Aim: Research investigating outcomes related to evidence-based interventions such as Supported Employment have begun to suggest the need for more specific, career related, educational supports, as an essential aspect of supporting sustainable employment in a labor market that increasingly demands formal education or training. The aim of this project is to develop knowledge regarding the components of Supported Education that are feasible to develop within established IPS services and to study and describe the relevance of these services for young adults experiencing mental health problems in Sweden.
Method: It includes three studies that will generate knowledge regarding the essential components of these types of educational supports, investigate and describe potential outcomes related to educational needs, and develop specific knowledge of how these methods might best be implemented. Interviews with a wide range of actors and users will generate knowledge regarding the needs, obstacles and possibilities for integrating IPS och SEd in a Swedish context.
Results: Results related to the needs assessment in Sweden will be presented and discussed in relation to the international literature and experience. Results that suggest the potential for SEd services that build on the well-developed Swedish welfare model and educational opportunities and supports will be discussed.
Conclusion: Methods such as Supported Employment and Supported Education, which contribute to opportunities for the individual to participate in studies and eventually meaningful and sustainable employment, can be most effectively implemented when adapted to particular welfare systems and reflect resources and pathways to participation in that context.