The coordination of cell polarity within the plane of the tissue layer (planar polarity) is crucial for the development of diverse multicellular organisms. Small Rac/Rho-family GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton contribute to planar polarity formation at sites of polarity establishment in animals and plants. Yet, upstream pathways coordinating planar polarity differ strikingly between kingdoms. In the root of Arabidopsis thaliana, a concentration gradient of the phytohormone auxin coordinates polar recruitment of Rho-of-plant (ROP) to sites of polar epidermal hair initiation. However, little is known about cytoskeletal components and interactions that contribute to this planar polarity or about their relation to the patterning machinery. Here, we show that ACTIN7 (ACT7) represents a main actin isoform required for planar polarity of root hair positioning, interacting with the negative modulator ACTIN-INTERACTING PROTEIN1-2 (AIP1-2). ACT7, AIP1-2 and their genetic interaction are required for coordinated planar polarity of ROP downstream of ethylene signalling. Strikingly, AIP1-2 displays hair cell file-enriched expression, restricted by WEREWOLF (WER)-dependent patterning and modified by ethylene and auxin action. Hence, our findings reveal AIP1-2, expressed under control of the WER-dependent patterning machinery and the ethylene signalling pathway, as a modulator of actin-mediated planar polarity.
Plant cells have two main modes of growth generating anisotropic structures. Diffuse growth where whole cell walls extend in specific directions, guided by anisotropically positioned cellulose fibers, and tip growth, with inhomogeneous addition of new cell wall material at the tip of the structure. Cells are known to regulate these processes via molecular signals and the cytoskeleton. Mechanical stress has been proposed to provide an input to the positioning of the cellulose fibers via cortical microtubules in diffuse growth. In particular, a stress feedback model predicts a circumferential pattern of fibers surrounding apical tissues and growing primordia, guided by the anisotropic curvature in such tissues. In contrast, during the initiation of tip growing root hairs, a star-like radial pattern has recently been observed. Here, we use detailed finite element models to analyze how a change in mechanical properties at the root hair initiation site can lead to star-like stress patterns in order to understand whether a stress-based feedback model can also explain the microtubule patterns seen during root hair initiation. We show that two independent mechanisms, individually or combined, can be sufficient to generate radial patterns. In the first, new material is added locally at the position of the root hair. In the second, increased tension in the initiation area provides a mechanism. Finally, we describe how a molecular model of Rho-of-plant (ROP) GTPases activation driven by auxin can position a patch of activated ROP protein basally along a 2D root epidermal cell plasma membrane, paving the way for models where mechanical and molecular mechanisms cooperate in the initial placement and outgrowth of root hairs.
Samordning av polaritet och differentiering av celler inom ett vävnadslager är avgörande för utvecklingen av multicellulära organismer. Rothår och bladhår hos Arabidopsis thaliana utgör modellsystem för att studera signalvägar som kontrollerar planpolaritet och specifikation av cellers öde hos växter. En koncentrationsgradient av växthormonet auxin ger en instruktiv signal som koordinerar polär hopsättning av signalkomplex vid plasmamembranet i rotepidermisceller; dock är kunskapen om ytterligare aktörer och hur cytoskelettets aktörer påverkar cellpolaritet innan rothår bildas begränsad. Vad gäller differentieringen av epidermala cellers öde kontrolleras dessa genom ett väl karakteriserat nätverk av transkriptionsfaktorer som överför positionssignaler och cell-till-cell kommunikation till vävnadsomfattande mönsterbildning. Fortfarande hittas dock nya komponenter som interagerar med signalvägarna för mönsterbildning, vilket ger nya insikter om dess förbindelser med diverse utvecklingsprocesser.
Denna avhandling presenterar genen SABRE (SAB) som en ny aktör i etableringen av planpolaritet och mönsterbildning av rotepidermis. SAB är ett stort protein som har sekvenslikhet med proteiner som finns i alla eukaryoter och det påverkar planpolaritet, orientering av celldelning och kortikala mikrotubler. Genetisk interaktion med genen för det mikrotubuli-associerade proteinet CLASP stärker ytterligare inblandningen av SAB i organiserandet av mikrotubler och antyder att denna gen har en roll i organiserandet av cytoskelettet. Slående är att SAB även interagerar genetiskt med ACTIN7 (ACT7) och att både ACT7 och dess modulator ACTIN-INTERACTING PROTEIN1-2 (AIP1-2) bidrar till planpolaritet vid positionering av rothår. Cellfils-specifikt uttryck av AIP1-2 beror på den epidermala mönsterbildande genen WEREWOLF (WER), vilket påvisar ett samband mellan organisationen av aktin, planpolaritet och specifikationen av cellers öde. SAB fungerar även i mönsterbildning av rotens epidermis och stabiliserar förvärvet av cellöde uppströms av den centrala signalvägen för mönsterbildning. Dessa resultat visar på nya roller för SAB i planpolaritet och mönsterbildning av epidermis och indikerar att organiseringen av mikrotubler och aktin-cytoskelettet är viktiga både för etablerandet av planpolaritet och för specificeringen av cellers öde.
The orientation of cell division and the coordination of cell polarity within the plane of the tissue layer (planar polarity) contribute to shape diverse multicellular organisms. The root of Arabidopsis thaliana displays regularly oriented cell divisions, cell elongation and planar polarity providing a plant model system to study these processes. Here we report that the SABRE protein, which shares similarity with proteins of unknown function throughout eukaryotes, has important roles in orienting cell division and planar polarity. SABRE localizes at the plasma membrane, endomembranes, mitotic spindle and cell plate. SABRE stabilizes the orientation of CLASP-labelled preprophase band microtubules predicting the cell division plane, and of cortical microtubules driving cell elongation. During planar polarity establishment, sabre is epistatic to clasp at directing polar membrane domains of Rho-of-plant GTPases. Our findings mechanistically link SABRE to CLASP-dependent microtubule organization, shedding new light on the function of SABRE-related proteins in eukaryotes.
Patterned differentiation of distinct cell types is essential for the development of multicellular organisms. The root epidermis of Arabidopsis thaliana is composed of alternating files of root hair and non-hair cells and represents a model system for studying the control of cell-fate acquisition. Epidermal cell fate is regulated by a network of genes that translate positional information from the underlying cortical cell layer into a specific pattern of differentiated cells. While much is known about the genes of this network, new players continue to be discovered. Here we show that the SABRE (SAB) gene, known to mediate microtubule organization, anisotropic cell growth and planar polarity, has an effect on root epidermal hair cell patterning. Loss of SAB function results in ectopic root hair formation and destabilizes the expression of cell fate and differentiation markers in the root epidermis, including expression of the WEREWOLF (WER) and GLABRA2 (GL2) genes. Double mutant analysis reveal that wer and caprice (cpc) mutants, defective in core components of the epidermal patterning pathway, genetically interact with sab. This suggests that SAB may act on epidermal patterning upstream of WER and CPC. Hence, we provide evidence for a role of SAB in root epidermal patterning by affecting cell-fate stabilization. Our work opens the door for future studies addressing SAB-dependent functions of the cytoskeleton during root epidermal patterning.