I en nyligen genomförd studie undersöktes hur tandläkare i allmäntandvård utför endodontisk behandling. Liknande studier gjordes för 10 respektive 20 år sedan. Den mest markanta förändringen är en ökad användning av maskinell rensning vid preparation av rotkanalerna. Studien visar också att många behandlingar utförs utan kofferdam, vilket strider mot riktlinjerna.
To investigate the present-day situation concerning materials and methods used in endodontic treatment by Swedish dentists a postal questionnaire with 27 multiple choice questions was sent to 287 dentists in Sweden. General information about the dentists was requested as well as questions concerning methods and materials used in endodontic treatment and the frequency of different treatment methods. The response rate was 85 percent. The dentists used a considerable amount of their working hours to perform endodontic treatment. Root canal treatment was performed more frequently than pulpectomy. Rubber dam was not used as a routine during emergency treatments by the majority of the dentists (70 percent), the use increased during the continued treatment but still 30 percent did not use rubber dam routinely. Root canal preparation was commonly done using a combination of manual and rotary instruments. As canal irrigant sodium hypochlorite in a low concentration (0.5 percent) was used by a majority (73 percent). Calcium hydroxide paste was used as interappointment dressing by almost all. Nearly all of the clinicians used gutta-percha as root filling material. The majority (66 percent) combined gutta-percha with sealer while 43 percent combined it with rosin chloroform (hg). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the Swedish dentists use acceptable materials and methods in endodontic treatment. To further enhance the prognosis a strict aseptic technique should be applied by routinely use of rubber dam.