in Sweden: to Adopt International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs).2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    SMEs serve as a backbone to keep an economy going and to boost it up in times of difficult hours like recession, for example. They are considered as the main source of modernization, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Like rest of Europe, 99% of enterprises are SMEs in Sweden which form a ratio of approximately 58 SMEs per 1000 inhabitants. Moreover SMEs employ around 60% of Sweden‟s manpower which shows their concern toward social responsibility.

    Several companies irrespective of their size are bound by the statutory rules of a particular country in which they operate to prepare financial reports that conform to specified set of accounting principles. There has been much ongoing debate regarding the suitability of one set of accounting standards in a country for all its operating enterprises, regardless of their size. In July 2009 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs). The IFRS for SMEs is intended to be applied to the general purpose financial statements of entities that do not have public accountability. The main theme of our thesis is to examine the suitability and difficulties faced by SMEs in Sweden towards IFRS for SMEs. Furthermore, this thesis will identify the problems that will be faced by SMEs in Sweden, in the process of adopting IFRS for SMEs. Lastly, this study will be conducted to check whether SMEs in Sweden prefer to choose and use IFRS for SMEs or Swedish GAAP.

    In order to achieve the determined objectives, the study "Assessing the preparedness of small and medium-sized entities in Sweden to adopt International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs)" was conducted. A qualitative research employing semi-structured interviews was carried out with eleven interviews in order to solidify the quality criteria of our research work. Sample was selected based on convenient sampling from Umeå due to the limitations of resources in terms of cost and time; opinions from three different categories of respondents (audit firms, SMEs and experts‟ opinion from the academic perspective) would be gathered. All collected data would be analyzed against the theoretical framework, and with the help of analysis conclusion regarding this study would be drawn.

    Based on the qualitative results, the findings exhibits that SMEs in Sweden are not inclined towards IFRs for SMEs and are not ready in any way to adopt these standards. The Swedish GAAP has been designed over years and all SMEs are very much familiar with the rules and principles applicable in Swedish GAAP. Therefore, according to our research inclination of SMEs in Sweden is towards Swedish GAAP rather than IFRS for SMEs.

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  • 2.
    Aamir, Suhaib
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Farooq, Umar
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Auditor client relationship and audit Quality: The effects of long-term auditor client relationship on audit quality in SMEs2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Different scandals around the globe during the past, in specific during the last decade, have intrigued the stakeholders to question the roles of both auditors and management. But most of the fingers since then have been raised on the role of auditors, because it is the auditors who are entrusted with the responsibility to detect any errors or frauds in the financial reports of the client-firm. Apart from this, the long-term auditor client relationship has been the center of attention in most of the discussions and debates as well. Numerous studies have been conducted by the academic researchers, financial and professional analysts, regulatory authorities and governing bodies, and in some cases by the auditors and the firms as well regarding the effects of long-term auditor-client relationship on audit quality, equity risk premium, financial reports quality, audit pricing etc. These studies provide us with different results, both with the positive and negative associations and effects of long-term auditor-client relationship on the basis of different factors and contexts.

    For long, auditing has been discussed in different studies and research areas but mostly in association with publicly listed companies. Less attention has been paid to the relationship of auditors and clients as far as clients in SMEs are concerned. In any country around the globe, SMEs are of major contribution in terms of backing the economy, giving it both the boost and the stability, as they collectively form the major chunk of the economy. If we specify our study to the SMEs in Sweden, then 99% of the enterprises in Sweden represent the SME sector; in addition they employ around 60% of the manpower. Based on these facts, and due to less attention given to auditor-client relationship in terms of SMEs, instead of; we have directed our concerns towards the study of effects of auditor-client relationship on audit quality in SMEs in this particular research study.

    In this study, we have opted for qualitative research with semi-structured interviews to be used as the tool for data collection. Interviews were conducted with two different groups of interviewees, one group representing the auditors and the other group representing the client-firms (SMEs). A total of seven interviews were conducted in order to strengthen and validate the results for our research question. Due to the limitations of this study, mostly in terms of cost and time, samples were selected from Umeå, Sweden. The data interview structure, data analysis and discussion, and conclusions were all made based on existing theories summarized in the theoretical review of this study. The results of this study suggests that (1) long-term audit tenure is beneficial for the audit quality if certain risk factors like risk of auditor independence and risk of developing complacency are controlled; and (2) factors such as NAS, industry specialization, knowledge and experience of the auditor, internal control in the client-firm, professional ethics, proper audit plan, providence of unbiased information by the client, and appointment of the auditor by the client-firm itself enhances the audit quality.

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  • 3.
    Aasa, Mikael
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Hertzberg, Fredrik
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Användandet av miljöledningssystem och gröna nyckeltal: – en studie av drivkrafter hos mindre företag2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Under de senaste åren har miljömedvetenheten i samhället blivit

    alltmer påtaglig och i synnerhet är det debatten om växthuseffekten som fått mycket stort utrymme i media. Detta har medfört att företagens intressenter börjat ställa allt högre krav på att även företagen ska ta sitt miljöansvar. Ett vanligt sätt att få struktur på miljöarbetet är att implementera ett miljöledningssystem i verksamheten. Företagen väljer ofta att certifiera sig i och med

    införandet av ett miljöledningssystem, vilket även fler och fler av företagens kunder kräver. Idag är det fortfarande i första hand stora företag som miljöredovisar och använder sig av gröna nyckeltal för att visa sin miljöpåverkan för dess intressenter. I mindre företag är inte denna företeelse särskilt vanlig. Med detta som utgångspunkt blev vår problemformulering:

    Vad driver mindre företag att använda miljöledningssystem och gröna nyckeltal och hur bedriver de sitt miljöarbete?

    Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att kunna ge vägledning om vilka gröna nyckeltal som kan vara relevanta och som mindre företag kan använda sig av i sin redovisning. Vi vill se om det går att identifiera drivkrafterna bakom miljöredovisning och hur intressenterna påverkar

    denna. Vi försöker fånga upp trender inom området och använder företagskoncerner som jämförelsegrund för att visa alternativ och ge exempel på miljöarbete.

    Teorin inleds med en redogörelse för olika drivkrafter som kan finnas bakom miljöredovisning samt en djupare diskussion om gröna nyckeltal. Vidare beskrivs intressentmodellen och legitimitetsteorin samt vad olika intressenter använder miljöredovisning till. Vi valde att

    kombinera en kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod för insamlandet av det empiriska materialet till vår studie. Vi börjar med den kvantitativa

    metoden för att få en överblick samt för att få respondenter till den kvalitativa delen av vår studie.

    I vår analys av det empiriska materialet har vi utgått ifrån vår teoretiska referensram där vi dragit slutsatserna att yttre faktorer och intressenter var viktiga vid initieringen av miljöarbetet och införandet av ett miljöledningssystem hos företagen, men att det senare var de interna fördelarna som värderades högst. Vad det visar är att mindre företag upplever en press utifrån att miljöcertifiera sig men att det i praktiken verkar vara av mindre betydelse vid

    upphandlingar. Det framstår helt klart att implementeringen av ett miljöledningssystem i företaget gör att miljöarbetet blir mer konkret och strukturerat. Vad avser användandet av gröna nyckeltal är det energiförbrukning i olika former som är den dominerande indikatorn,

    däremot verkar det finnas problem att relatera denna på ett enkelt och rättvisande sätt.

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  • 4.
    Abdu, Akrem
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Företagsamt förhållningssätt genom entreprenörskapsutbildning?: En kvalitativ studie om hur elevers företagsamma förhållningssätt kan utvecklas genom entreprenörskapsutbildning på gymnasieskolan2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det har på senare tid växt fram en rad olika entreprenörskapsutbildningar i det svenska utbildningsväsendet och det verkar som att satsningarna på den här typen av utbildningar kommer att fortsätta att öka. Detta relativt nya sociala fenomen i det svenska utbildningsväsendet innebär att många elever och lärare i dagsläget har genomgått någon formav entreprenörskapsutbildning. Frågan som jag vill kasta ljus på i den här studien är: Hur utvecklas elevers företagsamma förhållningssätt genom entreprenörskapsutbildning?

    Till min hjälp har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ metod där jag har intervjuat elever och lärare som genomgått entreprenörskapsutbildningen Ung Företagsamhet. Jag har fördjupat mig i tre av dessa elever och en av lärarna. Ett aktörssynsätt utifrån ett bottom-up perspektiv används för att besvara studiens forskningsfråga och syfte. Vidare används en multipel fallstudie där jag analyserar varje fall var för sig och avslutar sedan med en jämförande analys mellan fallen från vilken slutsatserna dras.

    Det teoretiska ramverket fungerar som teoretiska utgångspunkter och innehåller begrepp och modeller från teorier om entreprenörskap och lärande. Dessa teoretiska utgångspunkter har utvecklats utifrån studiens angreppssätt som är abduktion eller den gyllene medelvägen. Centrala teoretiska begrepp som används i studien är lärandesituation, lärandeprocesser och lärandenivåer vilka sammanfattar studiens teoretiska referensram.

    Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien är att baserat på det teoretiska ramverket bidra med djupare förståelse för hur elevers företagsamma förhållningssätt kan utvecklas genom entreprenörskapsutbildning. Slutsatserna för denna studie är att utvecklingen av ett företagsamt förhållningssätt bestäms av olika inre och yttre lärvillkor i lärandesituationen. Lärandeprocesserna för de olika aktörerna kategoriserades som kognitiva (kunskapsmässiga), psykodynamiska (emotionella) och sociala (samarbetsmässiga). Lärandenivåerna som berördes av eleverna kategoriserades som: know-me, know-what, know-when, know-how, know-who och know-why.

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  • 5.
    Abdu, Akrem
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Johansson, Erik
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Social Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of SIFE Umeå University2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Today the world faces a lot of societal challenges in the economical, social and environmental spheres that needs to be overcome. Global warming, poverty and increasing economic inequality are only some of these challenges. The public debate has been focused on finding solutions to them and one of these has been addressed as social entrepreneurship. This phenomenon is about the era of the new type of entrepreneurs – social entrepreneurs – that recognize these challenges as opportunities that can be exploited in a both profitable and sustainable manner. Social entrepreneurship has in this way emerged as an interesting phenomenon and a new area in the entrepreneurship research.


    This study examines the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship by scrutinizing the concept SIFE - Students In Free Enterprise. SIFE is a non-profit organization that claims to be actively engaged in working with social entrepreneurship. The general purpose of this study is to bring a deeper understanding of the social entrepreneurship phenomenon, by describing the particular purpose, the case of SIFE Umeå University as a social entrepreneurship model. Our study is a qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews. Six respondents have been interviewed from different levels of the organization - SIFE Umeå University - in order to reflect the entire organization. We have used a deductive approach by establishing a theoretical framework that guided the interviews and has been used in the analysis of the empirical data.


    The main conclusions in this study show that SIFE Umeå University’s work with social entrepreneurship is mainly about socioeconomic and personal development. Another conclusion is that cooperation with partners from different sectors of the society is an important fundament in their work with social entrepreneurship. Furthermore, SIFE Umeå University can be considered as hybrid of a voluntary organization and social enterprise since it includes similarities of both organizational forms. Moreover, the study shows that entrepreneurial skills play an important role in SIFE Umeå University’s work with social entrepreneurship. Finally, we can from this study draw the conclusion that SIFE Umeå University’s work with social entrepreneurship can be divided in six steps: Target group, Job/life training, Commercial enterprises, Personal development, Socioeconomic development, Partnership Network.

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    Social Entrepreneurship - A Case Study of SIFE Umeå University
  • 6.
    Abrahamsson, Anna
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Sundqvist, Emma
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Sikta mot stjärnorna med mentorskap- och nå toppen?: En studie om det elektroniska mentorskapets framtid2008Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    De första försöken till att systematisera mentorskapet förekom redan på grekernas tid, 1000 fkr då kung Odysseus utsåg sin gode vän Mentor att vårda och fostra hans familj medan han själv deltog i det Trojanska kriget. Trots mentorskapets tidiga ursprung blev fenomenet inte aktuellt i Sverige förrän på 1980-talet, efter det att arbetsgivare insett betydelsen av personalutbildningar och personalutveckling. I dagens lär- och kunskapstörstiga samhälle med ett högt tempo blir det alltmera angeläget med eftertanke och reflektion kring både arbets- och livssituationen. Mentorskap symboliserar en relation mellan en vis person som utbyter erfarenheter och kunskap med en mindre erfaren person för såväl personlig- som karriärmässig utveckling. 2000-talets teknologiska revolution har även möjliggjort öppningar för andra mentorskapsmetoder. Det elektroniska mentorskapet är ett exempel, vilket grundar sig på en virtuell interaktion. Denna metod står i motsats till det traditionella mentorskapets fundamentala idéer som innebär fysiska träffar, vilket medför en viss kritik till metoden. Oberoende av vilken uppfattning som delas angående det elektroniska mentorskapet, är det förutspått att Internet och e-post användningen kommer att öka i användandet. Den delade uppfattningen angående de olika mentorskapsmetoderna och den begränsade forskning kring ämnet, leder till problemformuleringen;

    I vilken utsträckning skulle ett elektroniskt mentorskap kunna ersätta det fysiska mötet mellan mentor och adept i framtiden?

    Att kartlägga huruvida ett elektroniskt mentorskap skulle kunna bidra till ett nyttjande av erfarenhetsutbyten, och därmed vara ett framtida alternativ till det traditionella fysiska mentorskapsmötet är syftet med studien. För att uppnå syftet krävs en definiering av mentorskapets historiska utveckling och introducering till dess karaktär och betydelse. En diskussion om ett tentativt innehåll i ett framtida elektroniskt mentorskap bör genomföras, för att slutligen kunna bedöma på vilket sätt ett elektroniskt mentorskap skulle kunna bidra till ett ökat, respektive minskat användande av det traditionella mentorskapet. Detta genom att argumentera för det elektroniska mentorskapets olika barriärer och möjligheter.

    För att angripa problemformulering och syfte har vi utgått från det deduktiva angreppssättet. Det återspeglar valet av att utgå från befintlig teori som grund för den empiriska studien, för att genom tolkningar utveckla befintlig teori. Den teoretiska referensramen har koncentreras kring fem huvudområden; mentorskap, mentorskapets matchningsprocess, elektroniskt mentorskap, barriärer och möjligheter med ett elektroniskt mentorskap samt förändringsprocesser.

    Studien grundar sig på en kvalitativ ansats bestående av djupintervjuer som genomförts med intressentgrupper besittande av skilda erfarenheter kring ämnet.

    Vi anser inte det elektroniska mentorskapet ersätta det traditionella fysiska mentorskapet, i och med att kontexten bör beaktas. Den ena metoden behöver därmed inte uteslutas mot den andra. Det framtida mentorskapet förutspår vi därför bestå i en kombination av det elektroniska samt traditionella mentorskapsmetoderna. Detta med förutsättning att inställning och attityd till det elektroniska mentorskapet förändras, samt att mottagligheten till den virtuella världen anammas.

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  • 7.
    Adere, Endale
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Accounting for Oil and Gas: The effect of the gap between US GAAP and IFRS on Norwegian companies2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]



    Oil and gas is a main source of revenue for many countries. Norway is one of them. Several companies operate in these countries. The companies demand accounting to communicate to their stakeholders. The two biggest accounting regimes, IASB and USA have their own standards for the upstream activities of those companies. The standard setting bodies mandatorily require companies to comply. Norwegian listed companies, as they are in the IASB regime, must comply with the IASB standard, IFRS 6.


    The IASB standard has a problem of addressing the entire upstream activities of the companies Moreover, the standard has conceptual flaw. However, these oil and gas firms are required to follow it. As a remedy, the entities fill the gap by using the US GAAP, if they are listed, as the regulation requires them to follow IFRS. Thus, using these two standards coupled with the defect of the IASB standard is affecting them.


    The purpose of this thesis is to explain the effects of IFRS 6 on companies by comparing it with the US GAAP standard. In doing so, theories relevant to the issue are described and the technical gaps between the two standards are elaborated.


    This thesis uses mixed method. The research design followed is concurrently mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. However, qualitative method dominates in the mixing. As a data collection mechanism, interview, questionnaire and documentation i.e. the annual reports of the companies are used. In the study both deductive and inductive reasoning are used.


    Subsequent to making the study, the author concludes that the surveyed companies have used the US GAAP to fill the gap that IFRS possess. However, retaining two sets of accounts has economic effect and the companies are paying for that. Moreover, they expend costs for adopting the IFRS when they change their standard from US GAAP to IFRS. Moreover, it is difficult to make conclusion about diffusion of accounting method due to contagion effect. Similarly, although previous studies show that size of a firm is a determinant factor, it is tricky to make conclusion on the studied companies.

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  • 8.
    Adestam, Martin
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Husberg, Susanne
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    ESG Implementation in Venture Capital Investments: A qualitative study of Swedish State-owned Investors2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The need for sustainable investments has grown dramatically in recent years and so has the pressure on investors, especially state-owned investors, to integrate sustainability factors in their investments. Several researchers state that private equity investors play a major role in creating new businesses and influencing new companies towards sustainability. On the Swedish private equity market, a major part of the funds available to growth companies are provided by the Government. State-owned investor’s role to create sustainable businesses in Sweden is therefore essential. However, research on how to implement ESG issues into venture capital investments is rare. Still today, we could not find any reports on how ESG issues are implemented by Swedish state-owned investors.

    An empirical study was conducted on four major Swedish state-owned investors with the purpose to answer how state-owned investors implement ESG issues in venture capital investments. The study also aimed to identify problems with implementing ESG and how can state-owned investors work to deal with these problems.

    Interviews with investment managers and people working within these organization showed that it is generally up to each investor how ESG issues are being considered in the due diligence and screening process within direct investments. When it comes to post-investment activities the responsibility to work with ESG issues lays upon the board of each firm.

    The study further showed that little is being done to implement ESG issues within indirect investments. The study shows that ESG issues are not included in the valuation of general partner or as criteria for investing in a fund or other partnerships. A final conclusion is that when it comes to how state-owned investors are working with venture capital investments, ESG issues are integrated in how investors think, but it is not implemented in how investors act.

    In order to move from integration to implementation we suggest that investors could use a set of templates in the screening and due diligence process. Every template should be specific for the sector that includes the type of ESG criteria that is relevant for this sector. When it comes to indirect investments, the implementation of ESG issues is harder due to limited possibility to actively directing funds. The focus should be working with co-investors with the same values and beliefs and influence the board of the fund.

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  • 9.
    Adestam, Martin
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Rosenberg, Lars
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Vikten av en finansiell strategi under en finansiell kris: - En kvantitativ studie av svenska publika aktiebolag2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien utfördes mot bakgrund av hur den globala finanskrisen, som startade i USA under 2007, påverkade svenska företag. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om svenska företag kan påverka hur de klarar en finansiell kris genom att arbeta med komponenter i den finansiella strategin. En kvantitativ undersökning genomfördes på 59 svenska publika aktiebolag där samband testades mellan riskrelaterade variabler ur den finansiella strategin och variabler som mäter hur företag klarat sig under krisåret 2008. I undersökningen testades soliditet, likviditet, kassalikviditet, andel finansiella tillgångar och andel lager, som delar ur den finansiella strategin. Studien visar att kapitalstrukturhantering, kapitalbudgetering (i form av andel finansiella tillgångar) och rörelsekapitalhantering är alla delar ur den finansiella strategin som visats betydande. Kapitalstrukturhanteringen ska karaktäriseras av låg skuldsättning och kapitalbudgeteringen av låg andel finansiella tillgångar, för att skapa en finansiell strategi som ger företag bättre förutsättningar i en finansiell kris. Kontrollen av rörelsekapital i rörelsekapitalhanteringen är också en betydande del i en sådan strategi, även om inga tydliga riktlinjer gällande nivåer på rörelsekapitalet kan härledas från studien.

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  • 10.
    Adjei, Daniel
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Rwakatiwana, Peter
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Application of Traditional and Agile Project Management in Consulting Firms.: A Case Study of PricewaterhouseCoopers2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    AbstractPurposeTo study which and how project management methodologies are applied in consulting firmsApproachThe study begins by reviewing literature on Traditional Project Management (TPM) andAgile Project Management (APM) methodologies ending with characteristics of the twomethodologies that identify a project as applying one methodology or another. The literaturethen reviews the nature of consulting firms emphasising on elements such as the professional,professional services and professional service firms before reviewing how projects areimplemented in consulting firms. A case study design is adopted and semi-structuredinterviews were conducted with PricewaterhouseCoopers-Ghana staff. Patterns from theinterviews are identified and compared with the characteristics of both Traditional and Agileproject management before drawing conclusions on which methodologies are applied andhow they are applied. Since APM is presumed to deal with problems of TPM in complexenvironments, challenges in applying TPM in consulting firms are assessed and the extent towhich APM responds to those challenges are also discussed.FindingsThe findings indicate that TPM is applied in consulting firms mainly for structured projects,whilst APM methods are also applied for some structured projects but very much forunstructured and ‘executory’ projects. APM also deals with some challenges of TPM butthose which are organisation related are not solved by applying APM methods.Research limitationThe limited number of people interviewed for this research is one key issue that limitsgeneralization to all consulting firms. However, it is hoped that this work serves as a basis forfurther research in this field.Practical implicationsThe study shows that whilst TPM will continuously be applied in consulting firms due to thenature of some projects, APM can also be applied to the benefit of consulting projects that areunstructured and ‘executory’. Therefore consulting firms do not need to ‘force’ structure intoall projects.Paper typeMasters Thesis – Research paperKeywordsTraditional project management, agile project management, consulting firms, professional,professional service, professional service firms

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  • 11.
    Aegerter Alvarez, Juan Felipe
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Pustina, Aferdita
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Hällgren, Markus
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Escalating commitment in the death zone: new insights from the 1996 Mount Everest disaster2011In: International Journal of Project Management, ISSN 0263-7863, E-ISSN 1873-4634, Vol. 29, no 8, p. 971-985Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The procession of people and organisations that pour resources into evidently failing causes is surprising and seemingly never-ending. This phenomenon, which is called “escalating commitment” (Staw, 1976), refers to situations in which people are incapable of turning future disasters into sound current decisions. The purpose of this paper is to use the, in project management literature (Kloppenborg and Opfer, 2002), non-traditional case of the 1996 Mt Everest disaster to explain and analyse escalating commitment determinants and processes. Not only does the paper identify and add a determinant to escalation but it also treats determinants and processes in a novel and intertwined fashion. The conceptual developments and findings suggest that escalating commitment strives on conditions that are inherent to any project, which consequently project managers should be aware of. Based on the results project failures could be better explained and understood by examining several explanatory levels simultaneously.

  • 12.
    Agbor, Jenet Manyi
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    The relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality: a study of three service sectors in Umeå2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    It is obvious that customers are important stakeholders in organizations and their satisfaction is a priority to management. Customer satisfaction has been a subject of great interest to organizations and researchers alike. In recent years, organizations are obliged to render more services in addition to their offers. The quality of service has become an aspect of customer satisfaction. It has been proven by some researchers that service quality is related to customer satisfaction. Others used service quality dimensions to evaluate service quality. What about the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality dimensions; the relationship between service quality and its dimensions?


    Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality in service sectors with respect to the service quality dimensions.


    Method: Convenience sampling technique was used to collect quantitative data from customers of Umeå University, ICA and Forex to get their satisfaction levels and meaning of service quality which were substituted in the SERVQUAL model. Chi-square test was used to test the hypotheses separately and in a group.


    Findings: The study showed distinctive results for the relationship between service quality dimensions and service quality/customer satisfaction.ICA and Forex had significant relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction; butUmeåUniversity had no significant relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Meanwhile the group result showed that: ´responsiveness`, empathy´ and ´reliability´ were significantly related to service quality; ´reliability` and `empathy`, were significantly related to customer satisfaction but `responsiveness` was not significantly related to customer satisfaction; meanwhile service quality was significantly related to customer satisfaction.


    Implication/Contribution: The findings imply that service quality is not the only factors that could lead to customer satisfaction in service sectors; that service quality dimension varies in the different service sectors. The findings suggest that to provide quality service in order to satisfy customers, organizations in this kind of service sectors need to improve on the dimensions of service quality. Also, to provide total satisfaction to customers, the service sectors need to improve on the other factors that were given as reasons for satisfaction. This study contributes to existing theories by confirming or adding value to the relationships that are involved in customer satisfaction, service quality and SERVQUAL dimensions. It provides results that could be useful to managers in business organisations for strategic planning.

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  • 13.
    Agestam, Petter
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Hanell, Jakob
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Ledarcoachning: En arena för reflektion och utvecklande av Samvetsgrannhet2009Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    När vi hör ordet coachning associerar vi det ofta med idrott. När vi tänker på en coach tänkervi ofta på en hockeytränare eller en fotbollstränare. Studien som du nu håller i din handkommer att redogöra för en aspekt av coachning som inte är lika välkänt i vidare kretsarnämligen ledarcoachning. Ledarcoachning syftar till att hjälpa den coachade ledaren attutvecklas och bli mer effektiv i sitt arbete genom aktiv coachning som karaktäriseras avfeedback och utveckling. Fokus ligger alltså på en relation mellan coachen och deltagaren ochinte på att coachen ska lära deltagaren om rätt och fel sätt att sköta saker.

    Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka effekter av coachning på ledare inom professionellaorganisationer och jämföra coachningeffekterna med förändrade personlighetsdrag hosdeltagarna, samt dra slutsatser om vilka coachningeffekter som kan kopplas till förändradepersonlighetsdrag.

    Ovanstående leder oss till följande frågeställning: hur förändras en ledare genom ettcoachningprogram?

    Den teoretiska referensramen inkluderar tidigare studier angående effekter av ledarcoachningsamt ett verktyg för att mäta personlighetsdrag kallat NEO PI-R vilket baseras påfemfaktormodellen.

    Studien har genomförts som en fallstudie på coachen Thomas Karlssons företag TKLedarguide AB och dess coachningverksamhet. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuermed respondenter som genomgått Karlssons program, parallellt med intervjuerna har vi låtitden coachade ledaren samt några av dennes medarbetare genomföra en enkät som syftar tillatt mäta förändrade personlighetsdrag enligt femfaktormodellen.

    Våra slutsatser kan sammanfattas enligt följande lista:

    • Ledarna skattar sin egen förändring i linje med våra teoretiska antaganden.
    • Ledarna skattar oftast sin egen förändring högre än medarbetarna gör.
    • Medarbetarna skattar de största förändringarna inom Samvetsgrannhet.
    • Coachningprogrammet är en arena för reflektion.
    • Efter coachningprogrammet visar ledarna på en hög nivå av Extraversion.
    • Lyhördhet och Sällskaplighet har varit de faktorer som förändrats minst.

    Då vi har tolkat Karlssons coachningprogram att likna andra ledarcoachningprogram har vi kunnat föra en resultatgivande diskussion kring resultatens överförbarhet till andracoachningprogram.

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  • 14.
    Agestam, Petter
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Molander, Peter
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    En outnyttjad guldgruva: En studie om hur fyra företag motiverar sin kontaktpersonal att lyssna på kunderna2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur tjänsteföretag med många kundkontakter samlar in synpunkter och klagomål från deras kunder. Genom att undersöka hur företag motiverar sin kontaktpersonal att ta emot synpunkter, vill vi förstå i vilken utsträckning empowerment används som motivationsteori. Studien utgår från ett ledningsperspektiv och använder ett kontaktpersonalperspektiv för att se om ledningen och kontaktpersonalens världsbild överensstämmer.

    Metoden har varit fyra kvalitativa fallstudier med kundserviceansvariga och kvantitativa enkäter till kontaktpersonalen i respektive företag.

    Slutsatserna är att vi har funnit att företagen delvis motiverar sin personal utifrån empowerment och de specifika fallföretagen kan utveckla sin synpunktshantering i syfte att anpassa sig efter kundernas krav.

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  • 15.
    Aghazadeh, Aras
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE). Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE), Business Administration.
    Westerlund, Aron
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE). Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE), Business Administration.
    Organisational understanding of corporate responsibilities: A case study on how CSR is perceived among organisations in the gaming industry of Sweden2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study will aim to explore how the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility (henceforth, CSR) can serve as an influencing factor that is correlated to organisations business operations. Departing from research in the area of CSR to broaden the current knowledge, the main purpose of the study is to elaborate on the understandings of CSR and how practices are implemented into organisations.The gaps that will be addressed in this upcoming thesis pertains to how previous studies do not consider unique characteristics that influence the understanding of CSR. There is a lack of empirical findings to support the existing theories in current research. Furthermore, the gaps addressed are derived from the enumerated CSR models that exist to be adapted towards societal development. CSR has become a major topic of discussion in today's society. As a result, the concept has developed into an essential element that companies include into their strategic frameworks, whether it addresses ethical behaviours, treatment of employees, working conditions or geopolitical concerns etc. In today's globalised world, information is more readily available, organisations are assumed to take precautions by acting responsible to gain benefits in the heightened competitive global market.The methods used in this study is regarded as a qualitative study, i.e the data was collected through semi-structured interviews with participants carrying insights of the industry. The data collected in this study will be interpreted and analysed, detailed as an interpretivist paradigm in the forthcoming method chapters. This case study was conducted as an inductive analysis where current theories are explored to support the empirical findings and theoretical framework. The methods selected provide the means of CSR to be explored. CSR in gaming can be considered obsolete at times, where initiatives to consider business ethics, sustainability, consumer interests, and employees well-being are ambiguous. There are many gaming companies that exist globally, hence the reason for selecting Sweden as the area of focus in this case study is based on the accessibility to some of the most successful companies within the industry. The findings of this study shows that the understanding of corporate responsibility is influenced by the decision-makers’ values and beliefs, about what is considered as right or wrong which is influencing the implementation process. Furthermore, the empirical findings provided us to generate an inductive theory regarding how organisations understand their responsibilities. In conclusion, there is a widespread understanding of CSR which is derived from human beliefs. The understanding of CSR among organisations is determining how organisations are implementing responsible practices.

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    Organisational understanding of corporate responsibilities
  • 16.
    Aguirre Nunez, William
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Should I stay or Should I go?: –En studie om småföretagares val att göra digitala marknadsföringssatsningar på Internet2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med studien är att få en ökad kunskap om varför småföretag väljer att börja medmarknadsföringsinsatser på Internet. Helt enkelt få insikt om vad som drivit småföretag att ta steget till att implementera Internet till sin verksamhet. För att se hur det hör ihop med att valav aktiviteter och verktyg som används i marknadsföringssyfte. Även se om det görs någon form av uppföljning av de olika processerna.

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  • 17.
    Agyeman, Stephen Kwaning
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Challenges facing venture capitalists in developing economies: An empirical study about venture capital industry in Ghana2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 18.
    Ahlbäck, Johan
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Carlsson, Tobias
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Analys av Swedbanks bankkunders risktagande: En studie om hur Behavioural Finance kan utveckla Swedbanks rådgivningsprocess2011Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    Analys av Swedbanks bankkunders risktagande. En studie om hur Behavioural Finance kan utveckla Swedbanks rådgivningsprocess.
  • 19.
    Ahlgren, Johan
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Hed, Erika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Vi eller dom?: En fallstudie om anställdas tillhörighet2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 20.
    Ahmed, Kemal
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Auditing Fair Value measurements and Disclosures: A case of the Big 4 Audit Firms2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    Problem: In today’s business environment, rising demand in financial reporting and frequent changes in accounting frameworks lead to an increased focus on reliability in Fair Value Measurement (FVM) and disclosures. The frequent changes in accounting frameworks create a challenge for managers in measuring accounting estimates accurately and have been an exceedingly difficult task. The difficult task is that of the auditors. How would auditors endorse and ensure the reliability and relevance of financial statements? Also how could they evaluate the accuracy of the measurement of fair values as presented in the financial statements? (IFAC, 2011, ISA 540).

    Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the methods and approaches used by auditors while auditing fair values from practical perspectives.

    Method: A multiple case study with pure qualitative methods and an inductive approach has been adopted. The qualitative method used a semi-structured interview to collect data. 

    Result: The result shows that by understanding the challenges and following the phases of auditing, auditors can maintain the quality of financial reporting. Four key audit phases are relevant to audit FVM. These are: understanding the Client-Business environment, Engagement, Internal Control, and Planning phases of auditing. Furthermore, the results revealed key challenges of auditing FVM and disclosures. These challenges are information insufficiency in the market (reliability), competence, auditors’ lack of fair value audit exposure, and the manager's leadership role and style. Moreover, as previous studies on FV have primarily relied on synthesis of academic literature, the thesis contributes knowledge to academia by using an empirical approach.

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  • 21.
    Aittamaa, Jonas
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Senning, Magnus
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Outsourcing & Insourcing: Vad ligger bakom företagens beslut?2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Karaktäristiskt för dagens företagsvärld är omvärldsförändringar och ständiga fluktuationer på marknaden. Större krav på företags effektivitet är numera ett faktum i och med den stadigt växande konkurrensen. Innovation, flexibilitet och framförallt att vara snabb i utvecklingen för att kunna bibehålla sin ställning och tillfredställa kundernas behov är alla aspekter som har kommit att bli allt viktigare. För att lyckas med detta har många företag valt att inrikta sig mot det som man inom företag anser vara sin kärnverksamhet, det vill säga den interna kompetens som gör företag unika och som differentierar dem från konkurrenter. Outsourcing har därför kommit att bli ett organisationsfenomen som möjliggör detta.

    Med outsourcing menas; ”den process som innebär att aktiviteter som bildar en funktion och som tidigare utförts internt inom företaget, istället köps från en extern leverantör”.

    Dock visar forskning på att så mycket som 60 procent av alla outsourcingprojekt misslyckas. Detta grundar sig på det faktum att alltför många företag börjat utkontraktera delar av verksamheten med bristande förståelse om vilka negativa effekter som kan uppstå. Detta har medfört att många företag börjat ifrågasätta sin egen outsourcingstrategi vilket i sin tur lett till att tidigare utkontrakterade funktioner återförs till verksamheten, det vill säga att funktionerna insourcas.

    Vi har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med målet att försöka svara på varför företag valt att outsourca delar av verksamheten för att därefter granska vilka motiv som föreligger för att insourca de tidigare utkontrakterade delarna. Vidare har vi även använt oss av en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn och ett deduktivt angreppssätt.

    Teoriavsnittet innehåller totalt sju delar som behandlar vårt problem. Den första delen tar upp beslutet om köp eller egentillverkning. Den andra handlar om kärnkompetens. De fyra efterföljande delarna behandlar fenomenet outsourcing, eller mer specifikt vad det innebär, motiv, risker och avslutningsvis outsourcingprocessen. Den sjunde och sista delen behandlar innebörden samt risker och fördelar med insourcing.

    I empirikapitlet presenteras sammanställningen av de fyra intervjuer som vi utfört i vår empiriska studie. För att på bästa sätt kunna tydliggöra respondenternas åsikter följer dispositionen i detta avsnitt en likvärdig struktur som dispositionen i teoriavsnittet.

    Det insamlade materialet från empirin sammankopplas i analysavsnittet till teorin. Vi ser att motiven till outsourcing kan delas in i två faktorer, kostnadseffektivisering och fokusering på kärnverksamheten. Vidare väljer företag att återinföra tidigare utkontrakterade funktioner i verksamheten i huvudsak beroende på låg kvalitet från leverantören och att den ekonomiska vinningen av att outsourca verksamheten inte motsvarat förväntningarna. Vår slutsats av detta är att dåligt förarbete och beslutsunderlag vid outsourcing är en anledning till insourcing. En annan är omvärldsförändringar som kan innebära skillnader i de ekonomiska förutsättningarna.

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  • 22.
    Ajang, Peter Ebong
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Assessing the role of work Motivation on Employee Performance2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The main purpose of this study was to” assess the role of work motivation on employee performance”. This study in an assessment of this purpose used deductive approach in which a qualitative survey was carried out among students at of Umeå Business School (USBE) who are assumed to be future employees .The survey was intended to get their responses on what they feel is (are) the best factors that could motivate them as future employees among a list of ten motivational factors. In this light the study sets to identify the most ranked factors among the ten motivational factors.

    The analysis from the empirical findings showed that Job satisfaction”was the most ranked factor for both sub groups that made up the sample survey. However a study from previous researches used in this study showed that different results could be obtained from different groups of already working employees. This study therefore can be seen as an introduction to a more detailed study to be carried by future researchers on the field of employee’s motivation.

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  • 23.
    Ajang, Peter Ebong
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Njofor, Victorine Numfor
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    An Assessment of Market Growth Strategies in a multinational company: The case of Komatsu Forest AB2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Setting strategies for an organisation is full of complexities (which strategy or strategic process to use) and these complexities arise from the ambiguous and non-routine processes. This is so because, strategy development is about the future and this future is unknown, as the paths companies follow are dynamic. Due to these complexities, managers tend to embark on knowledge gain through competencies in the management of companies. In order for future managers who have not had organisational experience to understand how strategic management is in real company situation, a case study on the types of market growth strategies and strategy development process in a multinational company is done in this thesis. How these strategies implemented affects market share is also an elaborate part of this study

    This study was done as a case study in Komatsu Forest AB; a multinational company that manufactures forestry machines. In this light, the study sets to identify the market growth strategies implemented by this company, its strategy development process and how the strategies have affected its market share.

    As basis for an empirical research process, a theoretical framework was compiled from existing literatures on market growth strategies and strategy development process, where the strategies were considered both at the business level and corporate level. A deduction research approach was appropriate for the study whereby qualitative empirical data was collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted with two employees of the company (Market analyst and the spokesman for the company) who were considered to be knowledgeable in the subject area. This allowed a thorough understanding of particular issues pertaining to the company.

    The analysis of the empirical findings showed that this company implements acquisition, partnership/networks and diversification at the corporate level and high pricing, differentiation at the business level as its market growth strategies. This company develops these strategies through a planned process; meaning that strategies are intended and these strategies have a positive impact on the company as its overall market situation has increased. This study offer some contributions for this company on how some strategic adjustments can be made in order to improve the current market situation and some recommendations for its management in better decision making.

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  • 24.
    Aklil, Bruno
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Lalet, Benoit
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    “Nothing is sure in a sea fight”: a study of the improvisational act as a necessary way to answer crisis situations when being a manager2009Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    To study how improvisation allows a crisis manager to answer the crisis when it has occurred, and how the improvisational act and the environment are linked. Methodology/ApproachFirst, we led research on the concepts of crisis, crisis management and improvisation. We were able to distinguish two major characteristics of the crisis situation – uncertainty and time pressure – as well as two moments in crisis response – containment and recovery. In parallel, we studied improvisation. The improvisation act intervenes when one realizes the environment conditions, reduces the gap between thinking the action and executing the action, and increases the speed of his actual action. Also, we identified that improvisation was expressed through the use of creativity, bricolage and intuition. At last, some authors developed levels of improvisation whether based on creativity levels or on the distance between the way one acts and the procedures, the normal ways to act. From this literature review, we were able to highlight two research propositions: Proposition 1: As soon as a situation enters a crisis phase, improvisation is used. Proposition 2: The way and the extent to improvise depend on the extent of time-pressure and uncertainty.Our belief in a mainly subjective conception of reality and of our knowledge and the fact we could use enough existing knowledge to enunciate propositions led us to have a semi-inductive research approach and a qualitative strategy. Our data were collected by using recorded semi-structured interviews. Our sample was constituted of managers specialized in the management of a crisis – surgeons and high mountain rescuers.


    Our data analysis allowed us to confirm the research propositions. Crisis managers improvise when responding to a crisis by being creative, aware and adaptable to the environment conditions, and by having quick decision-making processes. Their improvisation levels are dependent on the situation uncertainty/novelty levels. In fact, we could identify a “mirror effect”: the level of improvisation increases as uncertainty increases.


    Some points are factors of the limitation of this research. These limitations are essentially linked to a reduced transdisciplinary approach. The topic of this research deserves a larger sample of interviewees in order to improve the relevance of our findings and their capacity to be generalized.


    The value of this study comes from the relevance of the investigated fields – fields with recurrent crisis management – and from the experience of their interviewed members. This research was also led with philosophical considerations materialized by a transdisciplinary approach. Indeed, we interviewed persons from fields outside business management.

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  • 25.
    Akumbu, Nshom Martin
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    The association of Exchange rates and Stock returns: Linear Regression analysis2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The association of exchange rates with stock returns and performance in major trading markets is widely accepted. The world’s economy has seen unprecedented growth of interdependent; as such the magnitude of the effect of exchange rates on returns will be even stronger. Since the author perceives the importance of exchange rates on stock returns, the author found it interesting to study the effect of exchange rates on some stocks traded on the Stock exchange.

    There has been a renewed interest to investigate the relationship between returns and exchange rates as such; the author has chosen to investigate the present study to focus in the United Kingdom with data from the London Stock exchange .The author carried out his research on 18 companies traded on the London Stock Exchange in the process, using linear regression analysis. Taking into account the fact that the magnitude of exchange rate movements on stock returns is governed by a series of factors, the author did set up a selection criteria which spread across a series of industries ranging from financial services, manufacturing, aviation, mining, tobacco, fashion and food processing. All selected companies are of the FTSE 100 companies.

    The author produced results that to some degree are consistent with predictions in the theoretical framework. The author find significant exposure of stock returns to changes in exchange rates for some companies in the sample of FTSE 100 firms used in the study. The author equally finds out that particular currencies may be of more risk to certain companies than to others by introducing euro values in to his regression equation. This gives the compelling evidence that these companies rely heavily on external sales and revenue.

    The author, further employed lagged values of exchange rates in to his regression and found significant evidence of the possibility of mispricing for certain stocks and the impact of the previous days trading figures on present stock prices. The author believes that the weak responds in certain cases was as a result of hedging strategies put in place by these companies and risk management strategies which tend to minimise the effect of exchange rates movements.

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  • 26.
    Alenius, Jenny
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Johansson, Malin
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Varför byter företag namn?: En kvalitativ studie om drivkrafterna och beslutsprocessen kring namnbyte2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Företagsnamn har visat sig spela en allt viktigare roll på den växande marknaden. Allt fler företag väljer att anta ett annat namn och då detta är så aktuellt har vi ansett det intressant att studera namnbyten och processen kring det. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning där vi har intervjuat representanter för fyra företag, Swedbank, Nordea, Telenor samt E.ON. Vi har antagit ett företagsledningsperspektiv då vi anser att det skulle vara det bästa sättet att finna svar på vår problemformulering: Vilka är de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna till att företag byter namn och hur ser denna process ut? Syftet med studien är således att skapa förståelse för varför företag byter namn samt beskriva hur beslutsprocessen ser ut. Vidare är vårt delsyfte att analysera de implementeringsstrategier som används vid införandet av beslutet. Vi har använt oss utav Eneroths begreppsligt-induktiva modell vilket innebär att vi utgått från det faktum att allt fler företag byter namn, den tar med andra ord sin start i verkligheten. Vi anser oss också ha en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn, eftersom vårt syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse för den problematik som vi presenterat. För att uppnå syftet med studien har vi använt oss av ett flertal teorier och några av dessa kommer vi här att presentera. SWOT- analysen har använts för att finna styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot som namnbytet innebär. CITE- modellen har använts för att finna förståelse för hur element så som kultur, innebörd, gripbarhet och känslor som företagsnamnet innehåller hanteras. Vidare har vi tittat på olika osäkerheter som ett beslut innebär, om erfarenheten från tidigare beslut beaktas. Vi har läst in oss på implementeringsstrategier för att jämföra med de studerade företagen, och den öppna beslutsprocessen beskriver medarbetarnas involvering i beslutet. Utifrån den genomförda studien har vi kommit fram till att drivkraften till att företag byter namn är att företaget vill ändra sin position. Denna drivkraft kan i sin tur resultera i att företaget genomför en fusion med andra företag, att de låter sig bli uppköpta eller att de driver ett större projekt där namnbytet enbart är ett steg i processen. Slutsatsen rörande beslutsprocessen är att den varierar beroende på resurser och den bakomliggande drivkraften. Vi konstaterar att erfarenheter från tidigare fattade beslut är något som företagen värdesätter. Det har lagts ner stora resurser, arbetsinsatsen har varit omfattande, pengar som spenderats har varierat och tiden har i stor utsträckning varit begränsad. Vidare har vi konstaterat att kulturen inte är en faktor som företag anser måste bevaras, innebörden med namnet har framgått antingen med att namnet redan var etablerat eller att den symboliserade förändringen. Företagen har i beslutsprocessen arbetat med namnets gripbarhet genom deras logotyp. Företagsnamn frambringar känslor, vilket företagen har anpassat sin implementeringsstrategi efter. Medarbetare och kunder har involverats i beslutsprocessen och externhjälp har använts. Implementeringsstrategin som används är ”Phase in/Phase out” samt ”Sudden eradiction strategy”, vilket vi konstaterat beror på faktorer som drivkraften till namnbytet eller vilka känslor företaget anser finns förknippade till namnet som de skall byta ut.

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  • 27.
    Alexandersson, Olle
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Sandén, Peter
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Fullkontakt eller glappkontakt?: En jämförande studie om regelverket för revisorns oberoende2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The independent audit function plays an important role in our modern society as it strengthens the credibility of information given out by firms. A fundamental condition for the maintenance of confidence towards the audit function is the auditor’s independence. This phenomenon has been acknowledged threw several well-known audit scandals during the last decade, including the classical Enronscandal. In the repercussions of these huge auditing scandals, governments all over the world were now founding more restrictive rules and laws about audit independence. In Sweden, this has meant the creations of the new accounting law, Revisorslagen (RevL). The law however, is very narrow designed and the practical implementation of the regulations regarding audit independence has instead been provided in the hands of Revisorsnämnden (RN). RN is a government agency whose main purpose is to protect, and develop audit practice in Sweden. Thus, RN is the agency which in practice decides the level of audit independence on the Swedish audit market. This study intends to investigate whether Swedish auditors’ perception of auditor independence differs from the one of RN. If the views on the regulatory framework differ between the entity that develops it and the profession who practices it, there should be implications. Therefore, this study aims to approach the issue of auditor independence and gaining a deeper understanding of Swedish auditors’ perception of audit independence and its regulation. We have used a deductive approach, where we started in existing theories concerning auditor independence, which were then examined towards the reality. The theoretical frame of reference is basically focused on current regulation of auditor independence. RN's disciplinary procedures has served as an important theoretical basis as for the practical interpretation of the regulations regarding audit independence. The study was conducted based on a qualitative approach where the compilation of the empirical data was made by using semi-structured interviews with Umeå-based auditors. We have used a self-constructed interview guide, which has partly been comprised of case questions based on RN's assessments in various independence issues. We did this to be able to concretize different issues concerning audit independence with actual cases but also to be able to facilitate the comparison between Swedish auditors and RN. The study provides evidence of a certain difference in the perception of auditor independence, and its regulation, between Swedish auditors RN. The auditors believe that the current regulatory framework of auditor independence in many respects is too restrictive and therefore not accessible for the Swedish market. This is, referring to the auditors, especially true as seen from a small-company perspective.

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  • 28.
    Alexandersson, Olle
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Sandén, Peter
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Tyngdlösa fotbollsklubbar: En studie om Immateriella tillgångar i Fotbolls AB2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Titel: ”Tyngdlösa fotbollsklubbar - En studie om Immateriella tillgångar i Fotbolls AB”

    Seminariedatum: Tisdagen 22 Januari 2008

    Ämne/kurs: Företagsekonomi C-uppsats, 15 p

    Författare: Olle Alexandersson, Peter Sandén

    Handledare: Per Nordström

    Nyckelord: Immateriella tillgångar, Fotboll, IAS 38, RR 15

    Bakgrund: Den moderna fotbollens kommersiella utveckling innebär att fotbollsklubbar idag i allt större utsträckning drivs som företag. Det är i skrivande stund fyra allsvenska fotbollsklubbar som bedriver delar av verksamheten i AB. Utvecklingen i dagens företaga är att de är alltmer kunskapsinriktade. Den finansiella styrkan sitter inte längre nödvändigtvis i fysiska tillgångar, såsom maskiner och inventarier, utan består allt oftare av icke-fysiska tillgångar som patent, kontrakt och andra legala rättigheter. I de svenska fotbollsaktiebolagens balansräkningar är dock förekomsten av Immateriell tillgångar låg. Är den rådande redovisningsnormens definition av Immateriella tillgångar därmed inte applicerbar i fotbollsklubbars verksamhet eller kan det finnas andra orsaker till att de svenska fotbolls aktiebolagen inte väljer att aktiver Immateriella tillgångar i större utsträckning?

    Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en djupare förståelse för hur Fotbolls AB resonerar kring Immateriella tillgångar. Vi vill skapa en diskussion kring ämnet och undersöka huruvida det skulle vara möjligt för Fotbolls AB att omvärdera sin syn på aktivering av Immateriella tillgångar.

    Metod: Studien utgår ifrån ett kvalitativt angreppssätt med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Med utgångspunkt i det tolkande synsättet har vi strävat efter sätta respondenten i fokus, för att därmed försöka se på problemet utifrån deras verklighetsbild.

    Teoretisk referensram: Studiens teoretiska referensram utgörs främst av de redovisningsstandarder som styr redovisningen i Sverige. Som komplement till dessa har vi även använt relevant facklitteratur samt vetenskapliga artiklar.

    Empiri: Respondenterna utgörs av revisorer och ekonomichefer som arbetar inom Fotbolls AB samt revisorer med begränsad erfarenhet av fotbollsvärlden. Vi har därmed använt oss av både respondent och informantintervjuer, vilket underlättat möjligheten att belysa problemet ur flera aspekter.

    Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visar att det utifrån konventionella redovisningsregler skulle vara teoretiskt möjligt för Fotbolls AB att aktivera Immateriella tillgångar i större utsträckning än idag, men att Svenska Fotbollsförbundets elitkriterier i dagsläget starkt begränsar dessa möjligheter. Studien pekar på att en ökad aktivering av olika former av Immateriella tillgångar dessutom skulle leda till en mer rättvisande bild av klubbarnas ekonomiska ställning.

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  • 29.
    Alexeyeva, Irina
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Lindkvist, Ylva
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Kvalitet i revisionen: Hur definieras kvalitet och hur den uppnås2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]




    På revisionsmarknaden finns det många små och stora företag som utför samma kärntjänst revision. Konkurrensen är stor och därför är frågan om kvalitet är mycket viktig för revisionsbyråerna. Forskare tar upp frågan då och då under de senaste decennierna men det råder dock oenighet i frågan vad revisionskvalitet är. Problemet kan bero på att revisionen har en mängd olika intressenter, t.ex. företagsledning, aktieägare, och de krav som intressenterna ställer kan skilja sig. En annan anledning till forskarnas oenighet i frågan om revisionskvalitet kan vara att forskarna betraktar fenomenen från olika perspektiv. Francis, Simon, Palmrose och Turpen analyserar kvalitetsdimensioner i relation till prisskillnader mellan byråerna. Andra studerar kvalitet genom att undersöka skillnader mellan olika revisionsbyråer. Skillnader kan t.ex. gälla revisionsbyrå storlek, arbete med personalen o.s.v. Behn, Carcello, Mock och Samet undersöker kvalitet från beteendeperspektiv.

    Vikten av att kunna bilda och upprätthålla goda relationer med kunderna är allmänt accepterat bland revisorerna. Revision är en tjänst som består till en viss del av kontakter med kunderna. Kvalitet av revisionen kan alltså påverkas av dessa kontakter. Därför är det viktigt att rikta mer uppmärksamhet på servicerelaterade aspekter och utforska hur de påverkar kvalitet av revisionsprocessen.

    Syftet med studie är att utforska hur revisionsbyråer definierar begreppet kvalitet och dess beståndsdelar. Genom att få förståelse av begreppet syftar författarna också till att utveckla huvudlinjer för ett framgångsrikt kvalitetsarbete.

    Det teoretiska perspektivet skapades genom att använda teorierna om revision, kvalitet, tjänstekvalitet och revisionskvalitet. Det teoretiska perspektivet byggdes upp på det sättet som skulle öka läsarens förståelse av ämne och skapa en helhet.

    För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte genomfördes det kvalitativa undersökningen med personliga intervjuer. För undersökningen valdes stora internationella revisionsbyråer. Uppsatsen bygger på fyra intervjuer med kvalificerade revisorer som var genomförda på kontoren i Umeå.

    Studien visar på vissa skillnader i definitionen av kvalitet. De viktigaste bitarna i definitionen som framkommit i undersökningen är dock kunskap om kundernas behov och förväntningar och kompetens hos personalen. Andra viktiga dimensionerna för god kvalitet är oberoende och branscherfarenhet.

    För att åstadkomma hög kvalitet behövs det en grund i form av gemensamma värderingar som påverkar personalen så att de blir tjänstevilliga och kundinriktade. Vidare behövs det kontinuerlig utveckling av personalen. Det kan vara behovsanpassad utbildning och ständig upprätthållning av personalen om alla nyheterna i revisionsprocessen. Korta kommunikationsvägar mellan medarbetarna, som möjliggör snabb kommunikation och feedback, är en tredje nödvändig villkor för ett framgångsrikt arbete med kvalitet. Sist men inte minst vill vi nämna kunskap om kundernas behov och förväntningar som utgör en nödvändig förutsättning för att åstadkomma hög kvalitet av revisionstjänsten.

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  • 30.
    Ali Madadi Jani, Siavash
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    The Role of Knowledge in Internationalization of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Internationalization is one of the most complicated elements in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) expansion. Researchers seem to agree more and more that none of the theories in this field can solely explain the dynamics of the internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises particularly small knowledge- and service-intensive firms. There are different theories and approaches toward the SMEs‘ internationalization; however there is one predictor in common among them: Firm‟s knowledge resources (Yli-Renko, Autio, & Tontti, 2002).Since the value-adding processes of firms are increasingly based on the creation and exploitation of knowledge, the natural focus of attention shifts from the control of static, firm-specific resources to the acquisition, assimilation, and exploitation of firm-specific knowledge (Bettis & Hitt, 1995; Grant, 1996; J.Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998). In today‘s global competitive landscape, firms succeed not because they have control over scarce resources, but because they have the ability to gain the knowledge, learn and use this learning more efficiently than others. In comparison with big companies SMEs have relatively less resources, which make knowledge very vital for their survival and growth. (Mejri & Umemoto, 2010)There has not been much empirical research on knowledge resources and capabilities although the importance of knowledge-related process is widely acknowledged. There is a notable limitation in SME literature on influence of knowledge that can only offer limited insight into firm‘s foreign market operations. In other words, there is a gap in the literature about the different types of knowledge and their role in the internationalization process and therefor this research has set it goal to answer the aforementioned issues.This research has used qualitative approach and case study research design, and six semistructured interviews were conducted with small Swedish firms that involved in international activities. Since this is an exploratory study, the data from the six cases was quite managable. Analysis was conducted by coding the interviews and categorization of the codes. The codes were interpreted and three types of knowledge were extracted based on both the data and theories; Technological Knowledge, Business Knowledge and Market-specific Knowledge. The main characteristics of each company were put together with regard to the three types of knowledge. The next step in analysis was to find out if there were any differences or similarities between the companies when it came to internationalization process. By using the aforementioned results a farmework was developed. The framework presents the role of each Knowledge in the internationalization process and is the key finding of this research.The results from this study indicate the significant role of different types of knowledge as the main source of competitive advantage for SMEs to go to international markets. However the result of this study also designates that the role of knowledge in the internationalization process must be understood in the context of the industry, the company and the people involved.

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  • 31.
    Alinvi, Fatima
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Customers' Expectations of Banks Becoming Cashless: - How could banks meet customers' expectations when changing from cash services to deeper customer relationship?2009Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The organizational change of banks into cashless banking is becoming quite common. Technological development, competition and changing attitudes of customers towards cash services offered force banks to shift their activity towards advice based approach. However, when changing to cashless activity banks undertake a change which directly impacts on their customers. Hence, in this research I try to answer the following question:


    How could banks meet customers’ expectations when changing from cash services to deeper customer relationship?


    The main purpose of this study is to contribute for better understanding of beneficiary customers’ expectations of banks going over to cashless activity. In order to fulfill the main purpose two studies are conducted. The first study is of preparatory nature based on the qualitative research through the semi-structured interviews. Based on the findings of the semi-structured interviews the theoretical framework, subdivided into bank and customer related theories, has been revised and hypotheses have been created for further study. The second study was conducted through the quantitative survey where 500 questionnaires have been sent to randomly chosen participants.


    The survey findings have been analyzed statistically in order to test the hypotheses. Furthermore, analyses and suggestions for the bank (assigner of this case study) have been made in light of the theories related to both customer and bank.


    The results have shown that customers react positively to some organizational changes such as limitation of cash services and their complete removal to another office. Furthermore, it has been shown that customers do not possess good knowledge about the changes even the one that was already implemented. Moreover, the results have shown that customers require information at least one month before the change is implemented. A large part of the customers would like to receive the information via letter sent per post. Regarding the limitation of cash services customers of all ages have expressed their worries and suggested to extend open hours until 6 p.m. at least during one day. With regard to the complete transformation of the bank into cashless activity, customers reacted mainly negative. However, it has been shown that only over 7% would be affected by this change to the extent where they would consider changing the bank.


    Keywords: “cashless bank/ing”, “changing from cash services to deeper customer relationship”, “meet customers’ expectations of banks becoming cashless”, “organizational change”, “beneficiary customers”.

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  • 32.
    Alinvi, Fatima
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Babri, Maira
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Customers' preferences of insurance services: How could insurance companies enhance their ability of meeting the constant changes in customers’ preferences in an increasingly competitive environment?2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    With the presumption of change as an inevitable phenomenon, the aim of this study is to explore ways in which insurance companies can enhance their ability of meeting the constant changes in customers’ preferences in an increasingly competitive environment. In order to conduct this study, we have used a qualitative research strategy to gain a better understanding of young customers’ preferences about the services provided by insurance companies. Based on these preferences we provide useful suggestions for insurance companies. Existing theory suggests that customers change their preferences according to their life circumstances and while certain preferences are well-defined others can be inconsistent. In an increasingly competitive environment, where insurance companies fight for the same customers, having a customer-oriented culture is extremely important not only to retain customers, but also to acquire new ones. This study presents various theories on the changes in customers’ preferences as well as theories regarding organizational strategy and change.

    The empirical data has been collected through two focused group interviews with students under 28, in Västerbotten, Sweden and through a group interview with leading representatives of a dominant insurance company in the county. The findings suggest that young consumers’ preferences regarding insurance services are based on their life situation. Price is a decisive factor in the choice of insurance company and their services. The results also showed that many of the respondents are skeptical towards the intentions of and services provided by insurance companies. The complex nature of insurances and the intangibility of services in general, can be possible explanations. Strengthening the evidence in existing studies, we also conclude that there is a vast amount of information insurance-takers would like to have access to before, during, and after purchasing insurance. Additionally, customers would like flexible insurance bundles with the possibility to add and subtract components as life situations change. Finally, based on these results, we suggest how insurance companies could turn these findings into opportunities. We suggest how and when to meet the customers, and how to build long lasting, trust-based relationships which could lead to increased customer loyalty over time.

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  • 33.
    Allergren, Fredrik
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Wendelius, Alvin
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    CAPM - i tid och otid: En portföljbaserad studie av CAPM på den svenska aktiemarknaden2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) är den prissättningsmodell som mest frekvent används av aktörer på den finansiella marknaden samt i litteratur för att förklara sambandet mellan risk och förväntad avkastning. Teorin grundades under 1960-talet av William Sharpe och tidiga empiriska tester av modellen visade att den med hög förklaringsgrad kunde estimera en framtida förväntad avkastning givet en viss risknivå. På senare år har dock CAPM fått stark kritik eftersom nya empiriska undersökningar demonstrerat att modellen inte längre verkar visa en rättvisande avkastning i förhållande till risk.

    För att undersöka om den över 40 år gamla modellen fortfarande visar någorlunda rättvisande beskrivningar av verkligheten har vi ställt oss frågan: Går det att med hjälp av historiska data förutspå en riskfylld tillgångs avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden?

    Vid besvarade av denna fråga har studien syftet Att med hjälp av portföljer studera huruvida sambandet mellan risk och avkastning, vilket postuleras av CAPM, stämmer på den nutida svenska aktiemarknaden.

    Vi har utifrån vår kunskapssyn kritisk rationalism använt oss av en kvantitativ metod för att försöka ge svar på problemställningen, vilken angreps med ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar teorier som portföljval, den effektiva marknadshypotesen och CAPM. Det empiriska materialet består av historiska aktiekurser vilka bearbetades och användes till att komponera flertalet portföljer. Dessa portföljer har sedan analyserats genom regressionsanalys och jämförts med ett aktiemarknadsindex i syfte att besvara vår problemställning.

    Det som framkommit genom studien är att det till viss del med hjälp av historiska data går att förutspå en riskfylld tillgångs avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Även om vi delvis kan ge stöd åt den testade modellen anser vi inte att betavärdet, som ensamt förklarande variabel och mått på risk, bör tillämpas vid beslutsfattande av investeringar, något som CAPM förutsätter att det ska göra. Det linjära samband som CAPM postulerar bedömer vi vara bristande i tillämpbarhet på dagens komplicerade aktiemarknad eftersom fler variabler än historiska data påverkar aktiekurserna.

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  • 34.
    Alm, Andreas
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Frykholm, Patrik
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Den långa vägen: – En resa genom investeringsprocessen2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Genom åren har många företag inom nya branscher startats med hjälp av riskkapital. Utan riskkapital hade troligen inte företag som Apple Computer, Microsoft, Intel, Federal Express, Sun Microsystems och Compaq Computer sett dagens ljus. Alla dessa företag startades med hjälp av riskkapitalbolag som valt att finansiera dessa företagsidéer för att sedan sälja dessa företag ut på den publika aktiemarknaden.

    För att en entreprenör ska få möjlighet att utveckla en idé och/eller en produkt så är finansieringen från riskkapitalbolagen helt avgörande och har fått allt större betydelse för samhället i termer av fler arbetstillfällen och på marknaden i termer av produkter eller tjänster. Denna betydelse för samhället och marknaden gjorde att vårt intresse för denna studie byggts upp och detta ledde till vår problemformulering:

    Hur ser investeringsprocessen ut när riskkapitalbolag väljer att investera i ett tillväxtföretag och vilka problem uppstår under vägen?

    För att få en förståelse för denna problemformulering tillämpade vi kvalitativ metod. Studien genomfördes genom ett antal intervjuer med personer som arbetar inom riskkapitalbranschen och har stor insyn hur investeringsprocessen och de problem som är kopplade till processen. Svaren från respondenterna har sedan analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen som vi inhämtat från aktuella och respekterade vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur inom ämnet. Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd genom att följa investeringsprocessens olika steg och det problem som uppstå under vägen.

    Utifrån vår analys har vi konstaterat att investeringsprocessen innehåller sex steg; Screening, affärsmöjlighet, due diligence, förhandling, efterinvesteringsaktiviteter och exit. Investeringsprocessen tar generellt sätt mellan 6-18 månader och kan variera beroende på arbetsbelastning och konkurrens. Problemen som kan uppstå under denna process är ofta kopplad till agentproblematiken vilket riskkapitalbolagen hanterar genom att utforma kontrakten på sådant sätt att de får stort inflytande i tillväxtföretaget trots att de är minoritetsägare.

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  • 35.
    Alm, Björn
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Alibegovic, Ervin
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Riskkapital och exit: Påverkar riskkapitalbolagens ägarstruktur valet av exit?2006Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi vill undersöka huruvida det finns ett samband mellan riskkapitalföretagets ägarstruktur och deras val av exit genom en positivistisk studie med en deduktiv ansats. Målet är att öppna vägen för mer djupgående forskning kring exits i Sverige genom att undersöka ett antal potentiella samband. Riskkapitalisterna delas upp i tre grupper baserat på deras ägarstruktur: privata, koncernbundna samt offentliga riskkapitalister.

    Utifrån befintlig teori på området har vi utformat nio hypoteser som kan delas in i fyra grupper. Den första gruppen testar huruvida sambandet mellan ägarstruktur och val av exit existerar, den andra gruppen testar sambandet mellan portföljbolagets bransch och val av exit, nästa grupp testar huruvida det finns ett samband mellan investeringslängden och val av exit respektive ägarstruktur och slutligen testar vi om det finns ett samband mellan portföljbolagets potential och deras val av exit.

    För att samla in nödvändig data för att testa dessa hypoteser utgick vi ifrån Förvärv och Fusioners data över alla exits i Sverige från 2003 till och med första halvåret 2006. Databasen fick kompletteras med ett antal variabler: omsättningstillväxt, typ av exit, ägarstruktur samt bransch. All databearbetning har skett i Excel och alla statistiska modeller har bearbetats i SPSS. Vår data innehåller 248 exits men eftersom endast tre av dessa var buybacks valde vi att utesluta dessa eftersom det är för lite data för att kunna testas statistiskt. Analysen har utförts med hjälp av korstabeller och ANOVAtabeller.

    Studiens slutsats är att det finns ett samband mellan riskkapitalbolagets ägarstruktur och deras val av exit även om det fanns en avvikelse när det gäller finansiella försäljningar. De portföljbolag som har privata riskkapitalister som investerare hamnar oftare på börsen eller som en industriell försäljning än de som har offentliga riskkapitalister som investerare. Vidare hittade vi stöd för att portföljbolagets branschtillhörighet också har ett samband med valet av exit samt att även portföljbolagets potential har ett samband med valet av exit. Däremot hittar vi inget stöd för att riskkapitalbolagets ägarstruktur har något samband med investeringslängden men vi hittar stöd för att det finns ett samband mellan investeringslängden och valet av exit. Slutligen diskuterar vi vilka studier som skulle behöva göras för att ytterligare utforska mekanismerna bakom exits på den svenska riskkapitalmarknaden.

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  • 36.
    Alp, Adnan
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Persson, Elin
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    PPM: "Jag vet typ ingenting tragiskt men sant"2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det reformerade pensionssystemet som infördes på 90-talet består av tre delar; den allmänna pensionen, tjänstepension samt eventuellt privat pensionssparande. Till den allmänna pensionen avsätts 18,5 procent av individens inkomst varje år. 2,5 procent av dessa går till premiepensionen där individen själv väljer i vilka fonder de ska placeras. Det finns cirka 790 fonder att välja mellan i systemet. Om individen inte själv gör ett eget val placeras dennes premiepension i premiesparfonden vilken förvaltas av sjunde AP-fonden.


    Tidigare undersökningar har visat att engagemanget i premiepensionen är lågt. Det är relativt få individer som själv väljer i vilka fonder deras premiepension ska placeras. Undersökningarna har också visat att allmänhetens kunskaper om premiepensionssystemet som helhet är låga. PPM har bland annat till uppgift att informera allmänheten i frågor gällande premiepensionen och skapa engagemang samt kunskap bland spararna. Det är då av intresse att undersöka denna informationsverksamhet och engagemanget hos spararna. Uppsatsen syftar därmed till att utröna om aktiviteten i fondplaceringar skiljer sig mellan två grupper som är verksamma inom helt skilda yrkesområden, studera hur tillfredsställande PPM:s informationsverksamhet är utifrån hur de två undersökningsgrupperna upplever den samt få förståelse för vilken kunskap de båda grupperna anser sig ha och från vilka informationskällor kunskapen kommer.


    Genom att jämföra två grupper inom olika verksamhetsområden; anställda på ett tillverkningsföretag i Umeå och anställda vid Umeå Universitet på institutioner med ekonomisk inriktning undersöktes engagemanget hos de undersökta grupperna samt deras uppfattning kring PPM:s informationsverksamhet. Genom att utgå från teorier kring beslutsfattande och information genomfördes med hjälp av en enkätstudie den kvantitativa undersökningen som ligger till grund för denna uppsats. Utifrån de valda teorierna och med hjälp av statistiska verktyg analyserades enkätsvaren.


    Ett flertal av våra respondenter ser systemet som onödigt komplicerat och osäkert. Det upplevs också som att ett för stort ansvar läggs på den enskilda individen att själv förvalta sin premiepension efter bästa förmåga då kunskaperna för att kunna göra detta på ett optimalt sätt är varierande.


    Undersökningen visar att det finns skillnader mellan grupperna vad gäller upplevd informationsnivå och engagemang i premiepensionen. Aktiviteten det vill säga huruvida respondenterna själva valt fonder för sin premiepension är högre bland de anställda vid Umeå Universitets ekonomiinstitutioner än bland de på tillverkningsföretaget. Vad gäller den upplevda informationsnivån är den i genomsnitt lägre bland anställda på tillverkningsföretaget än anställda vid Umeå Universitet med ekonomisk inriktning.


    Det visade sig att PPM till viss del inte lyckats med att nå upp till sina uppsatta mål för informationsverksamheten för de undersökta populationerna. Detta eftersom en stor del av respondenterna inte ansåg sig vara tillräckligt informerade om premiepensionen. Det framgick även att flertalet av dem som upplever sig ha en högre informationsnivå i stor utsträckning fått sin kunskap från andra källor än PPM.

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  • 37.
    Altun, Aydin
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Sundh, Rica
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Elucidation of Thought and Ideas: Understanding the Valuation of Private Internet Companies2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    With the surge in valution of the modern private Internet companies the authors felt that there is a need to identify the parameters that lay behind the valuations. By finding these parameters' use prior to the dotcom of the late 1990s and collecting and analyzing data the authors try to find whether the same parameters are used to value the modern private Internet companies. 

    The reason for choosing articles on the valuation parameters of late 1990s is because the interest in investing Internet companies was the highest at that time and we felt that this could be used in a comparative basis. Through this analysis the following valuation parameters were identified as the most important of that time;

    • Web Metrics
    • Insider Trading
    • Analysts’ role in the valuation
    • The impact of asymmetric information

  • 38.
    Alves, Sérgio
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Anything new under the sun?: A qualitative study on the discourse of sustainable entrepreneurs and its potential source2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The human kind is at risk as severe problems, such as poverty or climate change, escalate. At the root of these problems is the organization of human (economic) activity and sustainability, a simple and attracting concept that hides an ideological battle among three discourses, is pointed out as the solution. The result of this battle will dictate if we will deal with those problems by keeping all the same (market discourse), by reforming the actual system (weak sustainability discourse) or by transforming it radically (strong sustainability discourse).

    Sustainable entrepreneurs, as an important source of innovation, can provide cues to what kind of change we will have. Given the non-existence of previous research on the topic two research questions were defined that try to i) understand how much of the discourse of the sustainable entrepreneurs is based upon our current way of thinking and ii) identify what social mechanisms can be conditioning such discourse.

    Taking a critical realism stance, and understanding the tentative nature of the research, a retroductive process is used to obtain qualitative knowledge, in a cross-sectional study.

    Drawing from the theoretical areas of sustainability discourse, sustainable entrepreneurship, discourse and social structure a conceptual map as well as framework of reference are defined, that highlight the existence of sustainable entrepreneurs inside the social structure as well as the ways how the social structure can condition that discourse.

    Looking at the views of eleven sustainable entrepreneurs, collected during interviews and analysed through critical discourse analysis, it was found that the discourse of sustainable entrepreneurs is identifiable with the weak sustainability discourse, albeit some traces of strong sustainability discourse. Findings also show that the discourse is characterized by having “bipolar” normative assumptions with a set of explicit weak/strong sustainability discourse values and a set of implicit market discourse beliefs. Moreover, the discourse seems to reproduce the key features of the market discourse.

    Based on those findings and the analysis of the current social structure, two social mechanisms (knowledge control and collateral awareness) are hypothesized as to impact the discourse of sustainable entrepreneurs.     Future research is suggested to focus on the further analysis of the phenomenon as well as a need to create knowledge to help transform the situation. Similarly, recommendations to society and sustainable entrepreneurs are made that advocate the development and application of knowledge that is free from the market discourse. 

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  • 39.
    Alzoubi, Abdallah
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Alazawi, Yasir
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Capital budgeting techniques and firms´ performance. Case study: Jordanian listed services firms2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Capital investment decision is one of the most important decisions, because it is thought to be affecting the short and long run situations of firms, and according to theory, it is thought to be affecting shareholders’ wealth. The researchers have recognized the two previously mentioned phases and conducted this study.


    This study aims at identifying the extent to which capital budgeting techniques and its related practices are used by Jordanian listed services firms, and identifying reasonable justifications behind that pattern of this use. The study also aims at identifying if there is any relationship between firms’ performance and the degree of capital budgeting sophistication.


    The researchers planned the study by formulating 3 research questions; these are, what are the capital budgeting techniques and their related practices that used by Jordanian listed services firms? Why Jordanian listed services firms use some capital budgeting techniques rather than others? What is the effect of the technique used on the firm’s performance?


    To answer these questions, the researcher developed a questionnaire and addressed it to the capital budgeting decision makers of Jordanian listed services firms. The sample of the study is the whole population; 63 Jordanian listed services firms. The researchers received back 38 usable replies after which they started their statistical analysis to reach at findings about their first two questions. As to the third question, the researchers used a multiple regression model that explains performance by the degree of sophistication and size of the firm. The researchers run the analysis for the multiple regression model on 30 firms, the firms that have their financial statements available at JSC.


    The results showed that PBP is the most used technique by the Jordanian listed services firms, followed by NPV, PI, ARR, and IRR. The results showed that the practices related to capital budgeting techniques; cost of capital estimation methods, risk analysis techniques, and cash flow forecasting techniques, are not widely used by the Jordanian listed services firms because of the domination of subjective judgment.


    When started their study, the researchers expected that the selection of the capital budgeting techniques is explained by demographical characteristics, type of capital investment decision, and\ or the perception of the respondents to the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. The results showed that academic qualification has a positive effect on the use of DCF techniques, while the type of capital investment decision has no effect on the capital budgeting techniques selection. Based on the respondents’ perception to the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, the advantages of PBP and NPV explain their high use, and the disadvantages of IRR explain its low use. Finally, the results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that there is no relationship between the degree of capital budgeting sophistication and the performance of the firms.

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  • 40.
    Amankwah, George
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Abonge Viyu, Harrison
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Investigating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in Venture Capital & Private Equity firms: A study in US and UK venture capital industry2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues are becoming more and more significant for comprehensive evaluation of companies responsible investing activities. Over the years, the growth in corporate responsibility to the society and policies towards environmental consciousness has necessitated the need for comprehensive ESG integration into investment decision-making process and the impact of such activities on company‟s financial performance. Although, studies suggest that there is an increasing trend in ESG considerations among large-cap companies and public investors, little have been written about the link with private investors. Venture capital and private equity investors have an important role in shaping current innovative companies to become future leaders in the market and therefore posses the ability to influence entrepreneurs towards sustainability by incorporating ESG issues in their investment selection processes.

    This study sought to find out if venture capital and private equity investors consider ESG issues in their activities and if so, do cultural and institutional contexts in which they operate have any effect on their considerations? We have used two of the most advanced venture capital and private equity industries in the world – USA and UK to analysed the response of this sector to ESG issues. Essential ESG factors have been coded using content analysis method for 122 companies from both countries relating to how they practise and integrate environmental, social and corporate governance issues into their investment decision process. Statistical multivariate analysis was conducted with SPSS to analyse data gathered.

    Our findings revealed that in general venture capital and private equity investors are responding to calls for ESG considerations in their activities, with almost all studied companies reporting some form of ESG issues on their corporate website. However, majority of them are just at the initial stage of mentioning with little information on how it is been used as part of investment selection criteria. Results of the study also show that, investors in environmental related products and services (Cleantech) have higher levels of ESG considerations than other investors. An indication that investor‟s who finance innovative companies that provide solutions to current environmental problems do impact more positively on society.

    In addition, findings also confirmed earlier studies that differences in cultural and institutional contexts between countries do affect behaviour and values of companies. Thus, a country with strong regulations and incentives towards sustainability will impact on corporate culture that will increase ESG considerations among venture capital and private equity investors.

    Therefore, our study concluded that there is an appreciable levels of ESG consideration among venture capital and private equity investor‟s, however investors need to increase their considerations by committing more resources to environmental solutions and social issues such as clean technologies and community philanthropy.

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  • 41.
    Ameen, Masood
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Jacob, Mini
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Complexity in Projects: A Study of Practitioners’ Understanding of Complexity in Relation to ExistingTheoretical Models2009Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In the last three decades, complexity theory has gained a lot of importance in several scientific disciplines like astronomy, geology, chemistry etc. It has slowly extended its usage in the field of project management. While trying to understand the managerial demands of modern day projects and the different situations faced in projects, the term ‘complexity’ is progressively becoming a benchmark term. In the recent past some of the challenging projects that have been completed are the Heathrow Terminal 5 and the construction of venues for the Beijing Olympics. But can we call these projects complex?It is probably too simplistic to classify projects as complex or non-complex. What is particularly important is to identify the source of the complexity, the level and also the implications of the complexity. Several academicians have studied the different dimensions and established different classifications of complexity. These are put together into models of complexity.But is this classification well-grounded in reality? This is what we aim to explore through this research. The specific questions that we wish to explore by conducting this research are:

    • How does the understanding of project complexity in actuality conform to the theoretical complexity models?

    In an effort to answer the primary question, our study will also throw some light on factors of complexity across different sectors. We hope that this distinction will pave way for further research within these sectors. This now brings us to our sub-question:- How do the factors that contribute to complexity compare across different sectors?At the outset of this research, the literature on complexity was reviewed. An attempt was made to understand what complexity means with a focus on the field of project management.It was observed that there is a new wave of thinking in this field and a camp which believes that regular project management tools and techniques cannot be used for complex projects.

    This has drawn several academicians to generate models of complexity based on various factors. In this research we have focused on some important models like that of Turner and Cochrane, Ralph Stacey, Terry Williams, Kahane and Remington and Pollack. We have tried to see if any of these models fit in with how practitioners understand complexity.To find out how practitioners comprehend complexity, we followed a grounded theory approach and also used quantitative methods to supplement the results in accordance in a mixed methodology. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine project managers from different sectors and different  geographical locations. The interviews were analyzed and the data was broken down to different categories referred to as open coding where labelling was done. This was followed by Axial coding where we describe the properties and build relations between these categories. The final stage is selective coding where the emerged theory is integrated and refined.Quantitative data was collected through a short questionnaire which listed out some factors which could cause or lead to complexity in projects. A total of 29 responses were obtained for the questionnaires. By analyzing this data we were able to determine the factors that project managers thought caused complexity in projects. A new dimension was also added by analyzing it sector-wise. Since we collected data from two different sources, via interviews and through questionnaires, it gave us the opportunity to triangulate the findings. Wesincerely hope that this piece of work will pave way for future research on similar areas like models of complexity and perception of complexity in project management

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  • 42.
    Ampomah, Monica
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    The Practice of project management in new product development: A study of Microfinance Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa2011Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Microfinance is the provision of credit/loans to poor individuals for the purpose of income generation. The Sub-Saharan African region which is among the poorest areas in the world is thought to be one of the regions where the microfinance industry is dynamic and growing in terms of acceptance and patronage. Even though microfinance in the Sub-Saharan Africa region has received a lot of research attention, most have focused largely on the financial performance whilst there is no available information on project management practices in new product development.Since project management is considered to be an effective means of managing new product development, the purpose of this work was to investigate the practice of project management in new product development in microfinance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa and to assess which project management methods, and tools and techniques are used.A case study was adopted and a semi-structured interview through telephone/Skype was conducted on eight senior management staff from different microfinance institutions. The respondents comprised five Non-governmental organizations, two Non-Bank financial institutions and one Commercial Bank, operating in Angola, Gambia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia and Kenya.The empirical findings were that six of the microfinance institutions are involved in new product development whilst two of the institutions which are Non-governmental organizations are not. The main product that is developed by these microfinance institutions is credits/loans. The reason for new products development was to meet clients’ needs even though competition and the need to be innovative was also a factor.This research also shows that the six microfinance institutions that are into new product development organize product development through projects. Project management is the means through which new products are developed. In addition, projects are managed either solely by each microfinance institution or done in collaboration with other institutions.A further indication based on project management steps suggests a flexible practice of project management in developing new products as project management steps are not tightly followed. The project management methods that are used in developing new products in all these institutions was the in house method as all the respondents considered it an effective way because this method is adapted to their institutional structure.In addition, the commonly used tool and technique among all the institutions was the progress reports which contained necessary information for monitoring and evaluating of the projects.

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  • 43.
    Amy, Chin Mei Yen
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Pulatov, Bakhtier
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    International differences in project planning and organizational project planning support in Sweden, Japan, Israel, and Malaysia2008Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The study of the cultures has been a primary focus of sociology, psychology and anthropology since their inception. Increasing globalization has brought the attention of academics and practitioners to the study of national cultures and their differences into the management area. Likewise, the parallel trend towards running some business through projects has brought broader perspectives such as national cultures into the project management field. Recent academic literature demonstrated that national culture has a major impact on management practices. However, the element of national culture is elusively described in the project management field. No extensive tests were found on the comparison of the project planning among countries, which could help to establish relationship between national cultures and project planning capabilities. Using GLOBE study to capture national cultures and Project Management Planning Quality (PMPQ) model to capture project planning approach and organizational planning support, this paper addresses this gap by comparing national culture, project planning and organizational project planning support across four different countries: Malaysia, Japan, Sweden and Israel. The findings of this thesis are that there are both similarities and differences in project planning between different countries. In organizational project planning support practices, two clusters were identified. It attempts to answer questions about the relevance of culture to project planning and concludes with implications to project managers.

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  • 44.
    Anagho, Zillah
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Tah, Kenneth
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    THE EX-DIVIDEND DAY STOCK PRICE BEHAVIOR: FTSE 100 of the London Stock Exchange2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this thesis, we have analyzed the ex-dividend stock price behavior in the London Stock Exchange to see if the stock prices really drop by the same amount as the dividend on the ex-dividend day. Our sample data covers 80 FTSE100 companies of the London stock exchange for the period 2001 to 2006.

    To answer the research question: Do returns on the London Stock Exchange act in accordance with the efficient market hypothesis on the ex-dividend day? We used a deductive approach and test four hypothesis. The study was carried out by comparing the actual value of the raw price ratio, market adjusted price ratio, raw price drop and market adjusted price drop to their theoretical values. The difference was tested for significance using the one sample t-test.

    The results showed that there are significant differences in the observed figures from their theoretical or expected values. The observed raw price ratio is higher than the expected value of 1, implying that the stock price on the ex-dividend day drops by an amount that is lower than the dividend paid. Similarly, the market adjusted raw price ratio is also higher than the expected value of 1. The raw price drop and market adjusted price drop are lower than the dividend yield, indicating again that the stock price drops by an amount that is lower than the dividend paid.

    Our results indicated that the null hypotheses stated are rejected since the drop in the stock prices is not equal to the amount of the dividend on the ex-dividend day.

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  • 45.
    Andaya, Arleigh
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Influence of Culture and Communication Practices in Team Functioning: Case Studies on Japanese and Philippine Financial Project Teams2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This research paper was aimed at analysing the influence of culture and communication practices in team functioning.  The scope of the study was limited to the project teams in the financial sector in Japan and the Philippines. The study was a qualitative research through the application of case studies whilst the primary data were gathered from semi-structured interviews. The findings of the study revealed that the project teams were collectivist with a noticeable degree of power distance, bestowment of status through ascription and the strong need for harmony in the project team environment. The communication practices were also affected by the hierarchical, relational, societal and regulatory dictates and expectations. However, there were some differences noted in Japanese and Philippine project teams as the latter exhibited more flexibility towards hierarchical relationship where position was not seen as hindrance in developing convivial and professional relationships. In so doing, culture and communication practices influenced team functioning in the aforementioned research context. Finally, the results of the study will allow project members, leaders and other key stakeholders in understanding the influence of culture and communication practices to team functioning in a more in-depth manner. This will lead to better policies and practices in helping them realise their goals and objectives.

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  • 46.
    Anders, Isaksson
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Exit strategy and the intensity of exit-directed activities among venture capital-backed entrepreneurs in Sweden2006In: Venture Capital: A European Perspective, 2006, p. 143-156Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Anders, Isaksson
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    The effects of governance and trust on performance in a venture capital relationshipManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
  • 48.
    Anders, Isaksson
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business.
    Barbara, Cornelius
    School of Accounting and Finance, University of Wollongong, Australia.
    Hans, Landström
    Institute of Economic Research, Lund University.
    Sven, Junghagen
    Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
    Institutional theory and contracting in venture capital: the Swedish experience2004In: Venture Capital: an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, ISSN 1369-1066, E-ISSN 1464-5343, Venture Capital, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 47-71Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper tests the tenets of institutional theory by means of an empirical study of the contractual strategies applied in the Swedish venture capital industry. Venture capitalists differ in, for example, their preferences for early or later stage investments. Some have more experience than others and some are employed by public funds while others work in non-public funds. The sector, however, was expected to be relatively homogeneous due to the small size of the industry and the cultural milieu in which it is located. This homogeneity was tested regarding the use of contractual strategies among venture capitalists in Sweden. Seventy-nine separate contractual covenants were examined in relation to distinctive sector variables, structure, experience and investment preferences. The results indicate that the greatest differences in contractual strategies occur among those with differing investment preferences. There appear to be two distinct venture capital cultures controlling contractual choices in these groups. The public and the non-public sector have limited variations in their contractual choices, although public funds employ slightly more standardized strategies. Little difference was found between the contractual choices made by experienced and inexperienced venture capitalists. The findings generally conform to the outcomes predicted by institutional theory.

  • 49.
    Anders, Isaksson
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Öysten, Fredriksen
    How do venture capital firms value entrepreneurial ventures?Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
  • 50.
    Andersson, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE), Business Administration.
    Müller, Ralf
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE).
    Containing transaction costs in ERP implementation through identification of strategic learning projects2007In: Project Management Journal, ISSN 8756-9728, E-ISSN 1938-9507, Vol. 38, no 2, p. 84-92Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems requires in-depth understanding of the idiosyncrasies of the receiving organization, thus implying specific learning costs. ERP projects delivered in form of contracted projects in a competitive market environment often ignore costs for competitive reasons (Linderoth & Lundqvist, 2004). However, these learning costs add to the overall transaction costs of a project. If not budgeted into the individual projects, these costs accumulate at the project portfolio level of project delivery organizations (sellers) and must be managed adequately. One way of minimizing learning costs at the portfolio level is to identify strategic learning projects, which accrue higher than planned (competitive) costs, but lower the costs of future projects and thereby the overall learning costs at the portfolio level. The present study investigated the practices of dealing with costs of learning projects at a Swedish ERP consultancy over at period of six months. The results show how to lower portfolio-level project costs in the longterm through identification of strategic learning projects, with expected budget overruns in the short-term. The study takes a transaction-costs-economic (TCE) perspective. A model shows the impact of short-term learning investments on the lowering of implementation risks in future projects. The model can be used by managers for understanding long-term profitability by exceeding time and budget objectives in the short term.

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