In this work, the morphology, surface composition, and electronic properties of porous GaN films containing hexagonal V-shaped pits were studied. The V-pits are orientated along the [0001] direction of GaN, and we observed a clear relation between the growth time with the surface composition, film thickness, and pit morphology, which in turn had a significant impact on the band gap, valence band maximum, and the work function. The effect on the position of the valence band maximum and work function is explained by the formation of superficial oxygen-rich phases such as Ga2O3 and nonstoichiometric GaNxOy as supported by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT). We further show a change in the optical band gap with the thickness of the porous films explained by a change in the tensile strain caused by open-core screw dislocations that gives rise to the formation of V-pits. The correlation between strain and the band gap is supported by DFT calculations. Our study provides insights into the intricate relation between surface states and electronic properties of semiconducting materials and offers directions for designing GaN heterojunctions with specific optical and electronic properties.