Aims and objectives. Testing the psychometric properties, reliability, and validity of a cross-cultural translation into Swedish of the Icelandic instrument “ICE-Family Perceived Support Questionnaire” and, furthermore, reporting estimations of support given by nurses to families in a sample of parents of children with congenital heart defects.
Background. Parents of children with congenital heart (CHD) defects often experience greater psychosocial morbidity than parents of children with other medical conditions. In order to design and evaluate interventions with family-centered support, a suitable instrument for measuring family members’ perceived support is required for the Swedish context.
Design. A translation and psychometric testing of the instrument ICE-FPSQ.
Methods. A sample of 97 parents, including both fathers and mothers, of children with CHD selected in year 2012. A translation of the ICE-FPSQ into Swedish was done, and reliability and validity were tested for the Swedish version.
Results. Parents scored low on perceived family support from nurses on the ICE-FPSQ scale. The Swedish version of the ICE-FPSQ was found to be reliable and valid in this context. Reliability was tested by analyzing internal consistency through Cronbach’s α for the entire scale and the two subscales. Test-retest was performed by calculating intra-class correlation, and the results showed satisfactory scale stability over time. The results from the validity test illustrated an acceptable model fit of the Swedish version.
Conclusion. This study, by psychometrically testing an instrument for Swedish conditions, has provided an instrument for measuring families’ experience of cognitive and emotional support from nurses to families in Sweden. Additionally, the present study found while testing this instrument that nurses at four pediatric cardiac outpatient clinics only sparingly offered family-centered care to the parents.
Relevance to clinical practice. The Swedish version of ICE-FPSQ can be considered useful to measure the effects of family-centered support interventions in the future.