Anesthetic efficacy of lidocaine/ketorolac in inferior alveolar nerve block in patients with irreversible pulpitis: a randomized clinical trial
2020 (engelsk)Inngår i: European Endodontic Journal, E-ISSN 2548-0839, Vol. 5, nr 3, s. 186-190Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]
Objective: The purpose of this randomized, double-blind study was to evaluate the anesthetic efficacy of lidocaine-ketorolac administration by Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block (IANB) in patients with irreversible pulpitis.
Methods: Eighty-eight adult patients received a combination of either one cartridge of “2% lidocaine with 1: 80.000 epinephrine” (Li) plus one cartridge of a mixture of 0.8 mL of the same solution and 1mL ketorolac tromethamine (KT)(30 mg/mL), or one cartridge of Li solution plus one cartridge of a mixture of the same solution and saline. Endodontic access was prepared after fifteen minutes. Anesthetic success was defined as no or mild pain [less than 54 mm on the Heft-Parker visual analog scale (HP-VAS)] during access cavity preparation and initial file insertion. Chi-square test was used for data analysis, and the level of significance was set at 0.05 (P=0.05).
Results: Results showed that the success rates were 34.1% and 27.3% for Li-KT and Li-Saline groups, respectively, with no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.48). However, significant decrease of baseline mean VAS pain score of the participants in both groups was found during access cavity preparation or initial file insertion (P<0.05).Conclusion: Mixed Li-KT solution did not increase the success rate of IANB injection significantly. (EEJ-2019-09-097)
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Kare Publishing , 2020. Vol. 5, nr 3, s. 186-190
Emneord [en]
Inferior alveolar nerve block, irreversible pulpitis, ketorolac, iidocaine
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-229888DOI: 10.14744/eej.2020.74946ISI: 000600195800003PubMedID: 33353921Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85101707373OAI:, id: diva2:1899782
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