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Anticoagulants in kidney disease
Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Section of Medicine.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1111-7215
2023 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)Alternative title
Blodförtunnande vid njursjukdom (Swedish)
Abstract [en]

Background: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are at high risk of ischemic stroke. Evidence is lacking if patients with advanced CKD or on dialysis benefit from oral anticoagulants (OAC) as stroke prophylaxis. There is also no clear evidence on the safety and efficacy of prophylactic anticoagulants (PAC) in the prothrombotic state nephrotic syndrome (NS).


  • To investigate effectiveness and risks of oral anticoagulants as stroke prophylaxis in chronic kidney disease with atrial fibrillation
  • To examine the role of warfarin treatment quality as a predictor for ischemic stroke and bleeding in CKD
  • To investigate benefits and risks with prophylactic anticoagulants in patients with nephrotic syndrome and elucidate risk factors for thrombosis and bleeding

Methods: A cohort of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) and CKD GFR category 3–5 (G3–G5) or on dialysis (G5D) was created by combining data from national health care- and quality registries between 2009-2018. Included registries were the Swedish Renal Registry, AuriculA, The Stroke Register and The Swedish National Patient Register. G3 was defined as GFR 30-59ml/min/1.73m2, G4: 15-29, G5: <15, G5D: on dialysis. Paper I compared patient time on warfarin with patient time on no OAC treatment using Cox regression. Paper II compared DOAC and warfarin using the same methods. Paper III investigated the effect of increasing warfarin treatment quality, measured as individual time in therapeutic range (iTTR). Primary outcomes in paper I-III were ischemic stroke and major bleeding. Paper IV, a retrospective medical records study included adults with NS between 2010-2019 in the county of Västernorrland, Sweden. Outcomes were venous thromboembolism (VTE), bleeding and death. Patients divided into PAC- and no PAC group were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Patient time was divided into serum/plasma (S/P)-albumin intervals and VTE- and bleeding rates were calculated. 

Results: Paper I: At study start 12106 patients were included, 21.4% had G3, 43.5% G4, 11.6% G5 and 23.6% G5D.Warfarin, TTR 70%, compared to no treatment conferred lower risk for ischemic stroke in all patients, hazard ratio 0.51 (95% confidence interval 0.41-0.64). Warfarin was associated with higher risk of bleeding, 1.28 (1.14-1.43) in G3-G5D. Major bleedings were more than twice as common as ischemic stroke in G5-5D, irrespective of warfarin or no OAC treatment. Death was more than halved on warfarin compared to no treatment in all patients, 0.46 (0.42-0.50).

Paper II: For comparing DOAC and warfarin, 2453 patients were included. DOAC compared to warfarin, TTR 67%, was associated with lower hazard of major bleeding, HR 0.71 (95%CI 0.53-0.96) but no difference in the risk of ischemic stroke. Mortality was higher during DOAC treatment, 1.24 (1.01-1.53), presumably not a causal association since less fatal bleedings on DOAC occurred. 

Paper III: Of 2379 patients on warfarin 21.9% had G3, 47.5% G4, 10.8% G5 and 19.8% G5D. TTR in G3 was 75.6%, G4 72.2%, G5 67.6% and G5D 62.0%. Increase by 10 percentage points iTTR conferred lower risk of major bleeding, ischemic stroke and death for all patients, HR 0.91 (95%CI 0.87-0.94), 0.92 (0.85-0.99) and 0.88 (0.85-0.90). 

Paper IV: Of 95 included patients with NS, 40 patients had PAC and 55 patients had no PAC. Seven VTE (7.4%) and 17 bleedings (18%) were found, 4 patients (4.2%) experienced major bleedings. Outcomes didn’t differ significantly between the PAC and no PAC group. Time with S/P-albumin <20g/L conferred higher rates/100 years of VTE with incidence rate ratio, IRR, 21.7 (95%CI 4.5–116.5) and bleeding, IRR 5.0 (1.4 –14.7), compared to time with S/P-albumin>20g/L.  

Conclusions: High quality warfarin treatment compared to no OAC is associated with lower risk of ischemic stroke but higher risk of bleeding in patients with NVAF and CKD G3-G5D. Improved warfarin treatment quality seems beneficial regarding the risk of both bleeding and ischemic stroke. DOAC treatment is associated with lower risk of bleeding compared to warfarin in G3-G5D. The rate of major bleeding exceeds the rate of ischemic stroke in both OAC-treated and untreated patients. The risk of bleeding is particularly high in G5-5D and therefore, anticoagulants should not be prescribed by routine in these patients with AF. Larger randomised controlled trials (RCTs) need to confirm the possible benefit of DOAC compared to warfarin and establish whether anticoagulants are warranted in patients with NVAF and advanced CKD or on dialysis. Awaiting RCTs it might be reasonable to use OAC in selected patients on dialysis, with low risk of bleeding and high risk of ischemic stroke. If choosing warfarin, close monitoring is recommended. DOAC seems to be an appealing alternative to warfarin. Patients with NS have high risk of both VTE and bleeding, especially during time with S/P-albumin<20g/L. RCTs could elucidate whether PAC is warranted in NS.

Abstract [sv]

Bakgrund: Kronisk njursjukdom, CKD, definieras som ihållande nedsatt njurfunktion, mätt som nedsatt filtrationshastighet i njurens små kärlnystan eller andra tecken på njurskada, såsom äggviteläckage i urinen. CKD kan orsakas av flera olika sjukdomar som till exempel diabetes, högt blodtryck eller inflammation i de små kärlnystanen (glomerulonefrit). CKD delas in i stadier där stadium 3 innebär moderat nedsatt njurfunktion, stadium 4 är allvarligt nedsatt njurfunktion och stadie 5 innebär att patienten så småningom behöver njurtransplanteras eller starta dialys (stadium 5D). CKD drabbar upp till 10% av befolkningen och bidrar till ökad risk för en rad följdsjukdomar inklusive hjärtrytmrubbningen förmaksflimmer. Av patienter med CKD stadium 4–5 har upp till 20-25% förmaksflimmer. När hjärtats förmak flimrar står blodet mer still och får chans att levra sig, bilda blodproppar. Detta kan leda till att små proppar lossnar, far i väg från hjärtat till hjärnan och orsakar stroke. Patienter med förmaksflimmer i den allmänna befolkningen behandlas ofta med blodförtunnande läkemedel, antikoagulantia, för att förhindra stroke. Traditionellt sett har man använt den blodförtunnande medlet warfarin. Det senaste decenniet har nya blodförtunnande läkemedel, DOAK, börjat dominera. Patienter med mer än moderat nedsatt njurfunktion har till största del uteslutits från stora randomiserade läkemedelsprövningar (RCTs) av antikoagulantia. Detta beror delvis på att CKD i sig medför ökad blödningsrisk. Därför är det oklart om patienter med allvarligt nedsatt njurfunktion och förmaksflimmer ska ha blodförtunnande, eller om den ökade blödningsrisken medför att antikoagulantia ska undvikas.

Nefrotiskt syndrom är ett specialfall av njursjukdom som innebär ökad risk för venösa proppar. Traditionellt sett har dessa patienter behandlats med förebyggande blodförtunning, men det saknas studier på dess effekt och säkerhet.  

Syftet med våra studier var att undersöka nytta och risk med blodförtunning hos patienter med njursvikt stadium 3-5D samt hos patienter med nefrotiskt syndrom.    

Metod: Drygt 12 000 patienter med förmaksflimmer och CKD stadium 3-5D har identifierats med hjälp av samkörning av Svenskt Njurregister och Patientregistret. Blodförtunnande behandling identifieras med AuriculA, register för förmaksflimmer och antikoagulantia, samt Läkemedelsregistret. Jämförelse mellan grupperna görs med regressionsanalyser justerade för kända riskfaktorer för stroke och blödning, så som ålder, tidigare stroke och njurfunktion. I studie I jämförs warfarin och ingen blodförtunning med avseende på risken för stroke pga. propp samt allvarlig blödning. I studie II jämförs warfarin och DOAK med avseende på samma utfall. I studie III studeras hur kvaliteten av warfarinbehandlingen spelar roll för utfallen. Studie IV identifierar patienter med nefrotiskt syndrom i Västernorrland via journalgranskning. Patienter som fått förebyggande blodförtunning jämförs med de som inte fått blodförtunning, utfallen som studeras är venösa proppar och blödning. Här studeras även hur grad av albumin i blodet över tid korrelerar med risk för propp och blödning.

Resultat: Studie I: Vi fann bland 12 106 inkluderade patienter att warfarinbehandling med god kvalitet jämfört med ingen blodförtunnande behandling medförde nästan halverad risk för stroke pga. blodpropp. Kostnaden för strokeskydd var en nästan 30% ökad risk för blödning med warfarinbehandling. Blödningsrisken var betydande (oavsett behandling eller ej) i CKD stadium 5-5D, här var allvarlig blödning mer än dubbelt så vanligt som stroke.  

Studie II: Bland 2453 inkluderade patienter var DOAK associerat med lägre risk för blödning jämfört med warfarinbehandling av god kvalitet, men strokerisken skiljde sig inte mellan behandlingarna.  

Studie III: 2379 patienter med warfarinbehandling inkluderades. Studien visade att risken för framför allt blödning, men även för stroke, minskade med förbättrad kvalitet på warfarinbehandlingen.  

Studie IV: Bland 95 inkluderade patienter med nefrotisk syndrom drabbades 7,4% av venös propp och 18% av blödning, 4% allvarlig blödning. Förekomsten av utfall skiljde sig inte mellan de som fick förebyggande blodförtunning och de som var obehandlade. Gruppen som fick behandling hade troligen högre grundrisk för propp, varför det är svårt att uttala sig om behandlingen ändå gjorde nytta eller ej. Risken för både venös propp samt blödning ökade flerfaldigt vid tid med lågt albumin i blodet (s-albumin<20g/L).   

Slutsatser: Warfarinbehandling är associerat med en lägre risk för stroke på grund av blodpropp hos patienter med förmaksflimmer och CKD stadium 3-5D. Risken för blödning ökar dock av warfarin, en risk som redan är hög hos patienter med CKD, framför allt i stadium 5-5D. Blödningsrisken kan minskas med förbättrad kvalitet på warfarinbehandlingen. DOAK ger minskad risk för blödning jämfört med warfarin och verkar vara ett attraktivt alternativ, även hos dialysbehandlade patienter. Frågan kvarstår dock om blodförtunnande alls ska ges vid CKD 5-5D, på grund av den höga blödningsrisken. Enbart RCTs kan besvara denna fråga. Tills vi har bättre svar bör blodförtunning inte användas rutinmässigt vid förmaksflimmer och CKD 5-5D. Risken för venös propp och blödning är hög vid nefrotiskt syndrom och risken ökar vid tid med S-albumin<20g/L. Frågan om förebyggandeblodförtunnande behandling är indicerad vid nefrotisk syndrom kan inte besvaras av vår studie, även här behövs en RCT.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Umeå: Umeå University , 2023. , p. 84
Umeå University medical dissertations, ISSN 0346-6612 ; 2261
Keywords [en]
Anticoagulants, atrial fibrillation, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, DOAC, ischemic stroke, major bleeding, nephrotic syndrome, venous thromboembolism, warfarin.
National Category
Urology and Nephrology
Research subject
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-216166ISBN: 978-91-8070-181-5 (electronic)ISBN: 978-91-8070-180-8 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1809670
Public defence
2023-12-01, Aulan, Sundsvalls sjukhus, Sundsvall, 09:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2023-11-10 Created: 2023-11-05 Last updated: 2023-11-06Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Efficacy and safety of warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and CKD G3-G5D
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Efficacy and safety of warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and CKD G3-G5D
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2022 (English)In: Clinical Kidney Journal, ISSN 2048-8505, E-ISSN 2048-8513, Vol. 15, no 6, p. 1169-1178Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Background: Observational data comparing warfarin with no treatment for patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) and severely reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are conflicting and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are lacking. Most studies do not provide information on warfarin treatment quality, making them difficult to compare.

Methods: This national cohort study investigates the risk of ischaemic stroke and major bleeding during warfarin treatment compared with no oral anticoagulants in patients with NVAF, GFR category 3-5 (G3-G5) or on dialysis (G5D), with kidney transplant recipients excluded, between 2009 and 2018. Data extracted from high-quality Swedish national healthcare registries, including the Swedish Renal Registry, AuriculA-the Swedish national quality registry for atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation- A nd the Stroke Registry.

Results: At enrolment of 12 106 patients, 21.4% were G3, 43.5% were G4, 11.6% were G5 and 23.6% were G5D. The mean time in the therapeutic range was 70%. Warfarin compared with no treatment showed a lower risk for ischaemic stroke for G3 {hazard ratio [HR] 0.37 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.18-0.76]}, G4 [0.53 (0.38-0.74)] and G5 [0.49 (0.30-0.79)] and an increased risk of major bleeding in G4 [HR 1.22 (1.02-1.46)], G5 [1.52 (1.15-2.01)] and G5D [1.23 (1.00-1.51)]. All-cause mortality was more than halved on warfarin compared with no treatment in all GFR categories.

Conclusions: Warfarin treatment is associated with a lower risk of ischaemic stroke for patients with NVAF and G3, G4 and G5D at the cost of a higher risk of major bleeding for G4-G5D. Existing observational data are conflicting, stressing the need for RCTs on warfarin compared with no treatment in G4-G5D. Awaiting RCTs, it seems reasonable to treat selected patients on dialysis and NVAF with warfarin.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford University Press, 2022
anticoagulants, atrial fibrillation, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, ischaemic stroke, major bleeding, warfarin
National Category
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-201468 (URN)10.1093/ckj/sfac022 (DOI)000760423800001 ()2-s2.0-85142642457 (Scopus ID)
Region Västernorrland, LVNFOU938547Swedish Heart Lung Foundation, 20200766
Available from: 2022-12-06 Created: 2022-12-06 Last updated: 2023-11-06Bibliographically approved
2. Direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and CKD G3-G5D
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and CKD G3-G5D
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2023 (English)In: Clinical Kidney Journal, ISSN 2048-8505, E-ISSN 2048-8513, Vol. 16, no 5, p. 835-844Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Background: The use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) and advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) including dialysis is growing. Several studies have shown favorable results of DOAC compared with warfarin regarding bleeding risk but no difference in stroke protection. However, these studies had poor time in therapeutic range (TTR), in the warfarin comparison group.

Methods: This was a Swedish national cohort study investigating the risk of ischemic stroke and major bleeding on DOAC compared with warfarin in patients with NVAF, glomerular filtration rate category 3-5D (G3-G5D), kidney transplant recipients excluded, between 2009 and 2018. Data extracted from high-quality national healthcare registries including the Swedish Renal Registry, AuriculA (the Swedish national quality register for AF and anticoagulation) and The Stroke Register.

Results: At enrolment, of 2453 patients 59% were treated with warfarin (mean TTR 67%) and 41% with DOAC. Overall, 693 (28.3%) had G3, 1113 (45.4%) G4, 222 (9.1%) G5 and 425 (17.3%) G5D. DOAC compared with warfarin showed lower hazard of major bleeding [hazard ratio 0.71 (95% confidence interval 0.53-0.96)] but no difference in ischemic stroke risk. Mortality was increased during DOAC treatment [1.24 (1.01-1.53)], presumably not a causal association since fewer fatal bleedings occurred on DOAC.

Conclusions: DOAC treatment, compared with warfarin, is associated with almost 30% lower risk of bleeding in patients with NVAF and CKD G3-G5D. The stroke risk is comparable between the treatments. This is the first study comparing DOAC and well-managed warfarin (TTR 67%) in advanced CKD. Ongoing and planned randomized controlled trials need to confirm the possible benefit of DOAC.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford University Press, 2023
anticoagulants, atrial fibrillation, chronic kidney disease, dialysis
National Category
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems Urology and Nephrology
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-214743 (URN)10.1093/ckj/sfad004 (DOI)000942734700001 ()37151425 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85171785255 (Scopus ID)
Region Västernorrland, LVNFOU938547The Swedish Stroke AssociationThe Swedish Kidney Foundation, F2022-0084The Swedish Kidney Foundation, F2021-0105Swedish Heart Lung Foundation, 20200766
Available from: 2023-10-02 Created: 2023-10-02 Last updated: 2023-11-05Bibliographically approved
3. Warfarin treatment quality and outcomes in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and CKD G3-G5D
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Warfarin treatment quality and outcomes in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and CKD G3-G5D
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2023 (English)In: Thrombosis Research, ISSN 0049-3848, E-ISSN 1879-2472, Vol. 229, p. 131-138Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Introduction: Warfarin treatment quality is calculated as time in therapeutic range (TTR). TTR ≥ 70 % is considered reducing the risk of adverse events for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The association of TTR and adverse events in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is however poorly investigated. The aim is to explore this further.

Materials and methods: Swedish cohort study based on national healthcare registers between 2009 and 2018, including Swedish Renal Registry, Swedish Stroke Register and AuriculA - the Swedish national quality register for AF and anticoagulation. Investigating the effect of individual TTR (iTTR) and iTTR ≥ 70 % versus <70 % on the risk of ischemic stroke, major bleeding and death for patients with CKD GFR category 3–5 (G3-G5) including patients on dialysis (G5D) and non-valvular AF (NVAF).

Results: Of 2379 included patients 21.9 % had G3, 47.5 % G4, 10.8 % G5 and 19.8 % G5D. TTR in G3 was 75.6 %, G4 72.2 %, G5 67.6 % and G5D 62.0 %. Increase by 10 percentage points iTTR conferred lower risk of major bleeding, ischemic stroke and death for all patients (hazard ratio 0.91 (95 % Confidence interval 0.87–0.94), 0.92 (0.85–0.99) and 0.88 (0.85–0.90)). iTTR≥ 70 % versus <70 % was associated with lower risk of bleeding and death in all patients (0.63 (0.51–0.77) and (0.51 (0.43–0.61)), and a non-significant tendency towards lower stroke risk (0.67 (0.43–1.06)).

Conclusions: Warfarin treatment quality worsens with decreasing GFR. Higher iTTR confers lower risk of bleeding, ischemic stroke and death in patients with NVAF and G3-G5D. iTTR ≥ 70 % was associated with better safety profile. Close monitoring of patients with CKD on warfarin is recommended.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2023
Anticoagulation, Atrial fibrillation, Bleeding, Chronic kidney disease, Dialysis, Ischemic stroke, Warfarin
National Category
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-212400 (URN)10.1016/j.thromres.2023.07.003 (DOI)37453255 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85165087883 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Heart Lung Foundation, 20200766Region Västernorrland
Available from: 2023-07-28 Created: 2023-07-28 Last updated: 2023-11-05Bibliographically approved
4. Prophylactic anticoagulants to prevent venous thromboembolism in patients with nephrotic syndrome: A retrospective observational study
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Prophylactic anticoagulants to prevent venous thromboembolism in patients with nephrotic syndrome: A retrospective observational study
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2021 (English)In: PLOS ONE, E-ISSN 1932-6203, Vol. 16, no 7, article id e0255009Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Background: Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is associated with increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Guidelines suggest prophylactic anticoagulants to patients with high risk of thrombosis and low risk of bleeding, but the evidence behind this is poor. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness and risks of prophylactic anticoagulants (PAC) and investigate risk factors for VTE and bleeding in NS.

Methods: A retrospective medical records study including adults with NS, biopsy proven glomerular disease in the county of Västernorrland, Sweden. Outcomes were VTE, bleeding and death. Patients divided into PAC- and no PAC group were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Patient time was divided into serum/plasma(S/P)-albumin intervals (<20g/L and ≥20g/L) and VTE- and bleeding rates were calculated.

Results: In 95 included NS patients (PAC = 40, no PAC = 55), 7 VTE (7.4%) and 17 bleedings (18%) were found. Outcomes didn’t differ significantly between the PAC and no PAC group. Time with S/P-albumin <20g/L conferred higher rates/100 years of VTE (IRR 21.7 (95%CI 4.5–116.5)) and bleeding (IRR 5.0 (1.4–14.7)), compared to time with S/P-albumin>20g/L.

Conclusion: Duration of severe hypoalbuminemia (S/P-albumin <20g/L) in NS is a risk factor for both VTE and bleeding. There is a need for randomized controlled studies regarding the benefit of PAC in NS as well as risk factors of thrombosis and bleeding in NS.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2021
National Category
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems Hematology
urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-191269 (URN)10.1371/journal.pone.0255009 (DOI)000685247800018 ()34319998 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85111583644 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2022-01-13 Created: 2022-01-13 Last updated: 2023-11-06Bibliographically approved

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