The focus of this research brief is to propose a critical analysis of the judicial interrelation (and potential cross-fertilization) between international and regional human rights systems, with particular focus on the effective recognition of asylum-seeking children’s rights within the Inter-American system. In this sense, this study intends to make a contribution towards the better understanding of the emerging role that regional systems have (or could have) in reinforcing and guaranteeing the effective enjoyment of human rights of children in the context of migration processes. It focuses on the pioneering jurisprudence developed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the past years, which has developed an evolutive, dynamic and effective interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights, under the light of the systemic integration of international human rights law. As a result of this innovative method of interpretation, the regional tribunal has reinforced the interpretational guiding value of various provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, paving the way for the enhancement of the level of protection of millions of children in the Americas and expanding States’ positive obligations in relation to them.