The aim of this round table talk is to discuss the importance of pluralistic and convivial political activism and epistemologies. As a research group we will focus on the outcomes of our joint project The Future of genders and sexualities and a forthcoming book on conviviality. Firstly, we will give examples on how politics is being made in a pluralistic sense and explore how these political struggles are challenging and transforming gender, sexuality, and coloniality locally, nationally and transnationally. As researchers located in Sweden, a nation often cited as gender-equal, anti-racist and LGBTQ-tolerant nations, we will highlight our investigations of political processes, decolonial struggles, and events beyond, nearby, and in between organizations, states, and national territories. We will also highlight examples from research in some other parts of the world that may provide perspectives on struggle locally, nationally and transnationally. Secondly, we will discuss how these different political struggles produce different alternative or counter narratives about possible futures beyond the hegemonic one. Finally, and in connection to the two first topics, we will discuss how and why an emerging conviviality not only is an important focus for research today but also a growing political strategy.