Bioassays with a non-target slug (Deroceras spp.) and chemical analyses were conducted using leaf tissue from already existing genetically modified insect-resistant aspen trees to examine whether genetic modifications to produce Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins could affect plant phytochemistry, which in turn might influence plant-herbivore interactions. Three major patterns emerged. First, two independent modifications for Bt resistance affected the phytochemical profiles of leaves such that both were different from the isogenic wild-type (Wt) control leaves, but also different from each other. Among the contributors to these differences are substances with a presumed involvement in resistance, such as salicortin and soluble condensed tannins. Second, bioassays with one Bt line suggest that the modification somehow affected innate resistance ("Innate" is used here in opposition to the "acquired" Bt resistance) in ways such that slugs preferred Bt over Wt leaves. Third, the preference test suggests that the innate resistance in Bt relative to Wt plants may not be uniformly expressed throughout the whole plant and that leaf ontogeny interacts with the modification to affect resistance. This was manifested through an ontogenetic determined increase in leaf consumption that was more than four times higher in Bt compared to Wt leaves. Our result are of principal importance, as these indicate that genetic modifications can affect innate resistance and thus non-target herbivores in ways that may have commercial and/or environmental consequences. The finding of a modification-ontogeny interaction effect on innate resistance may be especially important in assessments of GM plants with a long lifespan such as trees.
Many plant families have aromatic species that produce volatile compounds which they release when damaged, particularly after suffering herbivory. Monarda fistulosa (Lamiaceae) makes and stores volatile essential oils in peltate glandular trichomes on leaf and floral surfaces. This study examined the larvae of a specialist tortoise beetle, Physonota unipunctata, which feed on two M. fistulosa chemotypes and incorporate host compounds into fecal shields, structures related to defense. Comparisons of shield and host leaf chemistry showed differences between chemotypes and structures (leaves vs. shields). Thymol chemotype leaves and shields contained more of all compounds that differed than did carvacrol chemotypes, except for carvacrol. Shields had lower levels of most of the more volatile chemicals than leaves, but more than twice the amounts of the phenolic monoterpenes thymol and carvacrol and greater totals. Additional experiments measured the volatiles emitted from M. fistulosa in the absence and presence of P. unipunctata larvae and compared the flower and foliage chemistry of plants from these experiments. Flowers contained lower or equal amounts of most compounds and half the total amount, compared to leaves. Plants subjected to herbivory emitted higher levels of most volatiles and 12 times the total amount, versus controls with no larvae, including proportionally more of the low boiling point chemicals. Thus, chemical profiles of shields and volatile emissions are influenced by the amounts and volatilities of compounds present in the host plant. The implications of these results are explored for the chemical ecology of both the plant and the insect.
Non-random distribution patterns of specialized phytophagous insects on their hosts may depend on intraspecific differences in plant tissue quality, including nutrients and secondary compounds. Secondary compounds are involved in plant resistance, but are also important for the recognition and acceptability of plants as resources by specialized insects. If individuals within a plant species vary in their content of such secondary substances, there may also be qualitative differences between them. In such cases, natural selection will favor insects with the ability to distinguish and prefer the more suitable plants. In Sweden, the leaf beetle Gonioctena linnaeana Schrank (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) is highly specialized on one host, the native willow Salix triandra L (Salicaceae). Field observations reveal that some host plants in a population harbor many feeding larvae, causing severe defoliation, whereas neighboring plants may have few or no feeding larvae. Our hypothesis is that the distribution pattern of G. linnaeana larvae in this population results from qualitative differences between individual host plants in combination with the ability of G. linnaeana females to distinguish between plants that are suitable and not suitable for offspring performance. We examine whether larval survival differs depending on diet and whether the content of secondary chemical compounds explains female preference. Based on the higher survival rate of larvae reared on leaves from preferred hosts, we conclude that G. linnaeana females have evolved a behavior that maximizes offspring performance and thus positively affects female fitness. A chemical survey of the plants indicates that luteolin-7-glucoside and an unidentified flavonoid are important for separating the preferred from the non-preferred plants.