This is the first study of the electrophysiological response of accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) output neurons to vagino-cervical stimulation by in vivo whole-cell recordings, allowing for measurements at synaptic input and spike output level in identified microcircuit cell types in naturally cycling mice. AOB is relaying specialized odorous information and e.g. shows plasticity essential for formation of a vomeronasal organ (VNO)-pheromonal memory of the mating male. Thus, not only VNO-pheromonal information, but also representation of coital somatosensory information needs to reach AOB. AOB in vivo responses to VNO-pheromones does not correlate in time to stimulus. We find that vagino-cervical stimuli evoke a stimulus-locked response in AOB regardless if the female is in estrus or not, and the response is sensitive to noradrenergic α1-adrenergic receptor blockade. By retrograde labeling we confirm that norepinephrine-producing locus coeruleus neurons innervate the AOB and functional anatomy demonstrated that vagino-cervical information reaches locus coeruleus in both estrus and diestrus. The spontaneous activity of mitral-tufted output neurons show propensity to fire bursts of spikes specifically during estrus suggesting state-dependent excitability of the network. Intriguingly, only during estrus do the output neurons show norepinephrine-dependent, dendro-dendritic inhibition of spike output during vagino-cervical stimulation, which is accompanied by longer activation of inhibitory granule cell layer of AOB. Thus, the estrous state of the circuit appears required for coital stimulation to evoke synaptic inhibition in main output neurons of the microcircuit, which may contribute to formation of memory of the mating male, possibly via burst-dependent increase of dendro-dendritic inhibition