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Title [sv]
Stokastiska och styrda regulatoriska transkriptionsmekanismer hos Helicobacter pylori
Title [en]
Mechanisms for stochastic and tightly controlled transcriptional regulation in Helicobacter pylori
Abstract [sv]
All living organisms must regulate gene expression to adapt to environmental changes and to maintain proliferation. Unless treated, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori colonizes the harsh environment of the human stomach for the lifetime, in spite of the acidic environment in the stomach lumen and the continuous changes in its local milieu. The H. pylori infection is associated with development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Detailed knowledge about molecular mechanisms that control gene expression in H. pylori is limited. The purpose of this is project is to in molecular terms describe how gene expression is fine-tuned to fit environmental changes using the limited set transcriptional regulators that is present in H. pylori. Our model system is the sialic acid binding protein SabA. With our expertise in H. pylori genetics and biochemical methods, we will molecularly dissect the transcriptional mechanisms that regulate sabA expression. Our research will contribute with molecular details that are involved in basal transcriptional events and the hierarchy between stochastic mutations of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and trans-acting transcriptional factors. Such knowledge will contribute to understanding how H. pylori can adapt to its environment and cause persistent lifelong colonization and will also aid to develop better diagnostics, predictive markers and new therapies against H. pylori related overt disease.
Principal InvestigatorArnqvist, Anna
Coordinating organisation
Umeå University
2015-01-01 - 2017-12-31
National Category
Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyMicrobiologyGenetics
DiVA, id: project:1356Project, id: 2014-04361_VR

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