Within the traditional view of the business administration discipline perhaps the topic of marketing is responsible for promoting the most of unsustainable values and behaviours. Many are the marketing courses and textbooks that implicitly or explicitly promote increasing consumption, questionable sales tactics and unethical pricing strategies. Based on this, marketing has been perceived as part of the problem rather than the solution to societal problems such as the depletion of natural resources, overconsumption, pollution and unhealthy lifestyles. However, researchers and teachers in marketing at universities and business schools are realizing this problem and this realization sometimes carries over into courses and textbooks on green marketing, sustainability marketing, green marketing management, marketing ethics and ethical marketing. In fact, in recent years most of the large publishing houses have started to supply textbooks for these types of courses to cater to this demand. In view of the sustainability discussion and the importance of researchers and teachers in business administration interacting with students on these topics the question arises what these types of textbooks communicate. What types of sustainability issues are presented in relation to marketing, and from what perspectives? The purpose of this working paper is thus to present a review of recent textbooks in the area of sustainability marketing and analyse how sustainability and marketing perspectives are presented in these. In short, in what way does this recent stream of textbooks in green marketing facilitate or hinder the development of business as unusual?