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Title [sv]
Helicobacter pylori: Molekylära mekanismer som reglerar dynamiskt uttryck av vidhäftningsegenskaper
Title [en]
Helicobacter pylori: Molecular mechanisms for dynamic expression in regulation of adherence properties
Abstract [sv]
HELICOBACTER PYLORI infects the human stomach of more than half of the world?s population. The association of H. pylori infection and development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer is well established. ADHERENCE to gastric epithelium is important for colonization and establishment of chronic infection. But the gastric milieu changes during pathogenesis and to establish a chronic infection, H. pylori must adjust its adherence properties to such changes. Adherence can also be devastating because of the threat of eradicated by the host immune response. Thus, the ability to cycle between an adherent and a non-adherent phenotype is probably critical for H. pylori to maintain infection. This project aims to elucidate molecular mechanisms involved in activation and de-activation of H. pylori adherence to the gastric epithelium. We use the best-characterized adhesin-receptor interactions, BabA and its interaction to ABH blood group antigens and the SabA adhesin and its interaction to the inflammation-associated sialyl-Lewis x/a antigens. The RESEARCH PROGRAM includes 1) Delivery of the H. pylori effector molecules via alternative pathways 2) Impact of membrane composition on adherence properties and uptake of H. pylori outer membrane vesicles 3) SabA expression and effects on sLex-binding activity by growth phase 4) Molecular mechanisms that confer metastable expression of adhesins during experimental infection using Leb transgenic mice and Rhesus monkeys as infection model
Principal InvestigatorArnqvist, Anna
Coordinating organisation
Umeå University
2009-01-01 - 2011-12-31
DiVA, id: project:891Project, id: 2008-03000_VR

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