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  • 1.
    Bergström, Jenny
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Jonsson, Carla
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    "English is not really a subject": language ideologies and language learning in an introduction program2024In: TESOL quarterly (Print), ISSN 0039-8322, E-ISSN 1545-7249Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper explores the construction of language ideologies and language learning within English-language education in a Language Introduction Program (LIP) in Sweden. LIP is an individual transitional program for newly arrived migrant students that seeks to quickly transition adolescents into further education or the job market. High proficiency in English is important in Swedish society and insufficient knowledge of English might lead to consequences for individuals, but also long-term consequences for society regarding inequality and inequity. The methodology is based on linguistic ethnography, with observations and interviews at two schools. Data from interviews with English teachers and principals at LIP are analyzed using Foucauldian perspectives to discuss power and individualization. Our results show that LIP is organized in a manner that reduces teachers' possibilities to cooperate and assist each other in planning, assessing, and in developing teaching practices. To a certain extent, principals withdraw from their responsibility and place a significant amount of organizational responsibility on individual English teachers. Furthermore, monolingual ideologies are prominent in educational practices, and LIP is often positioned as different from the rest of the school which increases isolation.

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  • 2. Eklund, Ivana
    et al.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Digitala resurser och flerspråkighet: Teori möter praktik2019In: Litteraciteter och flerspråkighet / [ed] Kristina Aldén, Aina Bigestans, Liber, 2019, p. 81-95Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 3.
    Hermansson, Carina
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Jonsson, Bert
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology.
    Levlin, Maria
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Lindhé, Anna
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of culture and media studies.
    Lundgren, Berit
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    The (non)effect of Joint Construction in a genre-based approach to teaching writing2019In: The Journal of educational research (Washington, D.C.), ISSN 0022-0671, E-ISSN 1940-0675, Vol. 112, no 4, p. 483-494Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This quasi-experimental intervention study examines the effect of genre-based instructional practices on 90 primary students’ narrative writing achievements and is a result of six teachers’ action to meet the educational goals of the Swedish national curriculum. Specifically, the authors examine the effects of Joint Construction, the phase in the genre pedagogical model of the Sydney School known as the Teaching and Learning Cycle, in which teachers and students work together to co-construct texts. Joint Construction has been put forward as the most powerful part of the Teaching and Learning Cycle. The authors challenge this argument, presenting findings that are inconsistent with this widely held belief. Using a pretest-posttest control group design, the study shows that the Joint Construction stage did not significantly improve the quality of students’ narrative writing or increase the text length of their writings.

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  • 4.
    Hermansson, Carina
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Lindgren, Eva
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Skrivande och skrivdidaktik2022In: Skrivdidaktik i grundskolan / [ed] Eva Lindgren; Carina Hermansson; Annika Norlund Shaswar; Sofie Areljung, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2022, 1, p. 21-41Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Hermansson, Carina
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Rosén, Jenny
    Stockholms universitet.
    Wedin, Åsa
    Högskolan Dalarna.
    Teaching for a monolingual school? (In)visibility of multilingual perspectives in Swedish teacher education2022In: Education Inquiry, E-ISSN 2000-4508, Vol. 13, no 3, p. 321-337Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article analyses the knowledge about linguistic and cultural diversity that is delineated in the syllabi of teacher education programmes for pre-, primary and secondary schools at two Swedish universities. A quantitative search for 14 chosen keywords preceded a closer analysis of the concepts *language* and *cultur*, when using truncation, in 192 syllabi. This showed that linguistic diversity was to a certain extent evident, mainly through the subjects Swedish and English, while for one university cultural diversity was mainly identified in the syllabi of Educational Work and English. If knowledge about linguistic and cultural diversity is limited to language subjects, and to some extent to pre-school and earlier school years, the risk is high that student teachers are not prepared to support equity in education for multilingual and non-dominant groups. Thus, we find that students studying the current Swedish teacher education programme are unlikely to be well equipped to meet the challenges related to creating equal educational opportunities for students in situations of linguistic and cultural diversity.

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  • 6.
    Lindgren, Eva
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Hermansson, CarinaUmeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.Norlund Shaswar, AnnikaUmeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.Areljung, SofieUmeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of applied educational science.
    Skrivdidaktik i grundskolan2022Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Skrivandet är en självklar del av skolans alla ämnen, kanske till och med så självklar att vi inte riktigt tänker på den mängd av färdigheter som ingår. Så vad är då viktigt att ha kunskap om för att kunna stötta elevers skrivutveckling? Och hur går man till väga rent praktiskt?

    I den här boken tar författarna avstamp i skrivdidaktisk forskning. I tydliga resonemang lyfter de fram en rad viktiga aspekter på skrivande och skrivundervisning, men också hur vi kan förstå dem i samspel och som en helhet. I kapitlen ryms bland mycket annat interaktionen mellan läsande och skrivande, multimodalt skrivande, skrivande genom dataspelande och lek, svårigheter i skrivande och skrivande i flerspråkiga klassrum. Målet är att ge lärare redskap för att tänka bredare och djupare om sin skriv­undervisning och därmed kunna utveckla den.

    Boken riktar sig till såväl lärarstudenter som lärare i grundskolan. Samtliga kapitel visar forskningens potential att göra skillnad för elevers skrivutveckling och ger många konkreta undervisnings­exempel från grundskolans alla stadier.

  • 7.
    Lindhé, Anna
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of culture and media studies.
    Lundgren, Berit
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Andraspråkselevers känslomässiga läsning: skriftligt återberättande som en didaktisk möjlighet i litteraturundervisningen2024In: Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, ISSN 1401-6788, E-ISSN 2001-3345Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna artikel är undersöka elevers karaktärsemotionella inferenser (Graesser, Singer & Trabasso, 1994) av en litterär text utifrån deras skriftliga sammanfattningar av lästa kapitel ur romanen, Stjärnlösa Nätter av Arkan Asaad (2015). Studien genomfördes inom undervisningen i svenska som andraspråk på det individuella programmet Språkintroduktion på gymnasiet med två deltagande lärare och tretton deltagande elever, 16–20 år. Analysen visade att många elever återberättat huvudkaraktärens känslor: hat och kärlek i relation till fadern, ilska över diskrepanser mellan generationer och kulturer samt ensamhet i att inte tillhöra eller få förståelse för en kultur. Med utgångs-punkt i resultatet föreslår artikelförfattarna att skriftligt återberättande skulle kunna tas i bruk i litteraturundervisningen för att skapa insikter om elevernas förståelse för huvudpersonens känslor såväl som för sina egna samt som ett led i arbetet med demokrati och identitetsutveckling. Slutsatsen är att denna didaktiska potential bör tas tillvara i arbetet med litteratur.

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  • 8.
    Ljung Egeland, Birgitta
    et al.
    Karlstads universitet, Karlstad, Sverige.
    Rosén, Jenny
    Högskolan Dalarna, Sverige.
    Bergström, Jenny
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Wedin, Åsa
    Högskolan Dalarna, Sverige.
    Winlund, Anna
    Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg, Sverige.
    Forskningsetiska frågor i flerspråkiga kontexter: Dilemman vid studier med vuxna och ungdomar med kort tidigare skolbakgrund2023In: Språk i praktiken – i en föränderlig värld: [Language in practice – in a changing world] / [ed] Marie Nelson; Mårten Michanek; Maria Rydell; Susan Sayehli; Klara Skogmyr Marian; Gunlög Sundberg, Stockholms universitet , 2023, Vol. 30, p. 309-329Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med detta kapitel är att bidra till en dialog gällande forskningsetik utifrån såväl juridiska som humanistiska aspekter. Exempel hämtas från dilemman som uppstått i etnografiskt inriktade studier där deltagarna är andraspråksanvändare av svenska och där många har begränsad erfarenhet av formell utbildning och användning av skrift. Det kan vara svårt att ge forskningsinformation på ett sätt som elever med olika bakgrund förstår, särskilt vad gäller konsekvenserna av informationen, av att delta i forskningen och vad det betyder att vara anonym. En utgångspunkt för kapitlet tas i begrepp som rör etisk omtanke samt i begrepp som rör samtycke och som utvecklats inom forskning om och med barn: inlärtsamtycke och samtycke som pågående process. Samtliga begrepp behandlar på ett eller annat sätt den makt forskaren har i relation till deltagarna. Vidare diskuteras hur deltagares eventuella utsatthet eller sårbarhet behöver ses i relation till denaktuella kontexten snarare än utifrån på förhand definierade kategorier. Avslutningsvis belyses forskares ansvar för att hela tiden göra etiska överväganden i sin profession och att dessa innebär en ständig och systematisk reflektion och en mängd val. Vi ser ett samhällsintresse i att etnografisk forskninggenomförs i andraspråkssammanhang där deltagarna i olika avseenden kan betraktas som i en utsatt position. Detta ställer krav på utveckling av nu använda former för samtyckesförfarande.

  • 9.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Att bygga vidare på det vardagliga: Flerspråkighet och vardagslivets skriftpraktiker som resurser i klassrummet2018In: Lisetten, ISSN 1101-5128, no 1, p. 27-29Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 10.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Att se det osynliga: Forskning om skriftbruk i vardagsliv och klassrum bland kurdiska SFI-studerande2012In: Att läsa och att skriva: Två vågor av vardagligt skriftbruk i Norden 1800-2000 / [ed] Ann-Catrine Edlund, Umeå: Umeå universitet och Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet , 2012, 1, p. 221-234Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Studying contemporary vernacular literacies can be described as aiming to catch sight of the invisible. The things people do with written texts in their everyday lives are sometimes hidden from themselves as well as from the researcher. People are not always aware of how they use written texts in their everyday lives and therefore cannot answer the reseacher's curious questions on the subject. Making observation of people's actions in their day-to-day lives is not always a realistic option. Such circumstances lend vernacular literacies aspects of invisibility.

    This partial invisibility is something that I need to deal with in my research on literacies in homes and classrooms among adult Kurds living in Sweden. In my article, I describe and discuss ways of visualizing vernacular literacy practices. I provide examples of things to consider when conducting interviews and classroom observations. I also argue that the concepts of context and domain are very useful tools for analyzing vernacular literacies, and especially if a clear distinction is made between the two concepts.

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    Att se det osynliga
  • 11.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Classroom work with literature in basic literacy and second language education for adults2024In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 18, no 2, p. 113-132Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article examines classroom work with literature in the Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) programme in which adult migrants study Swedish at a basic level. The participants were a teacher and a group of students with limited previous education. The study explores practices that the participants applied during classroom work with an easy-to-read novel. The theoretical and analytical framework includes the four resources model, transactional theory and the concepts of translanguaging and embodied literacy practices. Data for the study were collected in a large action research and linguistic ethnography project by means of classroom observations and focus group conversations with teachers. Findings show that decoding and meaning-making practices were most prominent, while text-using and text-analysing practices were scarcer. Aesthetic reading and efferent reading were in different ways integrated with the different families of practice. Aesthetic reading was connected to multimodal aspects and embodied literacy practices. Efferent reading was found at many levels in the reading and was interconnected with all families of practice. Translanguaging practices often intersected with meaning-making practices.

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  • 12.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Digital literacy practices in everyday life and in the adult L2 classroom: the case of basic literacy education in Swedish2021In: Language learning of adult migrants in Europe: theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical issues / [ed] Glenn S. Levine; David Mallows, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2021, , p. 25p. 171-195Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this chapter, I explore the digital literacy practices of an adult migrant in Sweden, and the digital literacy practices that are part of the curriculum of the Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) programme in which she takes part. The data on which the study is based were collected using an ethnographic methodology, including classroom observations and individual semi-structured interviews with the student and her teacher. Literacy is understood from a social practices perspective; the analysis explores interacting aspects of literacy events and practices. It was found that the learner has limited opportunities to participate in digital literacy practices in her everyday life and that most of these involve social interaction with family and friends. The teacher in the SFI programme encourages her only in limited ways to engage in digital literacy practices, though she and the student do engage in digital literacy practices of a semi-private nature. I suggest that learners’ digital literacy practices can be brought to bear for pedagogical purposes to better connect to the learner’s transnational practices and for the teacher to understand the learner’s entire linguistic repertoire and range of literacies for learning.

  • 13.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Förord2023In: Språk, lärande och undervisning: om nyanlända skolungdomar på Språkintroduktion, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2023, , p. 3p. 11-13Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 14.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    ‘I should really interpret word by word for you’: researcher, interpreter and interviewee negotiating roles, responsibilities and meanings in two multilingual literacy research interviews2021In: Multilingual literacy / [ed] Esther Odilia Breuer; Eva Lindgren; Anat Stavans; Elke Van Stteendam, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2021, p. 63-93Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 15.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Language norms in L2 education for adult migrants: translanguaging pedagogy in the age of mobility2022In: Multilingua - Journal of Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Communication, ISSN 0167-8507, E-ISSN 1613-3684, Vol. 41, no 3, p. 341-358Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    International mobility has caused a need for language education where adults can learn the language(s) used in their new country. In Sweden, the language programme SFI (Swedish for immigrants) provides basic second language education for adult immigrants. For those learners who are not yet functionally literate, basic literacy education is included. This article aims to explore the concept translanguaging pedagogy in relation to the articulated and embodied language norms of one SFI teacher. The empirical data, produced by ethnographic methodology, consists of classroom observations and semi-structural interviews.The method of analysis comprises a set of sociolinguistic questions, three categories of language norms (double monolingualism, integrated bilingualism andpolylingualism) and discourse analysis, centering on deictics, indexical signs andreported speech. Findings show that although the teacher does engage in translanguaging practices, her teaching practices cannot be referred to as translanguaging pedagogy because she has made no deliberate decision to include the students’ full linguistic repertoires and there are contradictions both within and between her articulated and embodied language norms. It is concluded that it is crucial for educational development in contexts characterised by mobility that teachers in linguistically heterogeneous classrooms increase their awareness of their language norms and the students' linguistic resources

  • 16.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Skriftbruk i vardagsliv och i sfi-utbildning: En studie av fem kurdiska sfi-studerandes skriftbrukshistoria och skriftpraktiker2014Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis explores the literacy practices in literacy history, in everyday life and in Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi) of five Kurdish adults. The study analyses connections and dividing lines between literacy practices of the sociotextual domains of everyday life and literacy practices of the sociotextual domain of sfi. It also explores the interaction between literacy history and present literacy practices. Further, there is a focus on the connections between identification, learning and literacy practices. The methodological approach is inspired by ethnography, employing individual semi-structured interviews and classroom observation. Video documentation, audio recordings and field notes are used for documentation. Theoretically the study is influenced by the research field New Literacy Studies where literacies are conceived of assets of socially and culturally grounded practices. The interviews are analysed from two perspectives: focusing on content and on linguistic discursive practices. In the analysis of interviews and observations, a number of interacting aspects of literacy events and literacy practices are also researched, such as purpose, time, place, participants, verbal language and artefacts.

    A lack of connection between the participants’ notions of who they are and the identities offered to them in sfi impairs the conditions of their active participation in the literacy practices, and consequently also impairs their learning. Identities connected to literacy history are of importance in this process. To exemplify this, the professional career they had in Kurdistan is still of central importance for two of the participants of the study. This complicates their identification as sfi-students and their engaging in the literacy practices of the sfi-education. If sfi teachers know which identities from everyday life are important to their sfi students and try to find connections between the sfi teaching and these identities, the chances improve of the students accepting the identities which they are offered in the literacy events. Then it will also be more probable that the students’ participation in the literacy events in sfi will lead to deep learning.

    In the sfi classrooms, the participants take part in literacy events of everyday life. There are three types of overlap between the literacy practices of sfi and of everyday life. (1) Literacy events from other sociotextual domains take place in the sfi-classrooms, but without recontextualization into sfi. (2) Literacy events based in sociotextual domains of everyday life are recontextualized into sfi. (3) Literacy events belong to more than one sociotextual domain. In spite of these three types of overlap there are complications when it comes to students starting out from literacy practices of everyday life when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi. It is not possible to transmit literacy practices in their totality, from one sociotextual domain to another. The literacy practices are situated in a specific sociotextual domain and will undergo a transformation as they are based in a different sociotextual domain. On the other hand, it is possible for sfi students to make use of everyday micro practices (e.g. cooperation and non-linear reading) when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi.

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    Skriftbruk i vardagsliv och i sfi-utbildning
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  • 17.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Skriftpraktiker i gränslandet mellan hem och SFI-klassrum2012In: Språkets gränser - och verklighetens: Perspektiv på begreppet gräns / [ed] Daniel Andersson & Lars-Erik Edlund, Umeå: Umeå universitet , 2012, 1, p. 157-166Chapter in book (Other academic)
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    Skriftpraktiker i gränslandet mellan hem och SFI-klassrum
  • 18.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Taking risks in literacy research: using an interpreter in multilingual research interviews2021In: Vulnerabilities, challenges and risks in applied linguistics / [ed] Clare Cunningham; Christopher J. Hall, Multilingual Matters, 2021, p. 162-179Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter focuses ethical and theoretical risks involved in performing multilingual research interviews where an interpreter is involved. The data explored here consist of excerpts from a multilingual cross-cultural research interview where an interpreter was brought in as a mediator because the interviewee and the researcher did not speak the same language. The interviews were performed in the context of a small-scale ethnographic study, researching the digital and multilingual literacy practices of adult L2 learners taking part in the language programme Swedish for immigrants. The L2 learners participating in the study lack or have very limited formal schooling. 

    Goffman's (1981) participation framework is used in the exploration of how the interaction between the researcher, interpreter and interviewee affects the construction of meaning in the interviews. For the analysis of the consequences of the interpreter's involvement in the research process, interview excerpts have been selected where the interaction between interviewee, interpreter, and researcher is somehow problematic, e.g. in that it results in misunderstandings or other types of miscommunications. These miscommunications are partly caused by the power asymmetry between the researcher, interpreter and interviewee and risk to have a detrimental influence on the researcher's possibilities for understanding the literacy practices of the interviewee. 

    The chapter will also suggest ways of coming to terms with the ethical and theoretical risks involved in using an interpreter in multilingual research interviews in applied linguistics. Several researchers have recommended that interpreters should be involved as co-researchers given their central position in co-constructing meaning. Is this a viable solution also in smaller multilingual studies with limited funding? 



    Goffman, E. (1981). Forms of talk, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.


  • 19.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    The mobility of everyday literacies: literacy practices for passing a driving test as a potential resource for L2 and literacy development2022In: Literacies in the age of mobility: literacy practices of adult and adolescent migrants / [ed] Annika Norlund Shaswar; Jenny Rosén, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, p. 103-129Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter explores the literacy practices which two adult L2 learners of Swedish, Muhammad and Noor, participated in when they struggled for Muhammad to pass the theory part of the driving test. The aim of the chapter is to investigate the mobility of these literacy practices insofar as it is possible to mobilise them to enhance Swedish for immigrants' (SFI) students' basic literacy and L2 development. Connections between mobility, literacy and inequality are here seen as key to analysing literacy practices. Classroom observations and qualitative, semi-structural interviews were conducted. The participants' descriptions of their literacy practices show that identity construction and collaboration are key characteristics to the researched literacy practices. The idea of transferring literacy practices between an everyday context and the SFI context is discussed in relation to the findings.

  • 20.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Verbaliserade och praktiserade språknormer inom Svenska för invandrare2020In: HumaNetten, E-ISSN 1403-2279, E-ISSN EISSN 1403-2279, no 45, p. 156-184Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 21.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Lindgren, Eva
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Book Review: Deborah Brandt 'The Rise of Writing - Redefining Mass Literacy'2016In: The Journal of Writing Research, ISSN 2030-1006, E-ISSN 2294-3307, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 177-181Article, book review (Other academic)
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  • 22.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Ljung Egeland, Birgitta
    Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural studies, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden.
    Rosén, Jenny
    Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Wedin, Åsa
    Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Ethical dilemmas of translanguaging pedagogy in L2 and basic literacy education for adults: social justice and ethics of care2024In: Ethnography and Education, ISSN 1745-7823, E-ISSN 1745-7831Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper explores the ethical challenges and possibilities of conducting responsible and transformative translanguaging pedagogy in adult education for second language learners with limited previous experience of schooling. We identify and explore ethical dilemmas in teachers’ interaction and multilingual teaching practices. The data was produced in a linguistic ethnography and action research project. It consists of classroom observations and interviews with teachers who teach in the programme Swedish for Immigrants (SFI). The teachers express and embody ambivalence in relation to the students’ use of their whole linguistic repertoires and the students are not always treated as competent to make informed decisions about their own use of linguistic repertoires. This touches on issues of citizenship and democracy and here the framework ethics of care offers context-specific ways of understanding and responding to the ethical challenges of multilingual teaching.

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  • 23.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Ljung Egeland, Birgitta
    Department of Language, Literature, and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.
    Rosén, Jenny
    Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University.
    Wedin, Åsa
    School of Language, Literature and Learning, Dalarna University.
    (Im)mobility, literacies and second language education for adults and adolescents with limited previous education2024In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 18, no 2, p. 1-6Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This special issue draws attention to literacy and basic literacy education for adult and adolescent migrants with limited or no previous school background, who are learning a second language. This introduction addresses issues closely related to literacy education for this group of migrants, namely human mobility and immobility, including both horizontal (geographical and spatial) and vertical (social) mobility, as well as the interrelation between the two. Whereas some people’s mobility is considered a threat that must be regulated and restricted, other people’s mobility is encouraged. While mobility and diversity have always been intrinsic aspects of human societies, it can be concluded that social, economic and technological changes have intensified migration, the movement of artifacts and communication between people over vast distances. As mobility and diversity have increased, theoretical perspectives and research in applied linguistics and education have emerged. In this special issue, we bring together seven studies of second language and literacy education for adolescent and adult second language learners in different contexts, illustrating both similarities and differences between educational domains. The studies were conducted in Canada, Norway and Sweden. We are happy to say that the authors’ efforts have resulted in a body of work that contributes to research on literacies and literacy education for adults and adolescents with limited previous education. It is also our hope that the articles will inspire additional research in the area in the coming years.

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  • 24.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Ljung Egeland, BirgittaDepartment of Language, Literature, and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden.Rosén, JennyDepartment of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.Wedin, ÅsaSchool of Language, Literature and Learning, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden.
    Special issue: literacies in second language education for adults & adolescents2024Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 25.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Rosén, JennyDalarna University; Stockholm University.
    Literacies in the age of mobility: literacy practices of adult and adolescent migrants2022Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This book offers insights into questions related to mobility, literacy learning and literacy practices of adult and adolescent migrants. The authors address learning and use of literacies among adults and adolescents in both temporary and more permanent post-migration settlements and in various contexts, exploring spatial as well as temporal dimensions of literacies and power. The formal and informal educational settings examined include state-mandated schools, community settings, and libraries, and the chapters offer insights into the complex relations between literacies and mobility, as well as a range of perspectives on language use and language learning. This volume will be of interest to students and researchers in fields including education and literacy, applied linguistics, language education and migration studies.

  • 26.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Rosén, Jenny
    Dalarna University; Stockholm University.
    Multiple approaches to literacies in the age of mobility2022In: Literacies in the age of mobility: literacy practices of adult and adolescent migrants / [ed] Annika Norlund Shaswar; Jenny Rosén, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, p. 1-23Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter introduces the multiple approaches to literacies in the age of mobility, constructing the points of departure for the volume. The overall objective is to offer insights into questions related to learning and the use of literacies by migrants in post-migration settlement. The focus is set on literacy practices of adolescents and adults who have migrated, temporarily or permanently. The concepts of mobility and literacies are discussed and problematised in relation to the narrative of Rizgar, an adult migrant who left Iraqi Kurdistan and settled down in Sweden. The complex instantiations of mobility and literacies are discussed. Finally, we present the chapters in the volume by highlighting common themes and affordances as well as their contribution to the overall aim of the volume.

  • 27.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Wedin, Åsa
    Högskolan Dalarna, Falun, Sverige.
    Flerspråkigt skrivande inom modersmålsundervisning2022In: Skrivdidaktik i grundskolan / [ed] Eva Lindgren; Carina Hermansson; Annika Norlund Shaswar; Sofie Areljung, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2022, 1, p. 239-259Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 28.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Wedin, Åsa
    Language learning strategies and teaching practices in adult L2 education: The case of Swedish for Immigrants2019In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 13, no 3, p. 17-34Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article highlights the use and co-construction of language learning strategies (LLS) in second language education for adults with short previous education. In a case study, we explore how LLS are used and co-constructed by one student and one teacher. The data for the article was created in an action research programme comprising two Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) schools, and the methodology used was classroom observation based in linguistic ethnography. In accordance with Griffiths (2013, p. 15) LLS are defined as “activities consciously chosen by learners for the purpose of regulating their own language learning”. For the analysis of LLS, Oxford’s (1990) taxonomy was chosen. In the chosen case the teacher and student co-constructed direct and indirect strategies. In their co-construction, they sometimes seemed to work together, both using a strategy initiated by one of them, and sometimes appeared to have opposite goals, so that the teacher-initiated strategies turned out as complicated for the student, while the student-initiated strategies were counteracted by the teacher. Some of the LLS promoted by the teacher that were difficult for the student seemed to demand literacy skills that he had not yet developed. This underlines the importance of adapting teaching to the language and literacy competences of the individual learner. It also highlights the importance of further research on LLS with this group of students in order to find strategies that work in the process of developing functional literacy skills.

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  • 29.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Wedin, Åsa
    Språkdidaktik för sfi: att undervisa vuxna andraspråksinlärare2020Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Att lära sig ett nytt språk i vuxen ålder kräver hårt arbete och stor tidsmässig insats, i synnerhet om det gäller att utveckla en språknivå som håller för framtida yrkes- och samhällsliv. Den språkundervisning som inläraren möter i klassrummet är därför av avgörande betydelse: den måste vara engagerande, kännas meningsfull och bygga på vetenskaplig grund.

    I fokus för den här boken står språkdidaktiska frågor, som lyfter fram hur sfi-läraren genom sin undervisning kan stödja och stimulera de vuxna elevernas andraspråksutveckling. Författarna tar avstamp i den specifika roll som sfi har i det svenska utbildningssystemet samt förklarar vad forskningen säger om sfi, vuxnas språklärande och flerspråkighet som resurs. De ger en mängd praktiska förslag på aktiviteter och organisationsformer - allt från stimlerande samtalsövningar och utvecklande skrivuppgifter till råd om digital teknik som stöd i språklärandet. 

    Främst riktar sig boken till dem som undervisar inom den kommunala vuxenutbildningen Svenska för invandrare men den är också av intresse för andra lärare som söker nya arbetssätt och undervisningsmetoder.

  • 30.
    Salman Haji, Louay
    et al.
    Department of English, University of Human Development, Erbil, Iraq.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Wedin, Åsa
    School of Languages, Literature and Learning, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden.
    Discourses on language teaching, language learning and linguistic diversity in teacher education: the case of English in Iraqi Kurdistan2024In: Journal of Multicultural Discourses, ISSN 1744-7143, E-ISSN 1747-6615Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this study, we investigate linguistic diversity in teacher educationin the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, a setting where discourses on emigration and re-emigration are strong. The aim is to explore social discourses on linguistic diversity as constructed in teacher training programmes for teaching English to primary and secondary school pupils, in course descriptions at two universities, and the implications of these discourses for the suggested teaching practices. Four discourses were identified:double monolingualism, contrastive perspective, linguistic diversity as one of many types of diversity and English as a gateway to future possibilities. Students’ earlier linguistic resources in other languages were treated as negative for the development of their English-language skills. English and Kurdish were treated in ways that suggest they should be kept separate and skills in other languages were rendered invisible. This is likely to have an impact on students’ teaching in the future, making them less inclined to recognise their pupils’ prior knowledge of other languages. We conclude that, more research is needed focusing on issues of circular migration and diaspora, and on other themes than those dominant in the West and the Global North, such as high number of immigrants and issues of integration and assimilation.

  • 31.
    Wedin, Åsa
    et al.
    Department of Language, Literature and Learning, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Interaction and meaning making in basic adult education for immigrants the case of Swedish for immigrants in Sweden (SFI)2023In: Studies in the Education of Adults, ISSN 0266-0830, E-ISSN 1478-9833, Vol. 55, no 1, p. 24-43Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this article, focus is on students’ oral production in two classrooms in Swedish for immigrants (SFI). The study focuses on practices with interaction patterns where students are involved in negotiation of meaning. Theoretical basis is the importance of interpersonal interaction for language development, with a focus on students’ use of varied speaker roles and speech actions. Data were obtained through observations, field notes, and audio and video recordings. The examples presented here demonstrate that students were involved in the negotiation of meaning and had space to try different speaker roles and speech actions, such as (among others) initiating, agreeing, dissenting, arguing, interrupting, and taking the floor. These examples only constituted a restricted part of class time, and most of the teaching was of a type where little oral or written interaction took place. Overall, we think that SFI education could be improved by developing teaching that stimulates and allows for negotiations of meaning and language production and also allows for use of different types of digital media, both for oral and written interaction.

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  • 32.
    Wedin, Åsa
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Språkliga resurser och digitala verktyg i grundläggande undervisning inom sfi2021In: Ämnet som blev: rapporter från den fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete / [ed] Per-Olof Erixon; Anna Martín Bylund; Jakob Cromdal, Umeå: Umeå universitet , 2021, , p. 16p. 81-95Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Här undersöks meningsförhandling genom klassrumsinteraktion kring elevers skrivna texter i några sfi-klassrum i form av talat språk, dels vad gäller talarroller och talhandlingar, dels vad gäller inlärningsstrategier. Kapitlet bygger på en kombination av teorier från tillämpad språkvetenskap med sociokulturella perspektiv på språkutveckling. I kapitlet används material från två aktionsforskningsprojekt där undervisning skapades som liknade autentisk och naturlig muntlig och/eller skriftlig kommunikation genom att eleverna kunde producera, sända och ta emot (inspelade) texter som låg nära den egna livssituationen. Undervisningen gav upphov till situationer som engagerade eleverna, utmanade dem språkligt och resulterade i längre talturer och förhandling om mening där elever och lärare utförde olika slags talhandlingar samt använde olika inlärningsstrategier. Vissa elever tog stor del av talutrymmet och vi uppfattade lärarnas styrning som relativt svag men även elever som talade mindre visade sig vara aktiva deltagare. Vidare indikerar resultaten vikten av att de inlärningsstrategier som lärare på studieväg 1 initierar inte enbart är baserade på skrift utan även på talat språk. Undervisning som ger eleverna möjlighet att använda inlärningsstrategier och som stimulerar dem till att uttrycka sådant som ligger på gränsen för vad de för närvarande klarar att säga på sitt andraspråk bidrar till språkutveckling.

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  • 33.
    Wedin, Åsa
    et al.
    Dalarna University, Sweden.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Teachers’ perceptions of letter learning among adults: The case of basic literacy education in Swedish for immigrants2023In: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, E-ISSN 2464-1596, Vol. 9, no 1, p. 39-58Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article sets out to examine teacher perceptions of letter learning in literacy programmes for L2-adults with limited earlier schooling, as demonstrated in their teaching. The theoretical frame is taken from New Literacy Studies, with literacy perceived as socially shared and organised. The study draws on occasions during lesson observations where teachers addressed the issue of coding and decoding of letters. Findings suggest that these teachers follow patterns that build on assumptions and traditions with roots in the teaching of L1 children and use the material that they have at hand. The teachers’ prosodic knowledge in relation to letters and spelling was insufficient. We argue that when teachers are not aware of the phonetic and phonological challenges facing adult L2 learners, they may not give students enough support in their development of early literacy skills. Although explicit letter teaching represents only a small part of overall teaching, if teachers miss out on phonetic and phonological knowledge, they may not be able to identify difficulties for students and may even create unnecessary stumbling blocks for them. We conclude that there is a strong need for the development of basic literacy education for L2-adults to include both teacher knowledge and teaching aids.

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  • 34.
    Wedin, Åsa
    et al.
    Högskolan Dalarna.
    Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Whole class interaction in the adult L2-classroom: the case of Swedish for immigrants2019In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 13, no 2, p. 45-63Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article focuses on verbal interaction in whole class teaching in second language education for adults in Sweden. The article draws on theories treating language as multiple resources that are situated and embedded in material life, and including complex and diverse linguistic, semiotic, physical material and social resources. The material for the article was created in a project based in linguistic ethnography in the form of an action research project, including two municipal Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) schools. The interaction patterns that occurred challenged students’ language proficiency in ways that stimulated meaning negotiation through what we call extended interactions. This stresses the social aspect of interaction, which in these cases included the whole, or nearly the whole, class, students and the teacher. However, in whole class teaching, the space for each interlocutor is limited, and as our experience from other classrooms suggests that group tasks are not frequent in SFI classrooms, there seem to be reasons for the development of teaching practices that include more frequent use of interaction in small groups that offer students more space for interaction. We also see a need for developing more culture-sensitive pedagogies and making more space for the multilingual negotiation of meaning.

  • 35. Wedin, Åsa
    et al.
    Shaswar, Annika Norlund
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies.
    Litteracitetspraktiker i vardags- och samhällsliv: Skriftspråksvanor hos svenska sfi-elever med kort eller ingen tidigare studiebakgrund2021In: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, E-ISSN 2464-1596, Vol. 7, no 2, p. 19-38Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this article is to contribute to knowledge about literacy practices among students studying Swedish for immigrants, who have little or no previous schooling. With a basis in New Literacy Studies, students’ talk about events, skills and strategies used in their everyday life is investigated. Nine students participated in the interviews and their own photographs were used as a basis for discussion. A picture emerged of their use of writing for creating meaning; their literacy practices. The participants were very interested in discussing money matters, and they suggested creative strategies for solving issues related to the use of written language in situations such as when making purchases for the household. Here the participants described well-developed strategies for managing money and being a discerning consumer. The relationship between teaching and power relations in local discourses is observed in the students’ dependence on benevolent mediators andon digital resources which are related to money. Limited proficiency can lead to a lack of societal participation and difficulty exercising one’s civil rights. By raising awareness among teachers about strategies that students use in everyday life, teaching can be developed in ways that benefit students’ second language development.

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