We report the first photoacoustic detection scheme using an optical frequency comb—optical frequency comb photoacoustic spectroscopy (OFC-PAS). OFC-PAS combines the broad spectral coverage and the high resolution of OFCs with the small sample volume of cantilever-enhanced PA detection. In OFC-PAS, a Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) is used to modulate the intensity of the exciting comb source at a frequency determined by its scanning speed. One of the FTS outputs is directed to the PA cell and the other is measured simultaneously with a photodiode and used to normalize the PA signal. The cantilever-enhanced PA detector operates in a non-resonant mode, enabling detection of a broadband frequency response. The broadband and the high-resolution capabilities of OFC-PAS are demonstrated by measuring the rovibrational spectra of the fundamental C–H stretch band of CH4, with no instrumental line shape distortions, at total pressures of 1000 mbar, 650 mbar, and 400 mbar. In this first demonstration, a spectral resolution two orders of magnitude better than previously reported with broadband PAS is obtained, limited by the pressure broadening. A limit of detection of 0.8 ppm of methane in N2 is accomplished in a single interferogram measurement (200 s measurement time, 1000 MHz spectral resolution, 1000 mbar total pressure) for an exciting power spectral density of 42 μW/cm−1. A normalized noise equivalent absorption of 8 × 10−10 W cm−1 Hz−1/2 is obtained, which is only a factor of three higher than the best reported with PAS based on continuous wave lasers. A wide dynamic range of up to four orders of magnitude and a very good linearity (limited by the Beer–Lambert law) over two orders of magnitude are realized. OFC-PAS extends the capability of optical sensors for multispecies trace gas analysis in small sample volumes with high resolution and selectivity.