This study aims to explore which issues and areas that have been the subject of discussion during the formulation and referral process preceding the introduction of a revised curriculum for Swedish school-age educare. Swedish school-age educare is a comprehensive practice for children in the ages six to twelve, that is governed by the same curriculum as the compulsory school. The curriculum was revised in 2016 with a new part that focused the practice in school-age educare. The design of the doctoral project is inspired by policy enactment. This paper presents a content analysis of documents created during the referral process. In this process different interest groups (i.e., representatives of municipalities, teacher unions, universities, researchers in the field and school-age educare teachers) were invited to commented on drafts of the curriculum text. The documents comprise 320 pages. The content analysis of the text documents resulted in three categories of core content; ‘teaching’, ‘the task of school-age educare’ and ‘play’.