Sekretess och tystnadsplikt inom offentlig och privat hälso- och sjukvård: ett skydd för patientens personliga integritet
2012 (Svenska)Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Abstract [en]
This thesis focuses on the protection of the patient’s privacy in health care in Sweden. It is crucially important that the patient has confidence in the health care and that patient data are kept secret from other persons and authorities. A patient who is unsure about secrecy and confidentiality may choose not to provide data that could prove necessary for health care personnel to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Some individuals might even avoid seeking medical help from fear that data may be spread to outsiders. Inadequate protection of sensitive data may lead to the confidence of citizens in health care eventually eroding or vanishing completely. Protection of patient privacy is thus of fundamental importance in this area.
In the area of health care, the intention of the legislator is that the regulations regarding secrecy in public health care and confidentiality in private health care will guarantee protection of patient privacy. Secrecy in public health care is regulated mainly in Chapter 25, Section 1 of the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). In private health care, confidentiality is regulated mainly in Chapter 6, Section 12, first paragraph, and Section 16 of the Swedish Act on Patient Safety (2010:659).
The overall purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyse the legislator’s intentions and the juridical construction regarding the rules of secrecy and confidentiality, from the perspective of patient privacy. The starting point of the thesis is that the patient’s privacy should be strongly protected.
One of the main conclusions is that the legal construction cannot be considered to be in accordance with the legislator’s intention that the regulation of patient privacy protection should constitute a strong protection for the patient’s privacy, be comprehensible, clear and easy to apply for health care personnel, as well as being the same in both public and private health care.
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Iustus förlag, 2012. , s. 389
Skrifter från Juridiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet, ISSN 1404-9198 ; 27
Nyckelord [en]
confidentiality, consent, data, duty to disclose, health care personnel, health care provider, legal guardian, medical record, patient, privacy, public and private health care, secrecy
Nyckelord [sv]
sekretess, tystnadsplikt, samtycke, data, uppgiftsskyldighet, hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal, vårdgivare, legal ställföreträdare, patientjournal, integritet
Nationell ämneskategori
förvaltningsrätt; offentlig rätt; hälso- och sjukvårdsforskning
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-58429ISBN: 978-91-7678-824-0 (tryckt)OAI:, id: diva2:548222
2012-09-21, Samhällsvetarhuset, Hörsal C, Umeå universitet, Umeå, 10:15 (Svenska)
2012-08-312012-08-302018-06-08Bibliografiskt granskad